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  Views: 3,398,391,231     09-26-24 09:24 AM  

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Age / Birthday:
    39 / 05-05-85

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    499     71 avg
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    7     5
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    16,508     Male

CP: 54.0 Trust Points: 0.0 Post Rating: 0
Position: Newbie

Registration: 08-17-10 12:54 PM (5153 days ago)
Last Activity: 02-28-16 10:26 PM

Online Status / Last page: OFFline

Last Post: 06-15-11 11:04 PM
    in Mike Tysons Punch Out!!!! (Retro Game Room)
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ditao1's Last 100 Game Comments
Metal Gear Solid
01-22-12 02:50 PM
Dahaka, MGS 2's theme was MEME
Metal Gear Solid
01-22-12 02:46 PM
Mega, I guess they expect you to be as fast as lightning!
Metal Gear Solid
01-08-12 06:04 PM
Put on a PSX emulator?
Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse
12-18-11 10:27 PM
I am the 6th comment man, so... lets make this worthwhile. DIE MONSTER, YOU DON'T BELONG IN THIS WORLD!
Secret of Mana
09-11-11 10:33 PM
@frogchrus1924 yes
Mega Man Battle Network 2
06-25-11 11:28 AM
I need his chips, i have his v1 chip, now i need his v2+v3
Mega Man Battle Network 2
06-25-11 12:00 AM
Which codes of sword, widesword, and longsword do you need for lifesword? S?
Mega Man Battle Network 2
06-24-11 11:40 PM
Right when he summons the right and down moving tornadoes, not the tri tornado thingy thats his navi chip
Mega Man Battle Network 2
06-24-11 11:32 PM
Mega Man Battle Network 2
06-23-11 07:50 PM
But i can defeat gateman on my first try?
Mega Man Battle Network 2
06-23-11 07:29 PM
I can't defeat airman.....
Mega Man 6
04-05-11 02:31 PM
flame flame flameman!!!
Final Fantasy Adventure
03-15-11 11:27 PM
hard as hell

ditao1's Last Game Reviews
Mike Tyson\'s Punch Out!!
06-15-11 11:04 PM
Mike Tysons Punch Out!!!!
This game is amazing, the wii version stays very true to this version. From the easy Glass Joe to the medium people, to Mike Tyson, Soda Popinski, and Super macho Man??? Those three just made this game a 9 in difficulty for me. I have to say, the depth in the game is amazing. The personality of each character is expressed using 8-bit graphics so expertly for the time. The story is very shallow though. Difficulty always affects my feelings about how addictive a game is, so yeah. The one song during the whole game is just addicting. However it DOES NOT RIVAL MEGAMAN BY MUCH!!!!!!! That's all I have to say.
Secret of Mana
05-22-11 04:57 PM
Secret of Mana
Secret of Mana... The role playing game that blew everything else out of the water. (With a lot of help from Final Fantasy....) You play the role of a Boy who found a legendary sword and has to save the world!!! (duh) This was originally made for the snes CD add-on but Nintendo cancelled that and left CDs for the 6th and 7th generation. And the 6th generation had!!! uh we'll get to that when davideo releases a Gamecube emulator in 2020. So you are actually playing a game that had about 40% cut out from it. So on to my review... This game has amazing graphics for the time. However, if you can max it out and its widescreen... well it has more of a 8-bit feel to it. The music is great but gets annoying as all tracks are pretty much reused. The game is very addicting with simple to understand controls. The story could use a little polish but otherwise is great. The depth of it is just amazing. With such an open world to explore. However the game would have had a 3 in difficulty if not for Spiky Tiger and the Mantis from the beginning. Overall though Secret of Mana has much to give. Now if only Seiken Densetsu 3 was released in the US... we'll get to that another time.
Mega Man 2
05-22-11 04:45 PM
Megaman 2
This game isn't the best in the series, however, it was the one that made the Megaman series get on the horse and go. However my main complaints are.
1. It gets stale on you 4th runthrough (for me, this doesn't mean for you)
2. Its too easy!!!!!
3. The only reason it got a 6 in difficulty instead of a 3 was just because of quickman and the turrets of cheapness!!!!!!!!!!!
I gave it a high depth because of how there aren't any things that was mandatory but not clear... (megaman 1) like the magnet beam. Overall, Mega Man 2 is great edition in the series. The graphics were great, the sound especially in Wily 1 & 2 were amazing and the controls were tight!

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