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  Views: 3,394,564,179     09-21-24 07:20 PM  

Main Profile iN008's Profile Game Profile : Collection

Real Name:
    Central Scotland
Age / Birthday:
    26 / 03-08-98

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    173,853     74 avg
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    213,214     Male

CP: 21778.4 Trust Points: 7.8 Post Rating: 17
Position: Vizzed Elite

Registration: 12-31-12 02:43 AM (4282 days ago)
Last Activity: 07-15-20 06:44 AM

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Last Post: 04-13-16 01:05 PM
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iN008's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Pokemon Yellow @halo1cej Yeah you can, only in version, however I believe they are pretty rare, like how Pikachu was rare in red and blue for in Viridian Forest.
Guardian Legend Secret I'll have to come back to this.
Ninja Gaiden That time makes me feel inferior rcarter xD I'm horrible at this game xD
Mega Man Legends 2 @rockman if you go to the item shop, you can buy the PSX item, this allows you to play some, but not all, of the PSX titles here on vizzed.
Digimon World @superlurio Please refer to psychonauts comment and refrain from being so demanding.
Pokemon Ash\'s Quest Remember there are discussion threads above that have similar problems and you may find answers there.
Mega Man - The Wily Wars @fangsonic, are you talking save states here?
An Ordinary Sonic ROM Hack @vhero it will have been what someone requested to have added to the site, if you have any problems with the game in general just ask about it.
Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 No games in the VGR can be played, only those in the RGR. This is a 6th gen console, which we do not support for emulatinh on this site.
Super Banjo-Kazooie 64 (beta) @~Pikachi~ tell a content adder or tRIUNE they will check it out and mark the game if there is a problem.

iN008's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Super Mario 64
08-18-13 08:52 PM
Mario 64 Super

Super Mario 64 - Nintendo 64A review by iN008.
What can I say?
As I said, what can be said that hasn't already been said about this game, it was a game changer, a revolutionary game from plat forming to camera controlling. Mario had been around gaming for quite some time during the time of this games release, 15 long years had passed since his grand debut in arcade classic Donkey Kong and over that time many changes were made within the gaming system, each game that came out brought a lot to the table, such as Super Mario Bros. Setting the standard of gameplay to Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario Worlds large improvements in the system. The same rule was not missed with the release of Super Mario 64.

Known for its brilliance.
Super Mario 64 was one of the two launch titles for the Nintendo 64 (one of the three in Japan) and became the best selling Nintendo 64 game, becoming Critically acclaimed along the way. It became known for it's innovation in graphics, the music and even setting the basis of camera control as we know of it today. Being one of the first 3D Mario games it has now aged quite a lot, but it did eventually lead to later 3D titles including that of Super Mario Sunshine. The game however didn't go without it's fair share of criticism, from how fast it aged, to the camera being a bit jerkish. However I never found these to be a problem as nostalgia is a very large influence. Even playing the game on the DS still triggers nostalgia. So your probably wondering what I think of the game. Well I have a my own share of nit-picks and a lot of thumbs up so lets continue into this review shall we.?

Graphics and Design : 10/10 Super Mario 64 was one of the launch titles and it really did set the standard for graphics in games to come. The graphical design is near perfect in Super Mario 64. First off Mario looks great for his first time ever in 3D, his model set the standard amongst the other models within the game and many... Read the rest of this Review
Pokemon Light Platinum
08-16-13 08:29 PM
Top-notch hacking.
Light Platinum - Pokemon Ruby Hack.
A review by iN008.

Genius hacker WesleyFG. When WesleyFG set out to create a marvel of a hack, he succeeded in so many ways, he became a phenomenon of a hacker. Be it his complete graphical overhaul to the whole gameplay changes his effort can be seen in ever town, route and cave. So why is this hack so widely popular? Amongst many communities it has been praised as one of the best hacks out there. So the question remains, why so popular? Well it could be the total revamp, or the feeling of a Pokemon world that Game Freak and Nintendo just never gave us.
The hack you know has many things changed, from graphical changes, story revamp, enhancements to Pokemon, Pokedex roaster changes and even difficulty in general. Almost every change is for the better and that is what I personally like about this hack, it takes what is good about Pokemon, revamps and perfects it without ruining the general feel you get from a Pokemon game, dare I say this hack goes as far as trumping some of the official titles. So shall I get into it then? Or shall I continue to ramble?

Graphics and Design : 10/10 Oh god what can I even say here? The whole game's graphics are completely revamped and for the better as the games set in Hoenn were known for looking quite shabby, heck I even mentioned this in my recent Pokemon Ruby review which you can go check out. Now as stated due to the fact that the original games graphics were quite shabby the hack really did impress as the graphics looked so much better in comparison, let me go into a bit more detail on what I mean.

Starting off the character sprites are quite impressive. The main characters look pretty cool and to be honest I actually prefer them over the Ruby choices, although they are not the best characters I've seen they are the best up until this system. Other characters such as the trainers scattered across the two regions are also very good, WesleyFG kept to a hig... Read the rest of this Review
Keystone Kapers
08-13-13 07:43 PM
Running around a Mall
Keystone Kapers : Atari 2600 A review by iN008.

Thief! Keystone Kapers was a game developed by Activision and released in 1983 for the Atari 2600, the game was one of the many games in the Atari 2600 library to be ported and changed for other Atari consoles, by now we know being ported literally means nothing, so let's go a into a bit more detail, the general idea of Keystone Kapers is for you, Keystone Kelly, to catch a criminal, Harry Hooligan, within a building of some sort, the game-play is rather normal and isn't anything ground breaking. So how is the game overall I hear you ask? Well let me tell you.

Graphics and Design : 8/10 For an Atari 2600, I'm honestly shocked at some of the detail that went into the design and it was quite surprising for it to be so detailed, many of the Atari 2600 titles that I have already reviewed had never met quite the same surprise. Starting off, you have really only two characters in the game, these being Officer Keystone Kelly (You) and the NPC Harry hooligan. The designs are much like cops and robbers, the criminal wearing the iconic black and white clothing and the officer being based off the British Police Force. The designs are plane as they are small to allow all of the floors to be shown on the screen. This sizing choice is smart in my opinion as it allows for them to have a much better presentation. As for obstacles, they are many weird oddities within the building, starting off with the red bouncy ball and the... electric beacon? Many of these seem out of place and are generally quite odd, however some do fit in, such as the shopping carts these are generally okay to be honest. Other details that I did like were the fact that the escalators moved and the elevators were further back when compared to the walls adding some much appreciated depth in detail. The other things to take note of are the fact the collectables, or point boosts are very generic, being a brief-case and money bags, now due to the l... Read the rest of this Review
Pokemon Ruby
08-12-13 07:03 PM
Ruby Pokemanz

Pokémon Ruby Version
A review by iN008.

Pokémon has been around for quite some time, over 15 years now. Pokémon was first conceived in 1996 by Satoshi Tajiri and was later brought internationally in 1998 with the release of the original games, these games became a huge-hit and spawned a multimedia franchise, from manga to anime, of-course it didn't leave it's video-game origin in the dust as many new incarnations soon followed the success of the original games, from Red and Blue to Yellow, to Gold, Silver and Crystal, and the first of the 3rd generation, Sapphire and Ruby. Each game brought something to the table and continued to add to the massing amount of species they are of Pokémon.

3rd Gen.
With Ruby and Sapphire came the first of the third generation, these two games were either loved or disliked by the original fans as a few of them decided they disliked the future installments of the franchise. However a large majority of the fan-base continued to enjoy the games and many more children and adults a like joined in and had as much fun as the rest of them. The games were the first to bring Pokémon into the world of full color, but that was all it brought, 2 on 2 battling along side other features such as Pokémon Contests and berry changes. These features, excluding contests being replaced in the HG and SS, became a common sight within the future Pokémon games.

Graphics and Design : 8/10 Beginning off you, like in generation 2, can be either a boy or girl, this time using characters that would appear in the anime, unlike the previous games, just ignore the fact Brendan only appeared once in the anime and made cameos in three movies... These characters look pretty good, they look a lot more like their anime and manga counter-parts and overall their designs were pretty solid, the animations of the over-world sprites looked good and overall the quality was very nice. Th... Read the rest of this Review
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns
08-10-13 05:38 PM
Nothing Special
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns : Atari 2600
A review by iN008.

An Atari gem? Pitfall as a series is one of the most well known Atari games, with it being one of the few innovators on the Atari 2600. The original game spanned across seven different systems within two years of release. At this point the development of this game was already in progress and during the same year of 1984, Pitfall II - Lost Caverns was born. This game was popular and received eleven ports to multiple systems topping the original games seven. The game soon became critically acclaimed even going as far as being called the 1# Atari 2600 game. However I myself do not agree with this statement, I'll be going into more detailed during this review. Besides the acclamation it was popular amongst non-critics whom were the ones playing it more. In this game Harry the greed-driven explorer (see my Pitfall! Review for reference.) returns once more to plunder the forests, swamps and all-manner of caves in order to find treasure. This time going even further out of his way to get it, against even dangerous environments. So what exactly is wrong with the game you ask? Well you'll just have to read and find out now won't you?

Graphics and Design : 8/10 At this point the Atari's limitations had been discovered and developers made more and more interesting games, more games featured more detailed environments and enemies however what did Activision do instead? Well they reduced the size of Harry and the enemies and created larger stages that could scroll vertically. This was quite the unique feature however similar things had been done for example the horizontal and vertical scrolling in Keystone Kapers and thus wasn't really that special. As this reduced the sprites detail, this was quite a down-side for me on the Design aspect as things weren't as clear as they could have been. So starting off, as I said things weren't as detailed as they could be and Harry really isn't an exception... Read the rest of this Review

iN008's Last 5 Game Guides (view last 25)

iN008's Last Game screenshots (1960 total)

Another Bible (english translation)
Character Profile: Enemy

Another Bible (english translation)
Character Profile: Enemy

Another Bible (english translation)
Location: Shukket Cave Interior

Another Bible (english translation)
Location: Shukket Cave Interior

Another Bible (english translation)
Location: Shukket Cave Interior

Another Bible (english translation)
Location: Shukket Cave

Another Bible (english translation)
Location: Shukket Cave

Another Bible (english translation)
Character Profile: Enemy

Another Bible (english translation)
Character Profile: Party members

Another Bible (english translation)
Menus: Party Selection

Another Bible (english translation)
Character Profile: Enemy

Another Bible (english translation)
Location: Papiel Woods

Another Bible (english translation)
Location: Papiel Woods

Another Bible (english translation)
Location: Papiel Woods

Another Bible (english translation)
Character Profile: Enemy

Another Bible (english translation)
Character Profile: Party members

Another Bible (english translation)
Character Profile: Party members

Another Bible

Another Bible

Another Bible
Location: Map 1

Another Bible
Location: Map 1

Another Bible
Location: Map 1

Another Bible
Character Profile:

Another Bible
Character Profile:

Another Bible
Character Profile:

Another Bible

Another Bible

Another Bible

Another Bible
Misc: SGB2 Border

Another Bible
Menus: Main Menu

Another Bible
Misc: SGB2 Border

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Loading

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Saving

Ys Book I & II
Location: Minea Town

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Status Screen

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Inventory

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Equipment

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Pause Menu

Ys Book I & II
Location: Field

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Shop

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Shop

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Shop

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Shop

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Shop

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Shop

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II
Menus: Continue

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II
Misc: Copyrights

Ys Book I & II

Ys Book I & II
Misc: Publisher

Ys Book I & II

Ms. Pac-Man
Level: Banana

Ms. Pac-Man
Menus: Title Screen

Ninja Princess

Ninja Princess

Ninja Princess
World Map:

Champion Base Ball
Menus: Title Screen

Pachinko II
Mode Select:

Pachinko II

Pachinko II
Level: Type 3

Pachinko II
Level: Type 2

Pachinko II
Level: Type 1

Level: 2

World Map:

Level: 1

Menus: Password Input

Menus: Options







Misc: SGB2 Border

Animal Breeder 2

Animal Breeder 2

Animal Breeder 2

Animal Breeder 2

Animal Breeder 2

Animal Breeder 2
Menus: Name entry

Animal Breeder 2
Character Select:

Animal Breeder 2
Character Select:

Animal Breeder 2
Character Select:

Animal Breeder 2
Character Select:

Animal Breeder 2
Character Select:

Animal Breeder 2
Character Select:

Animal Breeder 2
Character Select:

Animal Breeder 2
Character Select:

Animal Breeder 2

Animal Breeder 2
Menus: Title Screen

Animal Breeder 2

Animal Breeder 2
Misc: Publisher

Animal Breeder 2
Misc: SGB2 Border

Animal Breeder

Animal Breeder
Menus: Name entry

Animal Breeder
Character Select:

Animal Breeder
Character Select:

Animal Breeder
Character Select:

Animal Breeder
Character Select:

Animal Breeder

Animal Breeder

Animal Breeder

Animal Breeder
Menus: Title Screen

Animal Breeder
Misc: Publisher

Animal Breeder
Misc: SGB2 Border

Animal Breeder
Misc: SGB2 Border


Level: Sultan\'s Dungeon

Menus: Continue


Misc: Checkpoint


Level: Agrabah Rooftops

Level: Agrabah Rooftops



Level: The Desert

Level: The Desert

Level: The Desert





Level: Agrabah Market




Menus: Title Screen

Menus: Language Select

Misc: Opening

Misc: Opening

Misc: Opening


Level: 2


Menus: Shop

Misc: Gameplay


Level: 1




Menus: Options


Misc: Dev

Misc: SGB2 Border

Adventures of Lolo
Misc: Gameplay

Adventures of Lolo

Adventures of Lolo
Menus: Password Input

Adventures of Lolo
Menus: Continue

Adventures of Lolo
Misc: SGB2 Border

Akazukin Cha Cha

Akazukin Cha Cha

Akazukin Cha Cha

Akazukin Cha Cha
World Map:

Akazukin Cha Cha

Akazukin Cha Cha

Akazukin Cha Cha

Akazukin Cha Cha
Character Select:

Akazukin Cha Cha

Akazukin Cha Cha
Menus: Password Input

Akazukin Cha Cha

Akazukin Cha Cha

Akazukin Cha Cha

Akazukin Cha Cha
Misc: SGB2 Border

Akazukin Cha Cha

Puyo Puyo Gaiden - Puyo Wars
Menus: Team stats

Puyo Puyo Gaiden - Puyo Wars
Menus: Battle commands

Puyo Puyo Gaiden - Puyo Wars
Menus: Name entry

iN008's Last 7 Game Videos (76 total) (view last 250)

iN008's Game History
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Game Boy Advance Games iN008 owns (29)

Super Nintendo Games iN008 owns (31)

Nintendo 64 Games iN008 owns (40)

Nintendo NES Games iN008 owns (24)

Game Boy Color Games iN008 owns (15)

Arcade Games iN008 owns (1)

Sega Genesis Games iN008 owns (22)

Game Boy Games iN008 owns (19)

Sega Master System Games iN008 owns (1)

Turbo Grafx Games iN008 owns (37)

Sega CD Games iN008 owns (4)

Famicom Disk System Games iN008 owns (5)

Wonderswan Color Games iN008 owns (3)

Neo Geo Pocket Color Games iN008 owns (1)

Atari Lynx Games iN008 owns (5)

SuperGrafx Games iN008 owns (5)

Neo Geo Pocket Games iN008 owns (4)

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