girlyman 01-28-16 - 08:50 PM none of this explains why i cant save
tRIUNE 12-11-13 - 09:09 PM This game has a few glitches which I remember from playing as a kid; be sure to have a full stock of keys before entering certain dungeons - otherwise you're stuck
RichterBelmont 12-11-13 - 09:00 PM And also, this game IS Secret of Mana. In Japan, this game is Seiken Densetsu 1, and Secret of Mana is Seiken Densetsu 2. And Seiken Densetsu 3, is, well, Seiken Densetsu 3.
RichterBelmont 12-11-13 - 08:58 PM I haven't played this game before, but I do know that without it the amazing game Seiken Densetsu 3 wouldn't exist, which would be horrible.
cujocricket 12-09-13 - 09:57 PM Good to know thank you.
extraworth 11-15-13 - 06:23 PM I hate Secret of Mana. Do you know why? It's because I played Final Fantasy Adventure first.
Final Fantasy Adventure is an Action/RPG done right.
Also, if you have that "Zelda itch" this game will make a great substitute. It's amazing. 10/10
Gabe Puratekuta 09-21-13 - 10:16 AM Seiken Densetsu 1... They shouldn't remake this one so much
fantasto 05-21-13 - 08:20 PM This game IS Secret of Mana 1. But the USA thought they should name it Final Fantasy. There. Now you know. (Secret of Mana for the SNES was the Second Game.)
mrkoolnerd 04-23-13 - 09:49 AM this was meant to be a mana game
angryrpgnerd 12-27-12 - 07:33 PM how dare u compare final fantasy to secret of mana u noobs noo nothing of real rpg classics i was playn this before yall were born this is fanal fantasy
bobreto24 03-02-12 - 10:16 PM this game is awesome i loved playing this growing up. this is amazing
platypus96 01-07-12 - 09:22 AM I'ts not a cheap version of secret of mana. It's the prequel.
macblo 10-21-11 - 12:59 PM this game is actuly the first game in the mana seris this is called swords of mana will secret of mana is the 2 one
noob666760punke 10-03-11 - 07:54 PM i think this is more along the lines of a secret of mana game
bastich 04-28-11 - 09:54 PM it's like a cheap version of secret of mana @*%& this
killa7871 03-27-11 - 11:10 PM it may be hard but its really funn in my opinion
ditao1 03-15-11 - 11:27 PM hard as hell
jlharter 01-01-11 - 02:09 PM I never had any problems when using the Vizzed RGR Plugin version. Saves fine there, and I never came by any glitches.
zoroark101 12-22-10 - 01:38 PM just use RGR, its the only one that works
fantasto 06-11-10 - 05:26 PM I can Play This Game With The RGR Plugin. It Also Reminds Me Of Zelda Games.
wpolo16 11-16-09 - 11:31 AM it wont save :(
Lagslayer 10-14-09 - 07:45 PM glitches*
Lagslayer 10-14-09 - 02:25 PM And on JavaBoy it glithces and freezes too frequently to be even remotely playable.
liams2 08-09-09 - 02:19 PM the game doesnt run with Vizzed AEPgb its just a white screen ive pressed all the buttons