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Sega Genesis
SEGA of America
BlueSky Software
UPC: 10086018431

Released: 10-31-96
Players: 1

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:
3rd-Person Perspective, Platform
Genre Sport:
Arcade, Sci-Fi / Futuristic
Genre Non-Sport:
Arcade, Sci-Fi / Futuristic

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $5.97
Complete:  $24.95
New:  $29.99
Rarity:  4/10

External Websites:
Ebay Listings
Amazon: $4.98
PriceCharting Info

Play Vectorman 2 (GEN) - Online Game | Sega Genesis

Play Vectorman 2 online with Sega Genesis browser emulation for free! Vectorman 2 (GEN) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Vectorman 2

Vectorman 2 Title ScreenVectorman 2 Screenshot 1
Vectorman 2 Box Art FrontVectorman 2 Box Art BackVectorman 2 Screenthot 2
Rating: 8.7
(41 votes)
Plays: 4,130
Filesize: 1,354kb

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Vectorman 2 (Sega Genesis) Screenshots

X Vectorman 2
Vectorman 2
by Zythic M-3 (5/5)
Vectorman 2
by no 8120 (5/5)
Introduction : introduction
Vectorman 2
by Zythic M-3 (4.5/5)
Well, squishing 'em ain't enough.
Vectorman 2
by Zythic M-3 (4.5/5)
This boss ain't another of those bugs...
Vectorman 2
by Zythic M-3 (4.33/5)
Vectorman 2
by Zythic M-3 (4.33/5)
" I became a Tank."
Vectorman 2
by Zythic M-3 (4/5)
"Taste the Scorpio Sting!"
Vectorman 2
by no 8120 (3/5)
Vectorman 2
by no 8120 (3/5)
Vectorman 2
by theweapon2 (3/5)
Misc : What's up?
Vectorman 2
by theweapon2 (3/5)
Misc : Dancing Vectorman

Videos of Vectorman 2 Gameplay

10-22-14 07:08 PM
00:02:56  Views: 26
Vectorman 2 - Vectorman 2 (Sega Genesis) - GamePlay - User video5/5
Vectorman 2 (Sega Genesis) - GamePlay

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Vectorman 2 Featured Review

Vectorman 2 Review by: MetroidVania - 7.7/10

Creepy Crawly Heeby Jeebies
Vector man 2 is the sequel to the genesis game by the same name without a 2. The game was supposedly good enough to warrant a sequel, despite a few issues. The sequel introduces new morphs weapons, and other such things, how does it hold up compared to the original? You'll have to look below to see.

Story: After saving earth from the menace of Warhead, Vector Man returns to his job of dumping sludge into the sun, for some reason... you'd think saving all humankind from a robotic menace would warrant a vacation, but apparently not. On his return trip to earth, Vector Man starts head bobbing to some tunes, when out of nowhere a missile hits his sludge barge, and he's forced to abandon it. He's close enough to earth so that he didn't drift off into space, fortunately for him. However, on his descent he notices large insects flying around, and he shoots them out of the sky, when he reaches the surface he sees an abandoned facility that has been overrun by mutant bugs, which display a destructive nature and worse yet, appear controlled by some unseen intelligence. Vector Man takes it upon himself to save Earth once again. The story isn't as deep as the original , so the story ends up being a bit weaker than the original, but it's still a pretty okay plot.  6/10

The music in Vector Man 2 varies, some is great, some is lackluster, but something cool is many of the songs use insect noises, and the sound effects are quite satisfying. Unfortunately the genesis' limitations stop the music from sounding as good as it could have. I wonder how the game would have sounded is it was on the Super Nintendo. 7/10

To put it simply, Vector Man 2 is the Donkey Kong Country of genesis, Vector man and some of the enemies are done in 3 D, and the attention to detail is incredible. All the level types look unique, and the enemies are quite varied. Vector Man 2 is probably the best looking game on the Genesis. It isn't as consistent in how good it's levels look as DKC however, certain level types just look plain boring, and the levels themselves usually follow suit, those being the roller blading levels and digging levels, and Shout n' Twist is just nauseating. Most of the levels are quite good however, and they all have a sense of personality, even those with the same theme stick out for how they're structured. 9/10

Vector man 2 isn't too long, but for completionists there's a lot to collect, so it can last a while if you want it to. 7/10

Difficulty: Vector Man 2 wouldn't be too hard, but the screen zoom makes it quite difficult to see enemies or where you're supposed to jump. It's not insanely hard, but you'll be quite challenged. A lot of enemies also seem to have "sweet spots" that will kill them in one or two hits, but they aren't visible, and are usually very difficult to hit, the prime example of this being the giant scorpion. Two of the bosses also have too much health for that part of the game, those two being the lava creature in scene 7, and Dark Fangs, from scene  8/10

Vector Man 2 is a solid side scrolling shooter, despite a few issues it's still enjoyable and could be considered a Genesis classic, if you're looking for something akin to Contra on genesis, this is a great way to go, just make sure you don't rush through the levels, because you won't see what's ahead.

 Final Score: 7.7/10

  Graphics 9   Sound 7   Addictive 7   Depth 7   Story 6   Difficulty 8

Vectorman 2 Game Description

VectorMan is back, and the robot sludge barge pilot is more awesome than ever! New morphs, power-ups, and special weapons equip VectorMan to battle with Earth's most prolific enemy... mutant insects! Change into the shape of mutant insects with the special Assimilation Morph. Blast enemies with VectorMan's deadly Laser Cannon, Pulse Beam, Fire Ball and Super Shot! Experience fluid, real-time "Vector-Piece" animation, pulsating sounds and vibrant graphics through 25 levels of gameplay!

Vectorman 2 Reviews

Overall 8.7    Graphics 9    Sound 7    Addictive 7    Story 6    Depth 7    Difficulty 8

Creepy Crawly Heeby Jeebies   MetroidVania
Vector man 2 is the sequel to the genesis game by the same name without a 2. The game was supposedly...
  Graphics 9   Sound 7   Addictive 7   Story 6   Depth 7   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 4.3/5     Submitted: 01-11-15     Updated: 01-15-15     Review Replies: 2

Vectorman 2 Highscores

1. 64,360
TimeTrial: 00:13:21
03-28-14 11:36 PM
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Comments for Vectorman 2

Stevenpavelish1.. 09-27-15 - 12:23 PM
 This game was developed by Drooling Dogs Studio!
floobadoo 04-28-13 - 05:31 PM
 i like the music of this one, but i like vectorman's old voice better :3
ryjoebob15 07-31-12 - 10:23 AM
 i am still terrible XD
FistOfTheNoob 06-22-12 - 08:57 PM
 Just playing some old games for that nostalgia
cuddlycactus 10-29-11 - 02:11 PM
thethirdlockett 09-23-11 - 04:21 PM
 i beat this game years ago
RideZeLitenin 11-13-10 - 06:22 PM
 nice lookin game
jak1011 10-12-10 - 02:55 AM
 this games cool

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