Awesome5000 01-05-15 - 11:54 AM Classic oldschool childhood fun
Will1 12-24-14 - 11:10 AM Kind of didn't know if I would like this game at first as I played it I started to like it
ruercoz 05-15-12 - 08:30 PM yeah
kinohacker 05-15-12 - 11:46 AM NICE GAMES HERE
1dogcat2 04-03-12 - 01:32 AM wooow
Rene502 01-26-12 - 10:55 PM Data vice
gmpiprani 08-15-11 - 09:53 AM i love this game i cant believe i found it
gmpiprani 08-15-11 - 09:53 AM hi
how are you
26 m karachi
Titan1987 05-13-11 - 12:57 AM haha I remember going over to my best buddies house and playing this for hours!
mmecca59 04-26-11 - 03:11 PM this game was the s*** i was like 10 when i pl
killknife1 04-06-11 - 12:33 AM man u guys r so lucky that u have thos amazing memorys im 17 i dont have anything >.
the3rdmuskateer 02-28-11 - 11:09 PM im so happy i found it again wow.
the3rdmuskateer 02-28-11 - 11:08 PM holy s*** i played this game years ago
fromhell999 01-31-11 - 12:01 PM such an awesome game, i feel like im 9 again. me and my big brother used to play this for hours on hours
shadowfiish 12-29-10 - 10:52 AM omg!! great game ever!
miky85 11-15-10 - 07:08 PM i also love this game!
miky85 11-15-10 - 07:07 PM hi
Kurogane123 08-20-10 - 11:19 AM i love this game i cant believe i found it
jjruhs 06-15-10 - 08:32 PM i love this game brings back good memories of childhood
JoeMacFan91 05-09-10 - 10:19 PM am i the only one that plays this game??
JoeMacFan91 05-09-10 - 05:50 PM hi?