thenicodude123 07-10-15 - 08:51 PM What do you do when you get to the dark part of crashman's stage?
alpha lucario 12-25-14 - 06:10 PM i ran into a glitch with bubble man. He knocked me into the door and somehow i warped past the boss room into some sort of glitch room that was an infinite loop where i was fighting a wave of spawning enemies and an unkillable glitch sprite bubbleman.
www.megamanzero 10-12-14 - 09:22 AM heck
mega man221 07-23-14 - 10:19 PM SUPER HARD!!!!!!
sauce man 07-03-14 - 12:26 PM how do you get to the lvls
xElectricZz 08-02-13 - 01:06 AM On crashman there is a part where everything is black, and i can't pass it. can someone help? i did Metal Man, Wood Man, Air Man, and moved to Crash, but like i said, there is a black area, and i can't pass.
riderx40 05-14-13 - 06:25 AM I finally reach the second wily boss,and....i stoped there it freakin' hard man really.
takahiro4 03-18-13 - 11:44 PM ladder climbing faster.
Lockerdown3 03-18-13 - 10:50 AM wow crashman's the easiest of the 6 i got so far, he actually has a pattern
quickman I beat quickly through force
marioplayer657 01-29-13 - 02:00 AM as an game over music from megaman x2 and bubble mans stage is megaman x1 flash man from megaman x3 i played mega man x games so many times a lot of them
marioplayer657 10-24-12 - 01:40 AM i will trust you 123cheese
marioplayer657 09-18-12 - 05:53 PM This is a ridiculous game!!! ):(
marioplayer657 09-18-12 - 05:44 PM lucky that i defeat air man and clash man.
Vizzedgamer! 09-15-12 - 01:28 PM 10/10!
Hard. VERY hard.
bubblemanftw 09-07-12 - 07:03 PM how do i beat woodman? I am very bad at mega man so to me he is like IMPOSSIBLE
marioplayer657 08-17-12 - 05:40 PM you cannot hit the blocks in super mario brothers,its a not-working one.
travis06 07-17-12 - 11:04 AM lol i suck at mega man soevery time i jump from block to block i state save!XD
when i see a boss i like quit lol
teddy5 07-10-12 - 07:14 PM good game, but real hard
RNix25 06-26-12 - 06:09 PM nvm, Leaf Shield to the face FTW.
metallico123 06-25-12 - 06:53 PM woooow
tanathos 06-19-12 - 07:45 PM pff... just woodman and metalman is hard .
RNix25 06-13-12 - 09:55 PM Is the tank invincible or something? None of my weapons damage it anywhere. Help?
tragiklyfe55 05-31-12 - 01:44 PM it's challenging actually. Only level i've truly had an issue with is Metal man
tragiklyfe55 05-31-12 - 01:13 PM wow this is hrd as hell
DinorexMattrex4.. 05-22-12 - 07:18 PM The Airman is a Piece of Crap!