The Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap Review by: linkmaster99 - 9.7/10
The legends of Zelda The- Minish Cap ReviewWell as I expect a Zelda game to be really fun this one came to me in a big shock. I played it, and I fumbled around with it a while, and here I am gladly saying that this is actually the best Zelda Game I played on the original game system, the game boy advance. I really enjoyed this game, and I beat it. It was really difficult to actually beat, and I took that route. I plan to beat this again, but for now let me just talk and brag about you. This game was a awesome game series brought to us on the game system Game Boy Advance. This is actually the story of toon link. I may be wrong, but I think this is the first adventure toon link ever embarked on, and then came 4 swords, then Wind Waker, So on to Phantoms Hour Glass, and lastly Spirit tracks. I think that is how it is, but this really is a remarkable source of a game. Link embarks on a adventure to save the princess as always. This time she wasn't kidnapped, but she was turned to stone, and the only way to reform her back to normal was to gather the four swords, and focus them into 1 blade. Well then the evil doer behind this isn't Ganondorf this time. This is Vaati. You should know now the he is the final boss of the game. Link sets out to gather the 4 elements, and those were the things infused into the blade to make it more was really great, and I experience a fun adventure from all that. It was also really trick, and most times I could not do it on my own. I gathered help off the Internet. Well let the review tale begin ^_^.
Graphics: 10
This game had some really great graphics for a game boy advance game. It looks a little like Pokémon, but in a more 3 D like version of it. It was really great, and I actually enjoyed looking at it while playing through this game. It wasn't half bad, and it was a good way to sharpen gaming skills. It had a few brain teasers in this game, but I was able to pull through, and beat it. This game was really fun, and I don't think it could have improved any better than this. I liked it the way it was, and I enjoyed beating the tart out of my enemies at that. This was a great drill for a Legends of Zelda game, and I really like respected, and above for this game. I don't see how it possibly could have improved, but as I kept saying before, this game has some impressive standards that could really make you explode with excitements. Most of all which is being that it is a great looking game. I really loved most side quest like kin stone fusing, and more. That was mostly impressive, and I really enjoyed it. It was a great way to make your mind work. I would say that cucco hunting isn't a game, but you see it as a game. You get really cool items, and rupees for it. That s why when I say this game isn't half bad. I literally mean that. I enjoyed it so much, and most features are really really neat. This is a really nifty game to have around if you are looking for some fun. I sure was impressed with it, and I had to figure that out the hard way, but really good way :P.
Sound: 9
The sound was actually extraordinary to me I liked most places music such as minish woods, hyrule field, the village, and inside most buildings. I actually did like the sound of most dungeons you have to go through. What I didn't like is the maze you had to get through to get to one of them. The maze itself was actually nice, but being lick by some ghost I mean come on what kind of stuff does that? Either way I actually beat it so I don't have much to complain about. It was nice long, and it was a very detailed game. It had me wanting to go on and on. I spent my whole entire spring break playing this game because it was very good. I didn't beat it, but I did make it to the final boss. I finally beat this game after a few months of making it to the final boss. I must warn you. It will get pretty annoying because he has 3 forms, and the last 1 is really hard. I am warning you not to be to easy, and over confident on that boss. I really recommend that you use save states after ever boss you beat. That is just a recommendation to you all because you may think the game was shard before. Wait till you get to there. I will tell you. The first form of Vaati was medium, the second form of him was the easiest, but the 3rd form was extremely hard. I will give you fair warning that you will not know what to do on either form unless you play it for a while, and get bright ideas, or look up a video to help you. I didn't want to figure out to I got some help from the Internet :).
Addictiveness: 8
I actually found this to be really addictive. I actually like the toon link adventures, because the are fun, and they have more detail, and depth in them than most original link Zelda games. This one has some standard's that really meets the eye. I have to say that I simply love it. In this game there were 4 dungeons, but 6 dungeons in total. 2 of them were not to get the elements, but the other 2 were not the same either though. One of them were to gain a key to some sort of place, and the other was to find the final boss in it. I won't say that this game would be hard to someone who always know what to do, but it does seem hard to me evan though I have beaten it. I would start it again, but I am sure there are a lot more Legends of Zelda games that I need to start. I have fun on most of them, but this one here really takes the cake. It was really fun, and yet addictive as well. Well I must say in my opinion anyone who play this game shall be amazed. If you do not like the game just know that I was only sharing my opinion. I didn't think much of it at first,and it did have a few hard battles, but after while the became really easy to do. I know O am good at thins game because I was able to gather 15 hearts, and beat this game. I got most items I was supposed to get, and most of them actually came in great handy. I have collected all the key items of this game, and that was pretty much it.
Story: 8
The story was pretty much as good as it can get. You start out sleeping in your bed, and Princess Zelda comes over to get you. She basically wants you to come to the festival in the village. I will spoil you in on most of the beginning, but that is it. Well you go around the festival, and let Zelda have her fun seeing things, and getting prizes. I forgot to mention that you have to see links uncle I think it is. Well his name is smith, and he gives you gives you a sword to deliver to the castle. You finally delivers it, and here is when your adventure starts. Vaati, comes, but it was for a good cause. There was this competition of swords, and the winner gets a sword from the black smith which was Links uncle. Vaati was the winner. Instead of claiming the sword he cause havoc in the castle. He blew up things, and he broke the sacred blade of Piccori. He turn princess Zelda into stone, and he made your adventure begin. Well your main objective was to repair the piccori blade, and return Princess Zelda back to normal with it. Well first Link sets his sights on the minish village which are tiny little bug things. They can only be seen by children though, and link was a child. I will tell you a little more, and I won't spoil nothing else. You set your sights to the Minish forest in order to get to the minish village, well you arrive there, and you have no idea how to get to minish village you start to hear help me cries, well you rush over to help the thing there was a hat with a duck mouth, and big eyes you help him from getting deku nuts from being spit at him. The hats name is Ezlo, and he talks to link a lot. He is the one that helped him shrink. That is how link was able to get into minish village. He would sing a song, and you will shrink. How to make him do it well that is for you all to find out ;). After you shrink you will have to take a express way with leaves in a pond. Then that will be your ticket to the minish village. This game sound pretty interesting right :).
Depth: 8
I will say to you, in the beginning this game seems like a very short game, and it would only take about a day to beat. Well do not make that mistake like I did. Before you get certain elements there are side quest you have to do. Most of them are very long, and hard to do. They will leave you confused, and a little upset, because most things didn't evan need to be there. Still though a game is a game, and tat is what a game does. All games can't go straight to the end like that. Most games do, and I like most games that are like that. Still though. It is a nice thought of being able to finis so quickly :3. That is why I like this one though. This Zelda game, has big standards that actually meets the eye :). I really most enjoy this one, and I am happy I do. It was nice long, and it actually did get me where I had to go. I have to say to you though, This game has a lot of side quest you need to complete so just because you beat the story doesn't mean you beat the game. You beat the game when you fully completed everything on it.
Difficulty: 8
The difficulty of this game was actually most impressive. It was really hard, and it was some easy parts at that. What I don't like is those brain teasers, and those confusion parts. The leave my mind in a world of hell. Still though a game is a game, and most game have to be hard, I still beat it, and I still enjoyed it. It was good, and it was long, and it was a great game all together. I can't really bad mouth it much because I am sure if I made a game, I would want it to be long, and confusing. I like to see my fans find there way through the thickest, and the thin. It would be really cool to have known, all the most awesome gamers out there who actually knows what they are doing. I like to see people like that. So evan though this game was really hard, I can't complain much over it. It was still very nice, after all, and I was glad that I found this. I am really glad that I did. So I really think you all should try it out sometime. I believe you all would enjoy it :).
Overall: 9.7
Overall this was a really good game, and I was excited about beating it. I had some really good times with it, and I am glad, that I decided to give this game a shot. I don't think I ever would have liked it if I didn't look it up. I really beat it on my visual boy advance, and I still have much work to do on it. I still love this game exactly right, and I still am really happy I do. So if you guys are still just about finishing up this review. Tell me that I said this in the reply. Pickle pooper poppy pant. I know it is a little off topic, and weird, but I want to make sure the whole thing was read :P.
10 Sound
9 Addictive
8 Depth
8 Story
8 Difficulty