Super Mario Land Review by: Spicy - 7/10
Mario's first adventure on the game boyHello
imamonster here with another game review! Man do i love making these. But
anyway this is super mario land. The NES was a big succes.
That was because of the great game called Super mario bros. The gameboy
came out in 1989 (1990 here in europe) It had a few launch titles but only 2
were put in to the real spotlight. Those games were Tetris and Super Mario
land. And that is the game i will be talking about. Welcome to the review OF
Graphics 6/10
The graphics are Ok. when you play the first level you will say it looks OK.
But when you get to stages like the ancient egypt stage it looks charming and
fun. Mario looks like he is on a serious diet tough. Come on mario is this
because people called you fat? THIS IS NOT THE WAY. enough with the humor let's
get back to the game. Sprites dont look good and at times very frustrating. and
a lot of the time you cant see what is in the background and what is not.
Falling stones can be a pain to actually see. Platforms are very hard to see at
times. And everything is small. this was a launch title for the gameboy so that
is a excuse.And they fixed that in mario land 2.But there are also good things
about the graphics. Some of the levels look awesome. The easton kingdom ( a
stage based of the easter island) stage is my favourite when it comes to
graphics. the easter heads in the background are well detailed.And it just
charms you. There is not a real way to explain it. Overall the graphics were
sometimes frustrating and sometimes charming. I hope that you can overlook
this. This game is for the original gameboy so it is in black and white but
that just adds to the charm in my opinion. A 6/10
Sound 8/10
The sound was not composed by Koji Kondo but by Hirokazu Tanaka. So
the result was surprising.It did not sound like a mario game at all. It sounded
better! Of course this is just a matter of an opinion. But i have been
listening to the soundtrack a lot for this review. I love it. It has the right
theme.My favourite is the chai kingdom. Its like someone took music from mulan
and made it 8-bit. It's very charming and makes you
wanna continue the game.It feels good playing trough the levels with these calming and sometimes exciting music. The sound effects are ok.... The star music is pretty good it gets stuck in your head and is a lot different then the normal star. Overall it is awesome even outside of the game. 8/10
This game is a pretty addicting game. You will want to beat the game. It's not that big of a game with only 4 worlds and every world having only 2 levels. The controls can be floaty at times. But you will get used to it. There arent a lot of worlds and levels are fun. The game is hard so you will be trying a lot. If you like other mario games you will probably like this one. It is not as addicting as the original super mario bros tough. There is not a lot to do like i said. So after a while you will get bored with this game. a 6/10
Story 5/10
The story is Ok. Its about Tatanga a evil alien hypnotizing all inhabitats of Sarasaland wich includes princess daisy Tatanga
wants to marry daisy so he kidnaps her. And then mario is out to save Daisy.Yes this is not mushroom kingdom. But what do you excpect its a mario game. It's better then most Mario games. It has a charm. And in this game there is no toad saying that the princess is in another castle there is a illusion!! Princess daisy was a new character so it was better then having peach for the 100000th time. a 5/10 (there was not a lot to talk about so that is why this section was so short)
Depth 2/10
There is not a lot to do in this game, that is the biggest con of this game There Are only 4 worlds all 4 worlds have 3 levels. That is not much. You do have 2 shooter levels wich were quite enjoyable. Levels are small. This game will probably only take you around 40 minutes to beat. Wich is a shame.Super mario land 2 improved on this aspect.There is nothing to collect in the game but i think you already know that. i will try to go in depht (get the pun) These are the worlds: Birabuto (a desert world) Muda (a ocean world) Easton ( A eastern island world my favourite) and chai (a chinese themed world) all of these have 3 levels. depht 2/10
Difficulty 7/10
This game is pretty difficult. Like i said the controls are a little floaty and at times even stiff.There can be a lot of cheap deaths that will make you go come on. Platforms can be hard to will take you a few tries before you beat this game. Like almost every mario game a 100 coins give you a extra live. At the end of each level you get a bonus game where you can extra lives or a fire flower. Fire flower in this game are different and can be very effective. they bounce. Yeah you heard that right they bounce! There are bosses at the end of every world. They are not that difficult except for the last one. 7/10
Memories 8/10
This is something i do on my reviews memories.I decided to give them a score this one scores a 8 why? Well this is one of the first games i ever emulated i was 9 years old and had a ds and a flash card so i downloaded a emulator. I loved my old gameboy but the screen sucked. So i put a rom on my flash card. And i could play it IT WAS AWESOME. i felt so good in fact this is the second gameboy game i ever emulated. and the first time ever i used save states. The game was to hard for me lol. So i was able to beat the game. a very awesome moment. :)
Overall 7/10
This is a good game but it has some flaws like the graphics. And how much there is to do anyway this was my review i hope you liked it!
Edit there has been a strange glitch messing up my lines or there is space that i dont want or there is no space it has been glitching up sorry!
6 Sound
8 Addictive
6 Depth
2 Story
5 Difficulty