girlyman 07-07-16 - 03:41 PM how the f*** do i talk to people
Sir-metaknight2 06-11-16 - 08:02 PM Best Gba megaman ever
well, best serie
Lexatom 01-10-16 - 03:18 AM This series is good, but I still like the ZX series more.
funkyfeline 09-04-15 - 03:08 PM This game series was the reason why zero was way cooler than X
supersayian45 08-31-15 - 03:31 PM awesome game
HotSparker 07-05-15 - 04:41 PM Megaman Zero series was the best GameBoyAdvance Megaman series
AmnesiaMaster28 02-12-15 - 04:32 PM @shadowmario2314
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED (whenever I'm motivated to)
shadowmario2314 01-23-15 - 07:26 PM anyone want to make a hack of this game for a new story?
darksonic12 12-22-14 - 04:52 PM games not hard if you know what to do and how to do it.
TonesyToaster 09-01-14 - 12:10 PM By "right key", I meant "correct key." Not the directional kind of "right."
TonesyToaster 09-01-14 - 12:08 PM @712pm
To enter that door, you push the up key. If that doesn't work, check the controls to see which key that is. If you are pressing the right key, make sure you are standing in the middle of the doorway before pressing.
712pm 06-09-14 - 10:20 AM how do enter through the door a
part one after the first boss i pull up the control list
and pressed about every button and
can't seem to move on.
Neo Arcadia 04-23-14 - 04:01 PM An excellent game, Megaman Zero surpasses the Megaman X series. Also if anyone needs help completing the stages video my video guides on the Megamanman Zero game page
Mada 04-01-14 - 09:48 AM if only i had a controler this would be so much fun
reamestwin 03-09-14 - 03:23 PM you guys are bad im half way in the game and i havent even used an elf to power up
bubba2005 01-08-14 - 10:58 PM hey could u make an easy or whaterfer kindof hack cause i cant even beat the first level
OmegaTheShadow 12-17-13 - 08:29 PM Didn't even give the shield boomerang a single glance, and I barely touched the triple rod either.
zaratejames 12-15-13 - 08:19 PM can someone please hack this game
I kinda suck at it :/
gameingman123 09-12-13 - 04:45 PM to hard i love this game but every single boss is hard i counldent even beat the first in minutses of the game
Chicken_Noodles 05-28-13 - 03:44 PM awesome...
Chicken_Noodles 05-24-13 - 06:43 PM cant beat anything on this game..
neostarman 04-07-13 - 04:55 PM I love THIS GAME!!
mr_seanjackson 02-23-13 - 08:18 PM this game is awesome!!!!1!!!
M3T4H3DR0N 12-12-12 - 12:49 AM cool game and all, but for me the lack of a dash button makes it pretty much unplayable. Maybe I just got spoiled on MMX.
Orgrim 10-25-12 - 05:32 PM I beat the first boss with the blaster before I figured out how to use saber. I thought he was hard because ZERO is an old game. It never occurred to me that any boss in an old game could be easy!