mlggamer 02-21-17 - 10:18 PM ENGAGE RIDLEY MOTHER F*CKER CHEAT
Jordanv78 07-09-15 - 01:32 PM This is one of the best games on the NES. Especially considering it's release date. By far the most expansive quest of it's time.
Jordanv78 07-09-15 - 01:31 PM You can bomb yourself out of a
MajoraSkyward67 06-26-15 - 12:23 PM JUSTIN BAILEY CHEAT
Vanelan 01-18-15 - 06:46 PM I can't seem to get thru this Metroid.
I just had to quit after getting sttuck in a hole somewhere...why is that even there?
TheElectricTroll 11-08-14 - 01:07 PM how dose one roll into a ball in this emulator
ScarTheScarab 07-26-14 - 10:23 PM What happens when time runs out when you are escaping from zebes? Screen becomes white and explosion sound is made, then you get game over XD
Neo Arcadia 05-14-14 - 02:29 PM solid classic Metriod game ^^ I enjoy it, and I've decided to give the series a shot !
gamemaster759 11-27-13 - 03:53 PM how do you type your name
Earthbound101 09-02-13 - 10:08 AM bill thats what I was gona say thanks for saying it thts not sarcasm
bill1986 08-12-13 - 02:35 PM the main characters name is samus not metriod
Jesuswell 07-13-13 - 07:52 AM How do you roll?
iN008 06-04-13 - 03:19 PM Also retro gamer you can always suggest a better review. I mean there is a fantastic review I've seen which i'm going to suggest since it is much better.
iN008 06-04-13 - 03:14 PM megametroidmario: Maybe you should cheat then xD
SuperCrash64 06-04-13 - 03:04 PM Of metroid I mean't
SuperCrash64 06-04-13 - 03:04 PM not really some problems as if you beaten the game. Samus is pratically the main character metroid
retrogamer20001 06-04-13 - 02:57 PM I found a few problems with the top review, such as the typical calling Samus "Metroid", and it said there's no story.If you wait a couple seconds, text shows up telling you to destroy the Metroids of Planet Zebeth. Sorry, but errors really annoy me.
megametroidmario 05-27-13 - 10:21 PM when i use the "NARPAS SWORD" password and head into tourian the game freezes
ZavierGonzo 05-15-13 - 01:59 PM lol
blobbyhead 03-16-13 - 09:57 PM actully lol nvm i just found it xD
blobbyhead 03-16-13 - 09:54 PM i know i might sound like a noob for asking this but in metroid on my pc i cant figure out how to go into ball mode for samus. can someone help me ?
Hylian Jim 03-05-13 - 01:15 AM Can you get someone else to do the review for this, this Marcmoney guy has no idea how to talk or anything about the game. Please.
mr.awsome 02-07-13 - 03:29 PM how do I get Game Genie for this game???
retrogamer20001 12-27-12 - 04:41 AM *Just to make this clear*
The main character's name is Samus Aran.
The jellyfish-looking thingies that follow you around and suck the life force out of you are called Metroids.
hola12345 11-24-12 - 02:59 PM dont be so hard, im sure the first time you play this game, you think her name was metroid also she was a "he", im wrong? you discover all those things later, in gameplay, its a surprise to know she is a woman, etc etc.. :)