Action 52: Oh, Dear God, Why?Why does this game even exist? Why? EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS GAME IS WRONG!!!!
Since this "game" doesn't have a story, I'll explain why the developers wanted you to buy this game. Imagine you're a kid in 1991. You're tired of paying 50-60 dollars for 1 NES game, and you want more bang for you're buck. Along comes Action 52, a game that, supposedly, gives you 52 "new and original exciting games" all for $200. That's around $4 a game. What a deal, right?! Well, imagine paying $200 for a broken game. Not broken like snapped in half, but broken in the way old consoles get after years of use. They work, but not enough to justify the asking price.
The NES is known for having some graphically impressive games for it's time. Many NES games released around the time the SNES was around also had to up there ante. This games graphics look like they could've been done in the NES's launch days. Not only that, but there are some questionable graphic choices in some of the games, like making protagonists WAY to tiny, and making enemies safety pins. Yes, safety pins.
Aside from the cheetahmen theme, there is nothing appealing to the ear at all. You'd rather hear a cat being mutilated to death then the songs in this game. Not only that, but some of the songs sound oddly familiar. Am I the only one who thinks silver sword sounds like Aisle dance originally on the music studio for the Atari ST? Am I the only one who knows what an Atari ST is?
This is the "highlight" of the "game." The 52 games in here have some variety. I say some because the variety in this game gets watered down by the excess of platformers/space shooters. Seriously, there is around 10 2D shooters and 20 platformers. Not only that, but some games refuse to work. In fact, playing "Jigsaw" and "Alfred and the fettuc" crashes the game. Nice. (On a side note, what the heck is a fettuc? Is it supposed to be fettuccine?)
The game is supposed to hook you with it's exciting and original games. Well, pretty much all these games are bad ripoffs of other NES games, so that debunks the original theory. And Exciting, really? If you dare, look up gameplay footage of this game and tell me this game looks exciting. I dare you. Not only that, but in the 2D space shooter games, you can just spam the fire button and no enemies will spawn.
Interesting thing about this game:
Believe it or not, there was a contest for people who bought this game. If you beat level 5 of the ooze game, you would be entered in a drawing where you would win $104,000, ($52,000 spending money and a scholarship of the same amount.) Unfortunately for the enteries, the game crashed at level 3 unless emulator or exploit, which was against the rules. The prize was never given out.
This is a horrible game. The only reason anyone should play this game is curiosity. Other then that, let this game die out. Now.