lilbutch07 01-17-18 - 02:37 PM +mrhello At least it's not Super 3D Noah's Ark.
mrhello 07-02-14 - 03:12 PM Excuse me, NOA. I still see blood on B.J. when he's at low health. Also, GUNS. Wow, this game got away with some things.
GamerPony2013 01-02-14 - 01:43 PM Also, I find it funny that Nintendo wanted all blood to be removed, but B.J.'s face bleeds when you get to low health.
GamerPony2013 12-15-13 - 04:01 PM I found the flamethrower! Anyone else find it?
dericwm12 11-12-13 - 12:32 PM This is one of the best games i've ever played!!!It's so cool.I don't see why it was banned in Germany.Well,I just wanted to get this off my chest About this cool "Wolfenstein 3D". Did you know that Adolf Hitler is the reason why this game was banned
Awegamer 04-14-13 - 05:37 PM Guys, it started on windows 95, no more rage okay?
Megaman Lover! 03-23-13 - 11:02 AM the game is super-fun but I can't play it. as jfellipeh said,"thegame is black". the only reason I know it's a goo game is because I have a demo version of i on my I-phone.But still, good game.
jfelipeh 11-11-12 - 06:46 AM how can i start the game its black
Sephirothxxxxxx.. 09-19-12 - 09:18 AM @MetalGearPro Then you havent played DOOM.
jetfly31 06-07-12 - 01:22 PM no it wasnt in 3d with the glasses the earlier games were 2d side scroller
MetalGearPro 05-28-12 - 03:14 PM this is the only, in my opinion, good first-person game I have played
MetalGearPro 05-28-12 - 03:04 PM was this originally in actual 3D with the glasses?
Jack6651 05-23-12 - 06:54 AM What does spammer mean?
Jack6651 05-23-12 - 06:54 AM @sandman I kow right! BUT, it is ultra-fun!
sandman1913 05-09-12 - 09:04 PM the music makes it sound like a kids game
filnobep23 05-06-12 - 10:58 PM why are nazis speaking english?
destin13 04-15-12 - 01:37 AM there should be a maeio crossover with this
.whiteXgreen. 04-14-12 - 07:48 AM can you swap guns?
destin13 04-14-12 - 03:58 AM crap nose bleeds
Sephirothxxxxxx.. 01-23-12 - 08:42 AM Yeah, I know the DOS version is the original, I just havent gotten around ot downloading it. Are the levels different on the SNES version?
CloudDragon 01-14-12 - 11:07 AM This is not the original, the original is the DOS version
Sephirothxxxxxx.. 01-13-12 - 08:10 AM I had so much fun playing and beating spear of destiny. So glad I can finally play the original wolfenstein 3d
isaacjedi5 11-13-11 - 05:39 PM if u enter the password bnhfmr, u go to the secret level 6-7
tru3gam3r 08-21-11 - 03:32 PM hey
tru3gam3r 08-21-11 - 01:42 PM dammit why is it only half screen and green and purple?