SuperSonicFan25 07-03-13 - 10:50 AM @MarioSonic23: Yeah it happens. or it could be a bug that the hacker dicided to leave in to give it that "Beta" feel to it
naisser45 06-25-12 - 02:14 PM im starting
shadowrules 06-18-12 - 06:45 AM i feel like a prototype :3
MarioSonic23 06-14-12 - 09:17 PM 2nd: Turning super, moonwalking, unexpected ending, crashes.
MarioSonic23 06-14-12 - 09:16 PM 1st time: Play it and go through it.
sonic the hedge.. 06-09-12 - 10:43 AM knux killed a foe by walking ftw
MarioSonic23 06-03-12 - 04:15 PM I passed Green Hill act 3 but it said I passed Act "5"
IceKirby 05-31-12 - 09:12 AM The End
IceKirby 05-31-12 - 09:10 AM Kirby 2 Delta Style
shadic_x 05-13-12 - 03:04 PM cool game
SuperSonic780 05-12-12 - 07:40 AM when u select miles alone, in the character name place it remains as sonic!
Kramerica Indus.. 04-02-12 - 04:12 PM It seems to me that the controls for this game are slightly erratic.
ocarinazelda 03-03-12 - 11:28 AM No boss on Wood Zone (5th
tRIUNE 03-03-12 - 12:58 AM It's fixed
Elifeli123 02-13-12 - 05:15 PM dang
Chibifox 01-25-12 - 07:27 PM The staff says they're going to fix the downloading error soon
MonoKrome44 12-21-11 - 08:21 AM it wont work. it says there is a "downloading error"
MonoKrome44 12-21-11 - 08:21 AM it wont work. it says there is a "downloading error"
gasgon 08-19-11 - 03:07 PM shiiiit
sonicxsonicx 05-18-11 - 09:22 AM get it? SEGA! BETA! .... Yea...
sonicxsonicx 05-18-11 - 09:22 AM BETA!