Puggsy Review by: Totts - 0/10
The aliens Puggsy lands in the game on an idyllic tropical island and straight away his spaceship is stolen by a horde of raccoons, those devilish little creatures that they are! He then has to set about retrieving it.
Beginners may choose to start on the junior mode which provides only a few levels at the beginning but already shows what the strengths of the game are. Looking for your space glider it crosses fifty seven levels (some only accessible by password and puzzle solving), continuously and easily in a variety of settings.
It plays first like a classic platformer, revealed shortly afterwards, however, is its qualities in the puzzle area. The puzzle tasks consist mainly of switch puzzles and smaller published deposits turn out to be really confusing but only increasingly so in difficulty. Focusing on the puzzles is complicated even by all kinds of opponents. Any contact with them is punishable with loss of life, unless you wear, as upgrades sunglasses or sneakers. The items distributed in the game can be also for the puzzles or to defend against the nasty raccoons. Boss opponents, each requiring a different tactic await you all some level. Should you lose all your life, the system takes you back to the beginning of each world. But there are passwords that take you back to various fixed points in the game.
A healthy dose of long-term motivation will reveal the many hidden objects and alternative hidden areas. In these bonus worlds, you collect here extra points or experiment with the then innovative physics engine. The objects behave differently in the water and can be used to shoot or as a key. It is worth highlighting that you soon realise that unlike other games of the time (and for several years after) The objects in Puggs tend to obey the laws physics and this feature contributes totally to the enjoyability of the game itself.
The graphics are very considerable and can you with their great animations, particularly at the beginning with the spaceship travelling through space, as well as detailed backgrounds you get some lovingly rendered characters. In the differently designed worlds new elements and characters can be found. The rendered intro and cute character contribute to the beautiful picture of "Puggsy" just like the nicely arranged soundtrack.
Conclusion: Each owner of a mega drives should look closer at "Puggsy". It has its gripes sometimes with the controls but it’s a no nonsense straightforward platformer that should by all accounts be up there with Mario and Sonic in the platformer stakes as its simple facade conceals a fantastic game with great ideas.