An Awesome & Blended GameWell, hey guys, so, I decided to move on with more somewhat interesting and cool Sonic 2 hacks. Similar to my previous review for "Sonic 1 and 2", this one is also somewhat blended with 2 original and awesome games, which is Sonic the hedgehog 2 and 3, however, it is blended differently from the previous game I reviewed, which I will explain shortly. Well, I hope this review turns out well and let's go ahead and get started on this review!
Intro: An Awesome & Blended Game?Well, I thought it would actually be best to start out with explaining what I meant in the title of this review. So, from the title of the game, "Sonic 2- S3 Edition", some or maybe even most of you can guess virtually most things about what this Sonic 2 hack is. Anyways, to explain it, the original game, "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" got modified and some cool features from "Sonic the Hedgehog 3" has been imported right into this game and it was blended in really smoothly, along with other modifications and unoriginal but awesome additions. In fact, I was very impressed when I tried out this hack, which really made me want to review it after a while. To basically explain how the "Sonic the Hedgehog 3" features were smoothly blended in with Sonic 2 in this hack, there is a slightly modified title screen to feel a bit more like Sonic 3's title screen, you can play as knuckles with all of his awesome abilities, the Sonic 3 save data
select screen was implemented perfectly in this hack, the Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles sprites are all from Sonic the hedgehog 3, Tails has the ability to fly, but, sadly, he can not carry Sonic (I don't know why, it just won't work), some zones (I think only emerald zone and chemical plant zone) has a mini-boss after you finish the first act, plus, it plays the Sonic 3 & knuckles mini-boss soundtrack, some zones has an alternate and modified soundtrack in the 2nd act (very awesome), all monitors from Sonic 3 and Sonic's double attack ability has also been imported to this hack, and one last thing, there are actually some small but cool cut-scenes when you finish a zone! (I hope I didn't miss any other features) Now, I have introduced you to the new features in this Sonic 2 hack, let us (try to) delve in more to the game!
Gameplay: 9And now, let's talk about the gameplay. So, there aren't that much changes from the original but there were a few. So, firstly, the physics seem to be almost the same to Sonic 2 or Sonic 3's physics, however, Sonic seems to move slightly faster than normal at times. However, it is a bit difficult to predict if the physics were actually modified from the original or not. But, what really matters here, is that the physics are good. When Sonic jumps and falls down, the gravity is, of course, very realistic and good. Sonic moves up and down in the air at a realistic speed instead of being a magnet or jumping high like an inflated balloon (which a few sonic hacks would have which completely messes up everything). Now, as for Sonic's speed in running, that is definitely like how it is supposed to be like. Which is, very fast, but yet, very controllable. To explain even further, when you run, Sonic would start off a little slow for like 1-3 seconds depending on the steepness of the ground, then, he quickly gets faster like how he should be. When Sonic goes up a hill, he slows down a bit, when he goes down a hill, he moves pretty fast, just like how real physics should be like.
Now, another thing to point out is the Sonic 3 features that were imported into this Sonic 2 hack. Firstly, I'll start off with the monitors. All Sonic 3 monitors have been imported into this Sonic 2 hack, and they all do the same thing that they would do in the original game. It deflect projectiles, protect your rings for one hit, and gives Sonic some special moves depending on the shield he is equipped with... etc. Which I must say, very awesome, very impressive. Another thing is that Sonic's special moves where all imported from Sonic 3. He can do the double attack and use a shield for extra special moves. Knuckles' special moves were also imported, he can glide and climb. Awesome! Tails' special moves were also imported too, Tails can fly and swim, however, he can not seem to carry Sonic, which sucks, but... oh well. Not a big deal. Also, of course, all 3 of them can obviously do the spin dash by holding down while on the ground, and tapping the jump button, then let go. Just imagine, Sonic 2 zones + Sonic 3 features = awesome!
Graphics: 8Well, now, we move onto the graphics! Really, overall, the graphics were not really that changed from the original, but there are still a few modified things and a few things added too. Let's start off with the title screen and it's appearance. So, the title screen looks mostly.... original. Sonic and Tails both look original, heroic, 2 good friends, young.... etc. The background of the title screen is also original, plain (kind of), but a beautiful blue sky with a nice blue sea (or ocean or river or whatever it is....), and some land. Now, one modified thing aboutthe title screen is the part that says, "Sonic 2" on it. I can definitely notice that it is indeed not original, but, I guess it looks pretty cool. It is shiny (kind of) and vivid. Looks a little better than original (or about the same, maybe), and looks slightly a bit like Sonic the hedgehog 3. Well, not really that much like Sonic 3, but, still kind of gives you that feeling that this hack is more of an "S3 edition", which kind of helps to serve it's purpose of this Sonic 2 hack. Now, the next thing is, the Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles sprites. Of course, as I have mentioned earlier, they are simply taken from Sonic the hedgehog 3, which is of course, original. But, it is supposed to be an "S3 edition" for this Sonic 2 hack, after all. I'll say that I like the Sonic 3 sprites, will, to be honest, it is a little hard to compare the Sonic 2 sprites to the Sonic 3 sprites. They both just look good and about the same quality. Really a bit hard to compare. Anyhow, the sprites are clear, colorful, and show some decent art in it. As for the zones, they are mostly the same like the original Sonic 2. They are very clear, bright, colorful, somewhat eye catching, and... Something that gamers would want to look at while playing their favorite game. As for the mini bosses, they seem like some sonic 2 or 3 sprites that were somewhat modified to be a different boss and it looks pretty good and similar to the original.
Sound: 9Ahh yea. The next thing we now move on to in my review is the sound. Sadly, there isn't that much interesting things here to talk about. But, let's start off with the one and only real interesting thing here, which is, the modified act 2 background musics for some of the zones. Sadly, about almost all or most of the zones' act 2 background musics were left unchanged. Anyways, some of the zones that had changed background musics in act 2, were done pretty well. They sound somewhat similar to the original act 1 background music but a bit tweaked up and changed enough so it can be different enough for an act 2 background music, similar to what Sonic 3 has. I must say, it does sound pretty catchy, fitting, and decent quality, just like how I would rate the original, but it is different for the sound track. And, as for everything else, the sounds do seem a bit unchanged. However, the mini bosses actually has the Sonic 3 & knuckles' mini-boss background music, but somehow, it just feels a little different in my ears than the original. I'm not 100% sure if I'm just hearing things or if that is actually true. Though, it does sound beautiful just like the original. As for all other Sound effects and background musics that were not modified, they are indeed original, very catchy, decent quality, and of course something gamers would want to hear while they are playing their favorite game.
Addictiveness: 9
Well, this is indeed one of my most addicting sonic hacks I play. If you basically love playing the original Sonic the hedgehog 2 and the original sonic the hedgehog 3, (or at least love playing one of them), then this Sonic 2 hack will be pretty addictive for you! (Maybe) What mainly makes me addicted to this game is that I really love the Sonic 2 zones, however, I also love all the Sonic 3 features at the same time, and this hack has both the Sonic 2 zones with extra things that has Sonic 3 features! Therefore, a combination of that would really make this game pretty addicting. You just want to play it again and have that Sonic 3 experience and feeling while playing the awesome Sonic 2 zones. It's fun to also glide around as knuckles, fly around with tails, or play around with the cool shield power-ups and Sonic's special abilities with them! To mostly sum that up, a combination of 2 awesome things in 2 awesome games is the ultimate formula to make an awesome addictive game.
Story: 6UGh. Another boring thing to talk about in my game review. Well, as you already know, it is all that simple and overused Sonic story again. Sonic and/or tails or knuckles simply has to defeat Dr. Eggman and foil his evil plans before it is too late. Really, nothing so interesting, though, I do give credit for the cut-scenes after each completed zone that somewhat add to the story a bit, but it doesn't really modify the story and make it anymore interesting, however, it doesn't matter so much and it doesn't really hurt the reputation of Sonic games that much since it is mostly an insignificant portion about Sonic games that no one really cares about. Of course, everyone, including me, simply just wants to jump right straight into action! However, a story in a Sonic hack can make the Sonic hack even better.
Depth: 10Now, let us go ahead and think a bit about this one. What does this game offer? After all of this, what rating would you expect? Of course, it gets an amazing rating! It literally has loads of Sonic 3 features and modifications similar to Sonic 3 in this Sonic 2 hack. You have the save data feature imported from Sonic 3, all special abilities and all special moves of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles imported from Sonic 3, some zones have a modified act 2 soundtrack and mini-bosses, and there are cut-scenes after you finish each zone. However, one really BAD thing about the cut-scene, is that if you are not standing on top of the thing that releases all the innocent animals at the end of act 2 in each zone, Sonic and Tails or knuckles may just stand still and do nothing or basically run into the capsule with innocent animals inside and simply keep pushing it instead of jumping over it, and you can NOT even control them at that moment, which will force you to reset the game since I doubt you would just want to stare at them do nothing for forever. Other than that, you got those cool features and options in this game, which therefore, makes the game pretty deep. I would rate it a 10 (possibly lower if the cut-scene glitch happens often).
Difficulty: 7
Well, it mostly depends on the zone. Some zones are a simple piece of cake, other zones are one heck of a challenge, it's kind of random, really. However, you got Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles' special moves which can make some things a bit easier for you in certain cases. To be honest, I don't know what else to say. The zones don't really have any annoying traps or horrible badniks, though, some of the final bosses can be hard. (Well, thats for me)
OVERALL: 9Well, that is about it for my review. Overall, it is a pretty good Sonic 2 hack. Thank you for reading this!
8 Sound
9 Addictive
9 Depth
10 Story
6 Difficulty