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Play Your Games

Play any game rom online from your computer or from an external URL on this page.

Page Comments

luigi25 - 03-31-23 06:46 PM
I just got it working. This might just bring me back to what I came here for. Then again, it stopped! I quit this site!!
luigi25 - 03-26-23 07:41 PM
I just got it working. This might just bring me back to what I came here for.
NoxHardigan - 03-18-23 03:30 PM
Why do some games show a gray screen when they should be working? This has happened with several games that I have already played. The latest was The Dynastic Hero from TGCD.
luigi25 - 02-14-23 06:43 PM
This thing just don't work. I give up!
NoxHardigan - 01-11-23 01:13 AM
Can't seem to get the "play your game" link to open. It just doesn't load when I click it. Please help!
west - 05-09-22 03:01 PM
can we use vizzed on homebrew 3DS / 2DS ?
Jejejxkwkdnms - 12-26-21 01:13 AM
Whitelaiko - 12-13-21 06:46 PM
golden zxe
AwesomeGamer100 - 02-03-21 10:51 PM
Can someone put html5 emulators on the play your games page?
AwesomeGamer100 - 01-10-21 05:05 PM
Can someone put html5 emulators on this page?

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