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meowth795: Thread = PuffyJulieAmiYumi (01-19-25 - 20:53 pm)

SacredShadow: Thread = 1,000,000 Post Exp! (01-19-25 - 11:00 am)

computernorman12: Thread = Retroarch and emulatorjs have updates (01-19-25 - 07:58 am)

GordonKoopa: Thread = What is going on with RetroArch? (01-19-25 - 05:11 am)

newlifechat: Thread = Use mouse as light gun (01-17-25 - 14:36 pm)

gamerforlifeforever: Thread = 100K CP Milestone! (01-16-25 - 23:33 pm)

gamerforlifeforever: Review = Mario Golf: Advance Tour review (01-16-25 - 22:59 pm)

fermindavid: Thread = Spam (01-15-25 - 05:59 am)

Dauntez: Thread = Post layout help. (01-13-25 - 01:18 am)

SacredShadow: Donation = $10 (01-12-25 - 22:54 pm)

claytune: Thread = Worst Sports Moments? (01-12-25 - 22:21 pm)

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classgame: Thread = How often do you cook from scratch? (01-10-25 - 06:54 am)

Davideo7: Thread = Tour de Vizzed Hall of Fame Page = Fixed (01-07-25 - 08:38 am)

SacredShadow: Review = Elden Ring Review (01-06-25 - 21:58 pm)

tgags123: Review = Breath of the Wild Review (01-06-25 - 13:55 pm)

tgags123: Thread = Sexism Against Men (01-06-25 - 11:16 am)

Dauntez: Review = Minecraft review! (01-05-25 - 21:23 pm)

zanderlex: Thread = Cool Steam Deck things (12-23-24 - 10:06 am)

LeeEel: Thread = Game boy problems (12-22-24 - 15:47 pm)

Seishiro Leonhart: Thread = Passing by (12-19-24 - 10:40 am)

sea__moss: Thread = zelda2 return (12-17-24 - 01:47 am)

marioboy: Thread = New Virtua Fighter announced (12-13-24 - 06:13 am)

Clean: Donation = $10 (12-12-24 - 22:46 pm)

MrFausty: Netplay Session = Ended (12-09-24 - 09:30 am)

dragonmel: Thread = Digimon World 3/2003 Help (12-08-24 - 06:31 am)

TheTrueUlti: Thread = Anyone here heard of BYOND Dream Maker? (11-29-24 - 23:29 pm)

lolid23: Thread = I'm tired of censorship in video games... (11-29-24 - 20:02 pm)

supercool22: Donation = $25 (11-20-24 - 09:02 am)

cafeman55: Thread = which forum do i put on broken Mame and other games? (11-05-24 - 02:37 am)

Anand32: Thread = Spam Thread (11-02-24 - 12:57 pm)

pokemon x: Thread = Restricted Thread (10-31-24 - 18:25 pm)

shadowrules: Thread = a somewhat of a re-introduction! (10-27-24 - 02:44 am)

EX Palen: Thread = Doing worse when you're doing better than ever (10-26-24 - 05:41 am)

BNuge: Thread = Restricted Thread (10-25-24 - 01:41 am)

bvd1022: Thread = Been a while, but I'm back (10-22-24 - 06:58 am)

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victimvictim: Thread = Deleted (09-28-24 - 12:21 pm)

lolid23: Review = ''Welcome Back, Copen!'' (09-16-24 - 19:00 pm)

supercool22: Thread = Restricted Thread (09-10-24 - 22:14 pm)

Awesomedude210: Thread = Hi (09-05-24 - 07:54 am)

llshadowz: Thread = Crash 5 / Spyro crossover canceled? (08-25-24 - 20:12 pm)

LilGB: Review = Sonic Gaiden Review (08-18-24 - 14:44 pm)

doppler221: Donation = $25 (08-17-24 - 23:43 pm)

rodeoneerer: Thread = Outpost: Infinity Siege - A Sci-Fi Strategy Epic (08-06-24 - 03:07 am)

pokemon x: Donation = $50 (07-30-24 - 18:33 pm)

tornadocam: Thread = Parakarry Bio (07-30-24 - 13:10 pm)

tornadocam: Article = Easter Eggs in Games (07-28-24 - 12:51 pm)

tornadocam: Walkthrough = Mario Advance Guide (07-27-24 - 12:51 pm)

classgame: Walkthrough = Cluefinders 3rd Grade Adventures (07-27-24 - 07:36 am)

Page Comments

Bashersmasher - 06-15-23 10:50 PM
why cant i play any pokemon games?

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