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10-25-24 08:47 AM
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Vizzed GO

Top Statistics

Most Caught
1. claytune: 716
2. Furret: 436
3. classgame: 313
4. no 8120: 291
5. Barathemos: 267
6. lolid23: 265
7. pennylessz: 259
8. Minuano: 257
9. supercool22: 252
10. becerra95: 250
Level Accumulation
1. natethefox: 58264
2. nakina: 56794
3. Andrewl3779: 55305
4. claytune: 51372
5. EX Palen: 33261
6. jnisol: 27074
7. Silverclaw454: 26955
8. blackvelvety: 23599
9. no 8120: 23514
10. thing1: 22310
Most Traps Laid
1. claytune: 16823
2. mannycovar: 14822
3. Andrewl3779: 11532
4. nakina: 8511
5. natethefox: 8369
6. miljana: 4275
7. no 8120: 4272
8. themr01: 2844
9. 2up: 2450
10. supercool22: 2028
Active Traps
Total Traps Laid
Total Catches
Total Unique Trappers

Page Comments

EX Palen - 01-07-24 05:49 PM
Not in the top 10 for most catches or traps laid, but 5th in level accumulation. Talk about some big quality catching xD
becerra95 - 08-25-23 05:16 PM
We not too active
xmiguel4x - 08-24-23 04:00 PM
Nice to see you guys are still active
natethefox - 11-01-22 05:15 PM
ok do we REALLY need vizzed GO? theres no point than to just trap.
tRIUNE - 02-22-21 05:48 PM
Good deal... lure unaware users to this page (me being a former admin) lol
thing1 - 04-15-20 01:01 PM
There is no point. It was an April Fools joke that went big. Being caught means nothing. You get caught by being a page when somebody has a trap placed on that page.
thing1 - 04-15-20 01:01 PM
There is no point. It was an April Fools joke that went big.
DemonicGhost98 - 10-30-19 04:15 PM
Idk what the point of vizzedgo is... or what the point of catching users is
Blacksmith84 - 10-30-19 10:26 AM
What does getting caught mean?
Dash456 - 10-19-19 10:48 PM
How did I get caught?

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