jonathanzygorodi 05-17-16 - 01:56 AM such a lust for revenge WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
jonathanzygorodi 10-25-14 - 03:14 AM hope they make a remake for it on steam
chahanik 07-06-13 - 10:57 AM This = Horrible
MSX Version = Amazing!!!
pka 12-22-12 - 08:54 PM really good game but man its hard
jetfly31 06-22-12 - 01:22 PM i like how kyle reese from termanator is on the front cover of this game
Obi-Josh 05-15-12 - 03:36 PM what are the buttons for this game?
dwightnaruto 05-15-12 - 06:48 AM this game is total awesome!
mikey78108 12-15-11 - 10:03 PM Sieshiro, if you had played it back when it released then you wouldn't feel the same lol. the Nes port of the game definitely didn't do the original justice though
mikey78108 12-15-11 - 09:52 PM i'm glad i found this site lol, haven't played metal gear since i was probably 3(played MGS1 when i was 5 on the PS1)
Seishiro Leonha.. 12-04-11 - 05:25 PM This game is poorly made, but I still like this game.
sargent hawk one 10-10-11 - 05:31 PM i cant belive how much i loved this game
brianwood 08-20-11 - 12:14 PM gosh darn dogs!
brianwood 08-20-11 - 12:14 PM I HATE METAL GEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
brianwood 08-20-11 - 12:13 PM you shut the hell up this game almost made me kill myself when i was young AVGN was right its so bad!
Redxsparrow 07-28-11 - 05:58 PM It took me hours to finish this game.
dazzsheil 03-11-11 - 02:47 AM Possilbly the best NES Game ever?
dazzsheil 02-17-11 - 10:24 AM too bad the Theme of Tara aint in this version
dazzsheil 02-16-11 - 01:13 PM Stop Listening to AVGN......
kenn92 01-07-11 - 02:30 PM ...
panzer22667 12-21-10 - 05:14 PM you should see the original version witch was even worse than this! see the Angry Video Game Nerd's review.
infernal-aeon 10-10-10 - 06:55 PM it was not a terrible game! it started a whole new genre of gaming.
riddick56 06-21-10 - 10:31 AM this isnt the true metal gear
maceikobrandon 06-15-10 - 08:35 AM it was a good game for its time. I remember spending hours on this game when i was younger. It may be terrible now, but it still laid the groundwork for future greats like Tenchu, MGS, and many other stealth mission games.
Dr. Prower 04-05-10 - 03:16 PM I'd love to play the true sequel, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake