Stevenpavelish1.. 09-28-15 - 12:01 PM LOL Sonic Studium!
baseballer05 04-23-15 - 10:30 AM You can move freely while paused.
Megaman.EXE 01-28-15 - 04:43 PM it's a beta for knuckles chaotics
mariosonic123 12-28-14 - 10:59 PM Looks like a potential sonic game, It's so sad what happened to it later.
GameBoy1023 10-20-14 - 01:31 PM Sonic Crackers? Where's Sonic Pancake, Sonic Sandwich, or Sonic Potatoes? Come on, EGGA! We know you can produce another food related game!
mrhello 03-31-13 - 08:04 AM i think it said on a wiki that this game was turned into knukles chaotix.
mrkoolnerd 09-10-12 - 10:09 PM i'd call this a alpha not a beta but ok
shadic_x 05-04-12 - 07:47 PM this bug
supersonicfan77.. 05-01-12 - 10:15 AM i like the 3d part
supersonicfan77.. 05-01-12 - 10:14 AM good game
SuperSonic780 04-25-12 - 01:47 PM ... i always run out of time
sonicfan 03-07-12 - 01:57 PM i can fly lol
MangaFan2021 12-17-11 - 06:57 AM yup.
cju312 09-20-11 - 05:37 PM noheng
3Chris28 07-30-11 - 05:49 PM This game is better than Sonic '06.
vizz-whizz 07-14-11 - 02:01 PM type in knuckles chaotix after playing this
sabiado 07-11-11 - 08:49 PM hi :D this is a prototype of another mysrious game of sonic rk
joseakadaman 06-21-11 - 10:36 PM on the "bonus stage" press pause and a to end it.
joseakadaman 06-21-11 - 10:36 PM press pause (enter) and you can float around.
joseakadaman 06-21-11 - 10:35 PM this game was made into knuckles chaotix. look it up
stacyhedgehog 05-21-11 - 08:36 PM this is kind of slow and annoying
sonicxsonicx 05-10-11 - 04:29 PM LOL WUT? I WENT TOO I AND I GOT A GAME OVER!
klonoa 04-18-11 - 09:11 PM sonic's arm stretches too far
galactic cyrusX 03-30-11 - 09:48 PM WTF Is up with the rings, it says I have 0, but when I touch the spikes I lose rings I never had!
rk12 12-18-10 - 09:54 AM no offense but knuckles chaotix was better, notice something familiar between Mighty in Chaotix and Chaotix altogether? And the music? (hint: this is Chaotix's prototype)