Somewhat Scrambled but DecentWell, hey guys, so I got kind of tired from reviewing some simple sonic 1 sprite hacks that doesn't have that much changes so I decided to find a Sonic 1 hack with a decent amount of changes. So, this Sonic 1 hack was pretty much the perfect one to review at the moment since it does have quite an amount of changes and it's not so bad actually. Well, anyways, enough of this talk and lets get started right on to the review!
Intro: So, what about this game?Alright, so, to basically explain what this Sonic game is, it is simply a sonic 1 hack, however, it does have a decent amount of changes. Well, to be honest, it almost feels a bit like scrambled eggs for the changes, however, those scrambled eggs for those changes in this Sonic 1 hack turned out to taste, fairly well. To explain it more, about like, I'll say maybe a little more than 50% of this game was kinda changed around. One thing I'll say is that the zones were completely changed (except for final zone, I think), and it felt more of a different sonic game. Also, the main character, Sonic in this game, was not
replaced with any other character. It felt mostly like a different Sonic game, but similar to the original Sonic the hedgehog 1 in many ways. Anyways, let us dive in even deeper in reviewing this Sonic 1 hack!
Gameplay: 9Well, let's start off with a few things that are significant for the gameplay of old Sonic games. Firstly, physics, of course. From what I have seen after I played this Sonic 1 hack for a while, the physics are mostly similar to Sonic the hedgehog 1. Sonic is not faster nor is he slower than the original Sonic 1, and he has about the same jump height, weight... etc. Which is why I said earlier that this Sonic 1 hack is similar to the original Sonic the hedgehog 1 in many ways. Though, if you actually want me to describe the physics of this Sonic 1 game, I'd say it feels a bit more like real life physics, except, of course, we can not run as fast as sonic in this game nor can we jump high as him. lol. Like, let's say you were to go ahead and through a ball in the air as high as you can, the ball will just go up in the air for a while and then fall down depending on how far you threw it, really, that is kind of similar to when Sonic runs and jumps in this game. Which I must say, pretty good physics, which why I guess it was actually best to leave it original just like the good old Sonic the hedgehog 1 we know instead of messing it all up and making the original and good physics like some kind of pushing force field or magnets. Physics like magnets is definitely not the way to go for Sonic games, which is what I have seen in some modified sonic 1 hacks with different and modified physics. And now, the next thing to talk about that is also an important thing for the gameplay in Sonic games, special abilities! Well, it's not as important as physics but it does help make the game even more fun. So, for this Sonic 1 hack, there isn't really any new or unique special abilities. In fact, there are no special abilities, sadly, however, there is one special abilities or more of a common ability. By hearing the word, "Common ability" for a sonic game, you can pretty much guess what I'm talking about here, the spin dash! Simply hold the down button and tap the jump button for a while to charge up your speed then let go and BOOM, you blast off. Very useful and fun in many cases and of course, you guys already know how this ability works since it is a very common move in Sonic games after all. Now, one last thing, the zones and acts. One somewhat surprising thing is that majority of the zones are completely changed as if they are another sonic game that is somewhat almost flawless. The zones are a lot different and more fun and challenging. One thing I'll really have to say here is that it is full of surprises, especially if this is actually your first time playing this sonic hack. I really don't know how else I should describe the zones. I think I covered the main important points for the gameplay. There isn't much else to talk about other than the physics, special abilities, and zones. That is about it for the gameplay portion in my review!
Graphics: 9Well, now let us talk about the graphics for this game. This time, there are several things that were actually changed from the original Sonic the hedgehog 1! Firstly, lets talk about whats not changed. Most of the Sonic sprites were not changed, they were not modified, well, most of them. The reason I said most of them is because there is one changed thing about Sonic and that change somewhat disappoints me. That change is the way Sonic the Hedgehog actually looks like when he is doing a spin dash. Ehhh... Just very.... Dreadful. He does even look like he is preparing to spin dash and blast off, he just randomly goes in mid-air and looks like some squishy and soft blue ball. It's literally like a soft blue ball getting squished and doing a spin dash in the air, plus, it's not even animated, it just looks like a still and squished blue ball staying in the air. I tell you, the original spin dash animation in Sonic the hedgehog 2 and 3 is far better. Though, it isn't much of a big deal since that is mostly the only flaw I see in the graphics for this game, the rest were either modified in a well done way or it is mostly original. Now, the other things that were not also modified is the thing where it says what zone and act you are in right before the level starts. Like for example, "Green hill zone act 1" and all of the other zones and acts were unchanged. Also, the SEGA and the "sonic team presents" screen that comes once you start the game was also unchanged. And in the title screen, Sonic is also unchanged, however, the background of green hill zone is more like white and "snowy" kind of. I guess. Also, one more unchanged thing is the badniks, they seem to look pretty original. Anyways, time to get to the changed things in graphics for this sonic 1 hack! Firstly, you will notice that all of the zones definitely look different from the original. I'll say that they look pretty well done. Very nice colors and fairly high quality. Now, I'm gonna try to describe some or all of the zones and how they look like.
Firstly, lets talk about green hill zone. So, oddly enough, this zone was supposed to be called, "Cold Forest Zone". (You can find their true names in the level
select screen by pressing up, down, left, right, then press A + enter) Well, it still says green hill zone when you start it but in the level
select cheat menu, there a different names for each zone. So anyways, in green hill zone or cold forest zone, the graphics are pretty impressive. Literally, everything that was green turned into white. It looks like snow, I guess. I must say, it was well done. It still looks pretty similar to green hill zone but the zone is covered in snow instead of green grass (or green land or whatever thats green).
Now, as for the next zone, marble zone, in the level
select cheat, it's real name was supposed to be, "Roman Temple", now, for the colors, it is mostly changed. The land is mostly dark greenish and the outside background looks nearly the same as original. And now, for the bricks, it is much darker, which looks fairly cool and different, but to be honest here, this is the most laziest done graphics than the other zones but it is still, okay.
Now, lets talk about the next zone. The next zone is springyard zone, which was actually supposed to be called, "Sonic Crackers Zone". Now, of course, I'm actually laughing at that name. Hahahaha. Sonic crackers... XD Anyways, I must really say, very interesting, odd, and funny name for a zone really. I have no idea where someone would get a name for a zone like that in a Sonic game. Now, springyard zone or Sonic crackers zone has a few changes from the original. Firstly, the color of the ground and nearly everything is neon green, which looks pretty cool and it's pretty much well done. As for the background of that zone, it is pretty much unchanged. The zone was really covered in neon green pretty well though. Feels very bright and high quality, kind of. Not too bad.
And now, comes the annoying zone that was pretty much annoying in the original Sonic the Hedgehog 1. Labyrinth zone.... Oh boy. Anyways, based off the level
select cheat, it was supposed to really be called, "Ancient Ruin". Well, really, that is not much of a unique name. It is somewhat overused at times. Now, the color of the ground in that zone is pretty much, slightly brighter, however, the background is pretty much slightly darker with a shade of red compared to the original one. I'll have to say that it actually does look more vivid and cool like that.
And now, the next zone is star light zone. That was supposed to be called, "Skylight" in this sonic hack. Well, to be honest, that is more of a general and uninteresting name for a zone really. Anyways, the graphics looks pretty awesome in that zone. The ground is all mostly light blueish/teal. The background of the zone looks mostly the same. But I'll have to say that it was modified pretty well though.
And finally, comes scrap brain zone, the only change is that the ground is pretty much light grey/whitish instead of blueish. Yea, noticing the difference for that is not really as noticeable as the other modified zone. Also, final zone ended up being unchanged in graphics, which is kind of a bummer, really. There could have been some epic modifications for final zone but oh well. Thats about it for the graphics. Boy, too much typing...
Sound: 6Ehh... All the original Sound effects and original background musics were used, HOWEVER, they really SCRAMBLED this one up. They really messed up some of the background musics in the zones. They are original and high quality, but, VERY unfitting. I have no idea why they decided to mess up that but I guess it makes the game more different than the original. Anyways, for green hill zone, the background music is..... Star light zone.... What the heck? XD But still, not that bad, I mean, better than some of the other zones but pretty unfitting though. It fits more for something that is dark in the night. Now, for marble zone..... Oh boy. Even more shocking. The background music is green hill zone. Just.... Dang... Very unfitting. There is lava, lots of hazards, a dark castle or ruin.... Very unfitting and hilarious. Now, for springyard zone, the background music is marble zone. Ehh... Not too bad but still, fairly unfitting. Now, for labyrinth zone, the background music is scrap brain zone, not too bad actually. It is fairly fitting and alright. Now, for star light zone, the background music is labyrinth zone, once again, VERY unfitting. Now, for scrap brain zone, the background music is final zone. What the? Okay, very weird but somewhat fitting but there is no boss yet... So... not so good. And now, for final zone, it is just the normal boss music, not the final boss music, which is still fitting but it would be more epic to have it's right sound track for the right zone. That is about it for the sound.
Addictiveness: 8Well, I guess this game is fairly addictive. If you are that type of person who likes to have different experiences instead of the original experiences in the zones, this game is the best for that. The zones are very interesting and different. Definitely something you would want to try out for a few times again and again, especially since there are lots of interesting and hazardous surprises.
Story: 6Ahhh.... yes. Same old and same old story. Dr. Eggman, once again, has evil plans, can Sonic stop him? Again? Yea, no other changes but a very simple and original, overused story, really.
Depth: 8This Sonic 1 hack does offer a lot, or at least lots of changes! Unlike most other Sonic hacks, there are actually new and different zones to play! They are also nearly flawless. I haven't really encountered any bugs or I just don't remember. This Sonic hack really does give a nice and different experience of new zones.
Difficulty: 9Oh yea, this is a very hard game. Well, it starts off at random, kind of. Some zones and acts are just easy, but then, once you go to act 3, there are billions of surprises leading to you getting a gameover from falling in the same tricky trap. Like you can actually end up running into a hidden motobug, like 3 times until you get a gameover. It's really surprising. It has some easy parts and then you will just get used to the easy acts until you end up getting destroyed in the hard parts of an act. Like, lots of random badniks comes out of nowhere, or you fall into a pit of spikes.
OVERALL: 9Well, yep. That is about it. Strangely, I noticed that the graphics, sounds, and gameplay has most of the detail in this review. I'm guessing it's because the graphics is what is mostly changed, the background musics are mixed up, and the gameplay is the most important thing in Sonic games. Thanks for reading this review and any feedback is always appreciated. :)
9 Sound
6 Addictive
8 Depth
8 Story
6 Difficulty