sonicbros 12-09-14 - 04:09 AM Not bad,i still prefer Buster's Hidden Treasure but this one is quite good too
Awesome5000 12-05-14 - 05:20 AM i finished this game,lotta fun,good job konami !
DarkWitchofDream 04-19-14 - 09:52 AM I couldn't remember the name of this game for the longest time, awesome find!
Deleted Account.. 08-30-12 - 03:54 PM This was my game when I was a child!
rodgol 06-27-12 - 08:59 PM not spammmmmm
florida0 06-13-12 - 05:49 PM beat this game, was awesome
klayb 01-16-12 - 10:25 PM FCK YESSS
DeathCIoud 07-11-11 - 11:17 PM You say more of a childrens game ..... what did you expect... This is tiny toon adventures not the terminator ,,,, dumb people
bree_manson 02-23-11 - 08:20 PM nhiia , nice game *-*
ColoradoNoe 12-28-10 - 04:54 PM my favorite part of this game isthe mini games and football part
supersonic170 12-17-10 - 03:27 PM i cant playyy
TayKai 12-09-10 - 03:09 PM i missed this game
TayKai 12-08-10 - 11:48 AM why wont it work :(
8bitgamer 10-07-10 - 04:50 PM more of a childens game
EarthwormHelen 09-10-10 - 05:40 PM I love this game!
blisful 09-01-10 - 02:55 PM realy good game you should try
chilton123 08-27-10 - 09:20 PM o fo sho
biggie101 08-01-10 - 11:17 AM this game is the best
stanwellman 05-17-10 - 04:41 PM didnt think i would ever get to play this game again
spyroguy101 05-13-10 - 01:15 PM awsome game
michoacanoforli.. 01-31-10 - 02:28 PM yay lol