supersaiyensoni.. 06-29-12 - 02:38 PM Duke Nukem Forever Has Already Come Out!
nobatu77 06-12-12 - 05:52 PM hi
catbert225 05-27-12 - 06:53 AM yay
fuducker81 05-06-12 - 09:03 AM Duke Nukem is beast!
Sephirothxxxxxx.. 01-06-12 - 08:34 AM Where did my save go!?
EclipseGoA 08-22-11 - 08:44 AM yo malakai
EclipseGoA 08-22-11 - 08:36 AM wassup
money7 07-12-11 - 12:45 PM nupe
pyro6616 07-06-11 - 03:52 AM its out now but did not get a ver good word
yoshiboy 06-27-11 - 08:37 PM wtf mine wont work DX
pokemonballz 06-03-11 - 06:14 AM I cant wait for duke nukem forever ! it sounds great
cameraguy256 05-28-11 - 06:46 PM Duke nukem Forever demo coming out on the 3rd of June :D
darklink555 05-20-11 - 03:43 PM dah game nu wurk
Bruh__ 04-17-11 - 11:12 AM Lol
Dashaun5 04-16-11 - 12:20 AM can u play games w1th 0ther pe0ple 0n here
Duke_Nukem 04-06-11 - 08:55 PM @macktv94 It's been pushed back to June 14th US June 10th Worldwide
loki666 02-25-11 - 12:04 PM hey u guys having problems downloading the plugin?
DukeNukem101 01-31-11 - 06:43 AM Who Ever Created Vizzed .com Is A Genius. You Are Truly Successful, Thank You For Putting So Much Effort Forward. You Have My Respect And I'm Sure Who Ever Is Part Of Your Site!
macktv94 01-21-11 - 07:43 PM hey may 3rd duke nukem forever comes out
macktv94 01-21-11 - 07:43 PM just starting
poisonsting 12-15-10 - 04:09 PM i am next numeral after fifth
DaltonSezHi 11-30-10 - 12:39 PM 5th
mikeflipshouses 11-20-10 - 01:10 PM 4th YP the god
413600 10-05-10 - 03:46 PM IM Third
XxReaper781xX 08-14-10 - 06:29 PM im 2nd lmao