cafeman55 06-08-18 - 02:25 AM greg and dan brought me here so i tried this game and it was ok, no memorable tunes though besides the tiny tunes theme
tRIUNE 09-08-15 - 03:53 PM Seems to be fixed now
tRIUNE 09-08-15 - 03:28 PM The save state problem seems to be only with the Gens emulator. Until we can fix the this, the Mednafen emulator doesn't have the problem.
huntra1291 09-08-15 - 02:56 PM just so you know the save state feature is not working. ive tried it twice and wouldnt work
dragonslayer444 02-12-14 - 08:10 AM 100 times better than any of the 16 bit mario or sonic games great platformer this one.
zeross121 07-27-13 - 05:25 PM I'm having trouble with the third area of the game I'll give it another go tomorrow
reddragon89 05-03-13 - 05:38 PM Does anyone know how you save your game?
Gabemba 08-16-12 - 11:45 PM I used to play it every single day.
skydrive93 06-10-12 - 06:07 PM -.-
skydrive93 06-10-12 - 05:58 PM low loading
axellokito 05-19-12 - 11:04 PM yupiiiiiiii
mypen890 05-16-12 - 08:20 PM 1701400
xCheesekake 04-27-12 - 02:12 AM helloooooo xD
mypen890 04-17-12 - 06:13 PM F you
chsaggies2005 03-29-12 - 04:56 PM i beat the whole game
Medik0 12-09-11 - 12:56 PM Best Sega Game Ever
lolid23 09-15-11 - 07:39 PM the final boss of this game is very easy
Eddy88 09-11-11 - 03:58 PM Today is one of these days in where My Internet Connection is Slow... It Takes so Much in Download!
player69 07-30-11 - 01:48 PM from where i can install plugins ?
player69 07-30-11 - 01:48 PM WTF
edimundis 06-24-11 - 04:50 PM i still have this game in my wardrobe. hehe
ChrissyBob 04-25-11 - 01:06 PM hello :)
PureAlma 04-20-11 - 10:03 AM oh my god! i used 2 play this game when i was about 5 or 6 like rileyskye my memories are coming back lol
ryukendo 02-09-11 - 07:22 AM nao consigo acc
ryukendo 02-09-11 - 07:22 AM gente