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Wolfen112 - 08-15-24 06:33 PM
this is my first day back in many many years. I thought it was long gone! so glad it isnt
cliser - 08-12-24 04:07 PM
Glad to come back and see this site still alive and kicking. This was my childhood arcade room throughout middle and high school. Still annoyed that my original pc broke and all my saved game data is gone but this place brings back so many memories and im happy its still alive. Davideo if you see this comment, thank you and keep doing your thing. We all love the time and energy you put in to keep this master piece alive despite the challenges and setbacks.Also screw nintendo for getting rid of the pokemon roms lol
Earthgal - 05-30-24 10:03 PM
Yay! I got back in! Hope all is well! : )
Ted8989 - 03-23-24 02:47 AM
Glad the site is still here. What happened to the cartoon room ?
andyman - 03-09-24 10:46 PM
So good to see the site still up and running. This is my first visit in ten years. My old computer stopped accepting the emulators for some reason and I could never work out why. On a new computer now and so good to be back.
TrevSmith75 - 12-22-23 08:58 PM
Hi guys, am new to site. Am hoping to get everything working but am still having a few teething problems. Anyway, Merry Christmas to all 🙂
kcosgrovelakers - 10-28-23 03:27 PM
It's been a while since I last played an online game again back to my nostalgia days of old when I was a kid or I was not born yet.
reacts303 - 08-15-23 06:54 PM
mr nintendo kinggg
t1mmy - 05-24-23 05:08 PM
I stumbled on this webpage and it had an awesome old school gamer feel.
kcosgrovelakers - 02-25-23 10:11 AM
I've not been here in a while. It's been a while since the last time I play arcade games on the laptop. Because, I was busy playing mobile games on both devices. Crazy. One for the game and the other. Same game I used to play on both devices at the same time, NBA Live mobile. iPod Touch 7, and my Cloud Mobile Stratus C5 Elite Smartphone. A mid smartphone for me to use I guess. I've been playing with this Cloud smartphone for 4 months, and I've used this Apple iPod Touch 7 since summer of 2019. Almost 4 years now. So, I'm having a good experience. Since I'm just getting myself entertained during Quarantine.

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