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Registration: 04-09-11 10:13 PM (5028 days ago)
Last Activity: 01-13-25 06:19 PM

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Last Post: 12-13-24 09:30 PM
    in I'm tired of censorship in video games... (Video Games)
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lolid23's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Sakura Beach Inma's art looks nice, and...not much else. I won't review Sakura Beach, Patrick Star already wrote a good review of this game.
Sakura Beach After spending 30,000 viz and skipping through all the dialogue, I can say for sure that this ''game'' (it's a visual novel) doesn't have a lot in its favor.
NEKOPARA Vol. 3 After reviewing Nekopara Vol. 3, my next review will be of Shining Resonance Refrain (Switch version), Rabi-Ribi (Switch version), Kill la Kill - IF (Switch version), or Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 (Switch version) of those games.
NEKOPARA Vol. 3 This is still a serious review of course, it's not an April Fools joke and everything I wrote still stands.
NEKOPARA Vol. 3 And it's finally here, my review of Nekopara Vol. 3 is on the correct page, I hope I don't have to repost a review ever again.
NEKOPARA Vol. 0 I don't know if I'll post more screenshots, in any case, that's a good way of taking screenshots, the screenshots I've posted look great!
Blue Reflection Yeah, I really like how this page looks and all ''Fifteen Girls'', fifteen screenshots. ''Beautiful Girls'', beautiful graphics, beautiful game.
Blue Reflection All right, this is enough. I think I won't post more screenshots after this...
Blue Reflection Man, I really can't contain myself when it's about this game...I think I'll post more screenshots later...
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies is also for PC, as many people know.

lolid23's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2
09-16-24 07:00 PM
''Welcome Back, Copen!''
It's time for a review of the Nintendo Switch version of Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2, my first Gunvolt was my first Gunvolt game because it has english voices unlike the previous games, when it was announced that Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 was also going to have English voices, my reaction was ''finally! Now I'll play a Gunvolt game for the first time!''...anyway, Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 is a game rated T for Teen, and as you may or may not know, one of its content descriptors is ''Mild Suggestive Themes''...with that said, let's begin.

Story: I can confirm that you don't need to play the previous game to understand the story in Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2, it's a platformer with a story that has little to do (if any) with the last game. Really, the story is just ''Copen, Lola and Kohaku end up in a different world, where they meet a robot named Null and now, Copen, Lola and Kohaku have to return to the world where they belong.'' Obviously there is a bit more than that and there are more characters in the story, but the game is a platformer and a game that at most takes 5, 6, or 7 hours to finish and as I said, at most. What the game offers in terms of story works, I like the story in Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 and not much else. Definitely a 7/10 at best.

Graphics: One of the best parts of the game. Like Rabi-Ribi, Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 has a pixelated art style and it looks great. The pixel art is better than other games that also use sprites and the game looks beautiful at times, the hanging gardens is probably the best area graphically speaking. The 2D art looks great, it's another anime style game and the characters look detailed in 2D, there are some short sequences/animations and they always look great, unlike other anime style games, the characters don't blink or move their mouths when they speak but at least they look great and as I sa... Read the rest of this Review
Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution
06-21-24 05:43 PM
''Yeah! Interrogate, cross-examine, brutalize!''
It's time for a review of another Neptunia game. Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution is the most recent Neptunia game in the west and it's also, for now, the most recent Neptunia game in general, next week a new Neptunia game will be released in Japan but at least for a few days, this will still be the most recent Neptunia game. Anyway, Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution is another action RPG like the previous game Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters, the game is kind of different compared to the last game (but also has similar aspects) and the result is...interesting. Let's begin.

Story: In Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution, the main character is Older Neptune, also known as ''Adult Neptune'', the other Neptune who had her first appearance in Megadimension Neptunia VII, in the world of Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution, different game companies, known as Makers, are constantly competing with each other for shares, or share energy, the source of the power of the goddesses, in this game ''a new Game Maker steps into the fray, attempting to endure the battle for survival in Gamindustri.'' That Maker is Victory, the new company led by Older Neptune, she became the CEO of the company where 3 new characters, known as ''failure goddesses'', are working wanting to make fun games, and the new characters, Pippih, Jagaa and Reedio are based on video game consoles that sold poorly (Pippin, Jaguar and 3DO respectively). The story is less dark compared to Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters and other Neptunia games, in fact, Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution isn't really a dark game until the final chapters, near the end of the game it's when it really gets dark more or less, but overall, the story has its (fun) moments and it's always a game that makes you want to see what happens next. Other Neptunia games are darker but at the end of the day, Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution also has a fun and good, even great, story. It even has different dynamics between the characters compared to other games... Read the rest of this Review
Astria Ascending
05-26-24 10:03 PM
''Not that I would know of such things...''
I'm back with a review! My first review in several months and my first review of 2024, I've been playing other games this year (I recently beat the PS4 version of Sand Land, and yes, I won't review that game but I recommend it) and I can still review many games. Astria Ascending, released in 2021, is another game developed by Artisan Studios, yes, this game is made by the same developer that developed Super Neptunia RPG, a game I really like more or less, and yes, like Super Neptunia RPG, Astria Ascending does have fan service...let's leave it at that. Anyway, let's begin!

Story: The game begins with a narration that mentions different races, it shouldn't be a surprise that, like other RPGs, Astria Ascending takes place in a fantasy world (Orcanon) where different races live in, ahem, harmony. The story in simple terms is ''there is evil that wants to destroy the peace/harmony of the world and we have to stop them'', the enemies or monsters in the game are called ''noises'' or ''discordancias'' in the spanish translation. The different races are Arktans, Awisis, Zefts, Peyskas and Meryos, and yes, if you play the game you'll definitely memorize at least 2 of those terms. For the most part the story of Astria Ascending is very black and white when it comes to morality, there are moments where the villains question the role of the heroes and give a monologue that almost makes you question the heroes but as I said, it's very black and white for the most part and not very morally complex, which is fine, I don't have a problem with that. One or two revelations keep the story interesting and overall, I like the story of Astria Ascending and it works, the story could be even better and the cast of characters isn't the best but I still like the characters (Ulan is a decent protagonist). I want to point out that Astria Ascending takes itself very seriously and the game only made me laugh once (and it wasn't a moment in the game that was trying to be very funny or an... Read the rest of this Review
08-27-23 06:29 PM
''Everyone's welcoming Miru back with presents...''
Rabi-Ribi is, using a term I don't use that much, a Metroidvania for several platforms, the Nintendo Switch version of Rabi-Ribi is a great version of the game, like other versions I guess, and Rabi-Ribi is a very fun game I would say, an awesome 2D game, I can say for sure that the people who developed the game genuinely tried to make a good game, where the fan service is just something extra that complements the experience depending on your tastes or who you ask, compared to something like Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed or Harem Girl Isabella (both games also available for Switch), Rabi-Ribi really tries to be a well made game...and it succeeds. Let's begin!

Story: The game has a more or less basic story that works for the game and at least makes you want to see what happens next. The main character Erina wakes up in an unfamiliar place with a human appearance, she used to be a normal rabbit in size and appearance but now she looks like a human with (real) rabbit ears. Erina is soon reunited with her master Rumi (a touching moment that made me say ''aaah'' out loud) and then she'll embark on a mission to find/rescue Rumi's younger sister, Miru. The story is only a little interesting and it's not a complex story of course, but I like it and I as I said, it works for the game. It helps that at least pretty much all the characters are likeable, Rabi-Ribi has a great cast of characters (almost every character in the game is a female character) and they are very likeable, I can't hate the cast of characters in a game when several characters speak in third person, characters who speak in third person have a special place in my heart, it's one of my weaknesses to be honest, and several characters in Rabi-Ribi speak in third person including the main character herself, I love the fact that Erina speaks in third person at least every once in a while. Overall, a good story with, more than anything else, a fantastic cast of characters.

Graphics: Rabi-... Read the rest of this Review
Sable's Grimoire
07-17-23 07:54 PM
''I'm baaaack! Did you miss me?''
My first review in more than 2 months. Sable's Grimoire is another visual novel, like Legends of Talia: Arcadia, it's a visual novel published by Gamuzumi, at least the console versions are published by that company...Legends of Talia: Arcadia is not a visual novel I recommend getting, not anymore at least, and that's because it's developed by Winged Cloud, I don't support the idea of buying games developed by Winged Cloud, so, forget about my review of Legends of Talia: Arcadia. Anyway, I won't get more off-topic, I have a lot to say about the Nintendo Switch version of Sable's Grimoire, so...let's begin!

Story: The story is about Sable Labyr becoming a student in the famous academy Amadronia Academy (or just Amadronia), described by Sable as ''a place of learning and discovery'' and where ''anyone who wields magic power, great or small, may become a student here''. Sable is an aspiring magic researcher or scholar and wants to learn more about magic, his own powers, etc, by studying in Amadronia, and so, his life as a student in a famous but also notorious academy begins. There are few (if any) twists in the story, I would say that like other games, Sable's Grimoire is another game with a school setting that manages to be interesting, at least because of how unexpected and wild the life in Amadronia Academy can be, there are different characters that are mostly likeable and at least the first time you play the game, you always want to see what happens next, add some funny moments and drama and you have one of many games with a school setting that, like the Persona games and the first Blue Reflection game for example, is engaging when it comes to the story. It's a game published by Gamuzumi, so, there is also suggestive art or situations if one is interested in that kind of art and content. Overall, a great story in my opinion.

Graphics: Compared to other games and visual novels, in Sable's Grimoire it's obvious that the background and sprites/2D a... Read the rest of this Review

lolid23's Last 7 Game screenshots (83 total) (view last 250)

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