sarahthevaphog 08-16-19 - 09:04 PM My progression is not saving for reasons...
peaches399 03-02-17 - 02:32 PM to ppl wh odont know how to do intro cartoon, in the remake 2011, it plays when u start game. in original which is this wait at title screen for 1 minutedont touch or press ANYTHING and it will play
baseballer05 03-31-15 - 05:26 PM This is to kwd2004: Toot Toot Sonic Warrior is the title screen theme and the invincibility theme in this version.
baseballer05 03-10-15 - 02:43 PM SANIC CD
baseballer05 03-09-15 - 04:52 PM I got a Good Future in Palmtree Panic on my first time playing.
jonathanzygorodi 09-13-14 - 02:48 AM SANICS FAST
Flowerstar 03-20-14 - 01:48 PM I used to have this game back then but nowadays, I don't know where my family have put it.
SacredShadow 03-06-14 - 09:42 PM This has to be the most expensive game on vizzed I have ever seen.
marc-gamer 02-22-14 - 10:35 AM To remind everyone on the "Fun is infinite" message, please know that the signature is not "Majin", it is "Madin".
marc-gamer 02-22-14 - 10:34 AM Wait at the title screen and you might see the intro cutscene. Well either that, or some gameplay demos.
floobadoo 01-10-14 - 05:34 PM Hey how do i play the intro carton? It wont play when i start the game D:
floobadoo 01-10-14 - 05:21 PM I memorized were the robot machine things are from playing the phone version of this :P
TheExpertJK 01-04-14 - 01:20 AM A small comment...
Since the European version is somehow a copy of the original Sonic CD [Japanese version], the creepy message, "Fun is infinite, Sega Enterprises, Madin" the background music different from the US version. The music was catchy. :D
JT Daddy17 10-20-13 - 08:53 PM How do you configure the controls in this game?
Ulysses1234567 10-01-13 - 05:00 PM I got my hopes up for the US soundtrack on sonic CD But now theirs the EP Verion :D
Clovertheclever 09-04-13 - 06:34 PM Forgot all about this game. I love this one. I remember being a kid when this one came out. gooood stuff maynard~
sonicman120 07-19-13 - 07:47 AM Both JP and US are really good.
If you could if you play the same levels music on both US JP at teh same time it sounds good
parkerjg67 06-22-13 - 04:30 PM how mini viz is it to play
Mmmmmmman 06-10-13 - 10:34 AM That's because European is the original, and the American version was rushed and probably unprepared for the release.
floobadoo 05-27-13 - 03:19 PM american soundtrack is ok, but the european soundtrack is far catchier
mrhello 04-17-13 - 04:28 PM I like to play this because scram the American soundtrack (Except for sonic boom)!So I play dis instead.
Biggestsonicfan.. 04-16-13 - 01:34 PM I hate this glitch, Ever since I went into my first special stage, The sound effects were gone, The music and the game, everything but the sound effects.
floobadoo 03-16-13 - 12:47 PM game wont load! pleaze fix! (i guess its a god thing a have this on my phone...
SuperCrash64 03-02-13 - 10:52 AM what plugin are you using sipersmashmaste