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cooldragon1990 is Offline

Trusted Member
Real Name: Harrison
Location: Colorado
Age: 34 (04-03-90)  Gender: Male
Registered: 09-24-11 02:03 AM (4860 days ago)
Posts: 136  Threads: 63
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Level: 27    Experience: 110575
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Last Activity: 01-13-25 12:00 PM
  Viewing Vizzed Board
Last Post: 02-10-18 01:31 AM
  Doomed 64 Review


Just got a PS4, but I can't play any multiplayer cause I don't have PS Plus enabled cause I am poor. The new Resident Evil is pretty dang awesome so far. Pretty scary, but I am brave(ish)

I am a big fan of Pokemon hence the Mystery Dungeon games. For some really odd reason I can't stand playing as a cute Pokemon (Chikorita's are an exception) but if I have one as a Partner, I am okay with it. Just something about playing as an amnesiac human turned into Piplup or somehthing bugs me and can't take it seriously. I don't like a lot of grass types but open to using them and of course use the occasional electric or bug/poison types.

I am fairly easy going and I hate talking bad about things. Because of this, I am probably one of the few fans of Final Fantasy XIII, (I haven't beaten it but I did like it when I played it) Metroid Other M (everyone hates this game.... I defend my liking this game because I haven't played a lot of Metroid games outside starting and never finishing other games. I didn't play Super Metroid as a kid, or Metroid Prime so I don't know the back story outside fairly obvious stuff. I just don't like saying something sucks... which brings me to liking the infamous Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens Colonial Marines.

I have social anxiety so I pretty much stay off to the side but I can talk to people, I just get really really nervous upon doing so or stay silent. Imagine someone being shy on the internet!

If you are stalking this profile for whatever reason and would like a to play Castle Crashers on Steam (probably the only multiplayer game I have outside Duke Nukem Forever) with me than you are more than welcome to send me a private message and explain why or how you would like to do so as I ignore random messages with no context, explanation or knowledge of who this person is that sent me this PM.

I get bored easily late at night or whenever so I am open to chatting when I am on Vizzed and can be bothered to do so

Page Comments

no 8120 - 04-04-21 05:43 AM
your welcome hope you had a nice Birthday
no 8120 - 04-03-21 05:18 AM
Happy Birthday
no 8120 - 04-03-20 04:07 AM
Happy birthday
thing1 - 12-30-16 10:14 PM
look who still gets online

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