Klonoa - Empire of Dreams Review by: lolid23 - 9/10
A fun yet (sadly) unpopular game.This may be a surprise to some, but the title of this review is actually incomplete, yes, not only this game is unpopular but also the Klonoa series IN GENERAL are unpopular, which is sad, very sad, when we talk about something unpopular, we often think that the reasons of said thing being unpopular is because is bad, but this video game series (and this game) proves that there are exceptions of said (fake) rule,this game is not bad ,no no no, the reason because Klonoa is unpopular is because is overshadowed by other series that are much more popular, there are a few other reasons actually, but I will not mention them because that would make me scream in anger and start crying... (???) and yes , this deserves to be at least slightly more popular and now, I'll tell you why this game deserves to be more popular (as well as these series in general).
Story: The game begins with Klonoa sleeping on the bed, then he wakes up and all of a sudden, some weird-looking guys take him to a palace, where he meets the emperor of the kingdom where he's in, apparently he broke the law because in that kingdom, nobody is allowed to dream, then, the emperor suggest something: if Klonoa defeats 4 monsters that are terrorizing the land he will be forgiven, he lies about this however, and, well, I'll not continue because I can say something important...the story is short, but at least is a good story.
Graphics: The graphics are okay, they are average GBA graphics except at the end of the game, during the battle against the final boss, where the game makes the GBA almost reach it's limits because of the fact that the final boss looks more realistic than the rest of the game.
Sound: Catchy music is almost everywhere in this game, and the effect sounds are okay, they aren't very realistic, in fact, the only realistic effect sound in the whole game is when klonoa lands after jumping or falling.
Addictiveness: I would play this game over and over because is kinda fun, fighting cute enemies called Moos and collecting hidden keys to open doors are some things you have to do to have fun and continue, going through a level or ''vision'' (the levels are called visions here) isn't enough, you also have to collect 3 shining stars to open the door at the end of each level, and they are well hidden at times, finding them is also the fun part.
Depth: all the worlds in this game have more than 5 visions ( I think there are 7 in each world but I may be wrong) and there are 5 worlds in total, also the game allows you to save your game, you will need said feature because some visions may take you time, they may be easy at first, but as you go on, they get harder and take more time to complete, and that makes the game last longer.
Difficulty: like I just said, the game itself may be easy, especially the bosses, but clearing some visions is difficult, despite the fact that this is a 2-D platform game, this game focuses more in puzzles (not puzzles like Panel de Pon, ''2-D puzzles'') where you have to do certain things to continue and they don't involve jumping or defeating enemies at all (examples: Throwing a block at a switch to open a door and leave it there, hitting three switches to open a door quickly etc) and that is what makes this game difficult, sometimes is kinda hard to figure out how to continue and of course, the visions where the screen moves are also hard, yes, there is also another kind of vision where the screen moves and if you don't move you will probably lose easily because you get left behind and most of the time you have to be at the right of the screen, not to mention the fact that you can fall and lose a life.
Overall, I give this game a 9 because is very fun and has awesome and catchy music, and also because it can get hard at times, especially at the last visions, this may be far from being the best GBA game ever but it's definitely a game that anyone who enjoys platform video games should play, the same thing can be said for most of the other Klonoa games, which are also platforming and puzzle games.
8 Sound
8 Addictive
8 Depth
8 Story
7 Difficulty