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Momo Aria
07-14-18 12:55 AM
Vizzed Ghostblo..
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Five Years of Vizzed


07-14-18 12:55 AM
Momo Aria is Offline
| ID: 1355195 | 2065 Words

Momo Aria
Level: 91

POSTS: 2341/2359
POST EXP: 165461
LVL EXP: 7454783
CP: 7015.2
VIZ: 68871

Likes: 13  Dislikes: 0
I guess this is a big celebration, being on the site for five years, it’s pretty amazing. Honestly, I feel I would appreciate it more if I was more active on the site. I promised I’d be more active here after David made a promise to help improve the site, but to be honest, I’m not doing a great job at keeping my promise.

Before I explain that more, I do want to address what’s going on the past year, and if things ever got better for me after the crappy events that happened leading to my 4 year anniversary.

I can honestly say, things did get better.

Yeah, I lost a bunch of friends in the past year, but to be honest, I’m actually glad I lost some friends because it gave me the chance to see it wasn’t worth being near them anymore. I know I’m sounding like a terrible person. Hell, they were great people. What’s my problem? Simply put, I realized I didn’t want to remain friends with people that were, well, the following reasons:

Either they were the kind of people who went on separate discord servers for the purpose of trashtalking me, but when they were caught doing so by several other friends of mine, they tried to lie their way out of it, making claims like “oh it was just a joke!” or “I didn’t mean it!” and then they kept doing it.

Or they were people who genuinely didn’t think they were in the wrong for being nasty to some other friends I have, whether they were making fun of their interests, targeting them in harassment, or even making fun of their medical conditions when they clearly know my friends are helpless with their medical problems.

Or they hated my boyfriend so much that they felt it was perfectly okay to intentionally break rules, either on the site or on the discord server. If they were banned, they then celebrate as if it was the greatest thing…

Look, no one has to like Vanelan. Heck, you can even despise Vanelan with a burning passion and still be a friend of mine and a respectful person. But if you’re someone who finds it funny to break rules for the sake of annoying the staff, then don’t be surprised if you’re suddenly no longer able to contact me. This also goes for some of my friends. You don’t have to like them, but if you felt annoyed by them, a block button exists for a reason.

Okay, enough lecturing Aria.

Honestly, being away from these kinds of people had allowed me to better grow as a person. Rather than continuing to speak coldly of them, I just forget about them. By forgetting about it, I just focused on myself, and I was able to have a great time in real life. I also learned a few weeks ago, these people had made a discord server for the sake of trashtalking me and Vanelan, and when I first heard of this, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for them.

I ended up thinking, “how bad are their lives that they feel they need to spend their freetime being petty?”

As a result of disconnecting from plenty of people, I kinda ended up learning to cut off anyone I deemed a negative presence in my life. Lately, I left multiple discord servers because I felt they were draining me and wearing me, and looking back, I end up being happy in the end. Sure, I made a lot of people mad for leaving because, for reasons I can't comprehend, they didn't like that I left to take care of myself. I also continue to remain distant from my dad, as well as a bunch of relatives that have been problematic. Yeah, I'm selfish, I only care about myself and my health, but honestly, I wish the best for everyone and I do hope we all can find happiness in our lives.
Another thing I want to mention, I had left Vizzed last year as a result of their behavior, but after seeing David’s post in March, I realized, “these people who were rude to me don’t represent the site at all.” Sure, this site isn’t perfect… it’s still dead, but we’re still trying.

Or rather, everyone else is trying (I have a lot of explaining to do), but overall, Vizzed is still a nice community. I still like Vizzed, and I’m actually disappointed in myself for not coming to visit the site as much as I wanted to.

So what am I doing and why am I breaking my promise?

Well… I’m more focused on real life. My relationship with Van is no longer just online. We’re seeing each other in person. We’re living in the same house. My family likes him as much as his likes me, so I’m more focused on family and other personal things. I’m also taking summer courses in college so I can advance my education and hopefully graduate by May 2019.

Then in my free time, I’m dancing, I’m writing fanfics, I’m brainstorming and writing a lot of crap down, I’m going on walks, I’m trying to lose weight, I’m playing games…

But I still haven’t forgotten about Vizzed. In fact, I still contact members who have discord accounts, and very recently, I got in contact with TornadoMudkip on twitter. Although I’ll admit, as of late, the only person I really talk to is Vanelan. It doesn’t mean I have forgotten about everyone.

I wish I can be more active in the future. Hopefully, if I have spare moments, I’ll return to posting on Vizzed. Since I’m terrible at keeping my promise, I’ll just not promise on this. I can only try to do my best, for myself, and for everyone who does want to talk to me again.

Now comes the fun part: acknowledging people on the site and personally telling them just how much I appreciate them. It’s been five years now, but there are people I really want to say things to.

Well, first, I want to talk about Zeross121. He’s perma’d so there’s really no need to summon, but why do I want to say something about him?

That’s because, he was my very first friend when I first became active on the site, back in 2013. We became close almost immediately, and we would talk to each other every day. Of course, there were a lot of ups and downs, and the downs were bad enough that he and I ended our friendship twice: first in April 2014, and we became friends again in July 2014, only for that to fail by the end of the year.

To be honest, though, I never forgot about him. I actually sometimes wonder how he’s been doing all these years. Maybe I’m just too nice for my own good, but I actually want to see him again just to tell him “thank you so much for being my first friend here and giving me strength to make friends in school.”

Even though our relationship didn’t end well, I do sincerely hope Zeross has been doing well for the past few years.

Now to everyone else:

Eniitan : is an amazing person, and I couldn’t ask for a better older sister. Every problem I go to, I talk to her, and she always has the right things to say for me. She’s the first person I told when I began my relationship with Van, and she was most supportive. I always do my best to return the favor for her, and I wonder if I have succeeded. We’ve been friends for a long time too, and I hope to continue having a wonderful friendship in future years.

play4fun : was my father figure when I first came to the site, and although I haven’t spoken to him in a long time now, I still wish the best for him. He’s an amazing person to talk to, and I really enjoyed being an insane person with him around.

fearlessjazp567 : He’s my child, so of course I’ll protect him to no end. There will be times though, where I won’t help or defend but instead, guide him to find the answer to his problems. He’s a fun guy, with a love for music and cartoons, and I can’t wish for a better friend to have.

Furret : is so fluffy, I just want to hold him! He’s also my very first Tomodachi husband, which I still remember the names of our kids (our dear Levi, Ariana, Samantha, and Aden). There was also a time where people had actually thought he and I were dating, and I’m actually still confused on how that even came up in the first place. Either way, I always enjoyed talking to him about literally anything, and I’m glad to have him for a friend. (And I’ve created a character based off him in a fanfic, which he will appear if I was more active in my writing).

Matthew2321 : is one of my earliest friends on the site, and we were insane together. I’m sure if I did a better job at keeping contact, we’d still be insane together. Yes, Matthew, even though I suck at my job at keeping in contact with friends daily, I still love you and hope you’ll one day turn into an adorable little puffball.

sonicthehedgehog57 : is another great person to talk to, and he’s also given me a game, and if I didn’t say it enough how grateful I was to receive it, I really am grateful. Again, I suck at my job at keeping contact, so Erick, remember that I love you and I sincerely wish the best for you.

Sanspai : Why the hell is your name Sanspai? My god, hahahaha… For real, I still contact you, although not as often as I hope, and I always enjoy talking to you and trying to help you out the best I can. You’re doing well in life, and I can’t wish for anything else but for you to always be happy.

RDay13 : Sometimes, life makes it hard for us to keep in contact, but that’s okay. Life can be good sometimes, and I hope life keeps you well. My DMs on discord are always open… I’m trying to remember what I used to call you. Was it “caramel?” I can’t remember, but I hope you are doing very well.

Eirinn : I’m really sorry for bothering you on discord on anything regarding Harvest Moon. My childhood fangirling has returned to me, so I’ll be playing some HM games in the future, as I already am now. Please bare with me, and maybe one day, we’ll find a harvest sprite and soon, the Harvest Goddess. Okay, really, you’re amazing, and I love you to bits, like harvest sprites bits (forgive me).

Davideo7 : It’s weird, it’d be the first time I summon the owner to any of my threads, but I do want to thank you, not just for making this place, and not just for all the hard work you do, but for doing your best, even when you sometimes feel down or troubled. We’re always here for you, not just to help with the site, but to keep you happy.

Vanelan : I can make a long, gushy love confession here, but that’ll even make me cringe, so I’ll just talk to you in person rather than make anyone who have read up to this far cringe in disgust.

Then there’s a list of people I still want to acknowledge, but I’m really unsure what to say to them individually, and I’m really sorry!

Zlinqx :
Divine Aurora :
Bintsy :
sop281 :
Mohammedroxx3 :
Pacman+Mariofan :
Vizzed Ghostblood :
m0ssb3rg935 :
juuldude :
TornadoMudkip :
geeogree :
IgorBird122 :
PixelBrick :

Thank you guys so much for giving me a positive experience on Vizzed for the past five years. I’ll try my best to be more active on the site, but even if I’m doing a terrible job at that, I still wish the best for you guys.

And I’m done writing all of this out. I hope this isn’t as long of a read like last year’s, but I’m not expecting everyone to read this all the way through. Either way, I hope everyone has a wonderful day, month, rest of the year, etc. Plus, good luck to those participating in TdV!
I guess this is a big celebration, being on the site for five years, it’s pretty amazing. Honestly, I feel I would appreciate it more if I was more active on the site. I promised I’d be more active here after David made a promise to help improve the site, but to be honest, I’m not doing a great job at keeping my promise.

Before I explain that more, I do want to address what’s going on the past year, and if things ever got better for me after the crappy events that happened leading to my 4 year anniversary.

I can honestly say, things did get better.

Yeah, I lost a bunch of friends in the past year, but to be honest, I’m actually glad I lost some friends because it gave me the chance to see it wasn’t worth being near them anymore. I know I’m sounding like a terrible person. Hell, they were great people. What’s my problem? Simply put, I realized I didn’t want to remain friends with people that were, well, the following reasons:

Either they were the kind of people who went on separate discord servers for the purpose of trashtalking me, but when they were caught doing so by several other friends of mine, they tried to lie their way out of it, making claims like “oh it was just a joke!” or “I didn’t mean it!” and then they kept doing it.

Or they were people who genuinely didn’t think they were in the wrong for being nasty to some other friends I have, whether they were making fun of their interests, targeting them in harassment, or even making fun of their medical conditions when they clearly know my friends are helpless with their medical problems.

Or they hated my boyfriend so much that they felt it was perfectly okay to intentionally break rules, either on the site or on the discord server. If they were banned, they then celebrate as if it was the greatest thing…

Look, no one has to like Vanelan. Heck, you can even despise Vanelan with a burning passion and still be a friend of mine and a respectful person. But if you’re someone who finds it funny to break rules for the sake of annoying the staff, then don’t be surprised if you’re suddenly no longer able to contact me. This also goes for some of my friends. You don’t have to like them, but if you felt annoyed by them, a block button exists for a reason.

Okay, enough lecturing Aria.

Honestly, being away from these kinds of people had allowed me to better grow as a person. Rather than continuing to speak coldly of them, I just forget about them. By forgetting about it, I just focused on myself, and I was able to have a great time in real life. I also learned a few weeks ago, these people had made a discord server for the sake of trashtalking me and Vanelan, and when I first heard of this, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for them.

I ended up thinking, “how bad are their lives that they feel they need to spend their freetime being petty?”

As a result of disconnecting from plenty of people, I kinda ended up learning to cut off anyone I deemed a negative presence in my life. Lately, I left multiple discord servers because I felt they were draining me and wearing me, and looking back, I end up being happy in the end. Sure, I made a lot of people mad for leaving because, for reasons I can't comprehend, they didn't like that I left to take care of myself. I also continue to remain distant from my dad, as well as a bunch of relatives that have been problematic. Yeah, I'm selfish, I only care about myself and my health, but honestly, I wish the best for everyone and I do hope we all can find happiness in our lives.
Another thing I want to mention, I had left Vizzed last year as a result of their behavior, but after seeing David’s post in March, I realized, “these people who were rude to me don’t represent the site at all.” Sure, this site isn’t perfect… it’s still dead, but we’re still trying.

Or rather, everyone else is trying (I have a lot of explaining to do), but overall, Vizzed is still a nice community. I still like Vizzed, and I’m actually disappointed in myself for not coming to visit the site as much as I wanted to.

So what am I doing and why am I breaking my promise?

Well… I’m more focused on real life. My relationship with Van is no longer just online. We’re seeing each other in person. We’re living in the same house. My family likes him as much as his likes me, so I’m more focused on family and other personal things. I’m also taking summer courses in college so I can advance my education and hopefully graduate by May 2019.

Then in my free time, I’m dancing, I’m writing fanfics, I’m brainstorming and writing a lot of crap down, I’m going on walks, I’m trying to lose weight, I’m playing games…

But I still haven’t forgotten about Vizzed. In fact, I still contact members who have discord accounts, and very recently, I got in contact with TornadoMudkip on twitter. Although I’ll admit, as of late, the only person I really talk to is Vanelan. It doesn’t mean I have forgotten about everyone.

I wish I can be more active in the future. Hopefully, if I have spare moments, I’ll return to posting on Vizzed. Since I’m terrible at keeping my promise, I’ll just not promise on this. I can only try to do my best, for myself, and for everyone who does want to talk to me again.

Now comes the fun part: acknowledging people on the site and personally telling them just how much I appreciate them. It’s been five years now, but there are people I really want to say things to.

Well, first, I want to talk about Zeross121. He’s perma’d so there’s really no need to summon, but why do I want to say something about him?

That’s because, he was my very first friend when I first became active on the site, back in 2013. We became close almost immediately, and we would talk to each other every day. Of course, there were a lot of ups and downs, and the downs were bad enough that he and I ended our friendship twice: first in April 2014, and we became friends again in July 2014, only for that to fail by the end of the year.

To be honest, though, I never forgot about him. I actually sometimes wonder how he’s been doing all these years. Maybe I’m just too nice for my own good, but I actually want to see him again just to tell him “thank you so much for being my first friend here and giving me strength to make friends in school.”

Even though our relationship didn’t end well, I do sincerely hope Zeross has been doing well for the past few years.

Now to everyone else:

Eniitan : is an amazing person, and I couldn’t ask for a better older sister. Every problem I go to, I talk to her, and she always has the right things to say for me. She’s the first person I told when I began my relationship with Van, and she was most supportive. I always do my best to return the favor for her, and I wonder if I have succeeded. We’ve been friends for a long time too, and I hope to continue having a wonderful friendship in future years.

play4fun : was my father figure when I first came to the site, and although I haven’t spoken to him in a long time now, I still wish the best for him. He’s an amazing person to talk to, and I really enjoyed being an insane person with him around.

fearlessjazp567 : He’s my child, so of course I’ll protect him to no end. There will be times though, where I won’t help or defend but instead, guide him to find the answer to his problems. He’s a fun guy, with a love for music and cartoons, and I can’t wish for a better friend to have.

Furret : is so fluffy, I just want to hold him! He’s also my very first Tomodachi husband, which I still remember the names of our kids (our dear Levi, Ariana, Samantha, and Aden). There was also a time where people had actually thought he and I were dating, and I’m actually still confused on how that even came up in the first place. Either way, I always enjoyed talking to him about literally anything, and I’m glad to have him for a friend. (And I’ve created a character based off him in a fanfic, which he will appear if I was more active in my writing).

Matthew2321 : is one of my earliest friends on the site, and we were insane together. I’m sure if I did a better job at keeping contact, we’d still be insane together. Yes, Matthew, even though I suck at my job at keeping in contact with friends daily, I still love you and hope you’ll one day turn into an adorable little puffball.

sonicthehedgehog57 : is another great person to talk to, and he’s also given me a game, and if I didn’t say it enough how grateful I was to receive it, I really am grateful. Again, I suck at my job at keeping contact, so Erick, remember that I love you and I sincerely wish the best for you.

Sanspai : Why the hell is your name Sanspai? My god, hahahaha… For real, I still contact you, although not as often as I hope, and I always enjoy talking to you and trying to help you out the best I can. You’re doing well in life, and I can’t wish for anything else but for you to always be happy.

RDay13 : Sometimes, life makes it hard for us to keep in contact, but that’s okay. Life can be good sometimes, and I hope life keeps you well. My DMs on discord are always open… I’m trying to remember what I used to call you. Was it “caramel?” I can’t remember, but I hope you are doing very well.

Eirinn : I’m really sorry for bothering you on discord on anything regarding Harvest Moon. My childhood fangirling has returned to me, so I’ll be playing some HM games in the future, as I already am now. Please bare with me, and maybe one day, we’ll find a harvest sprite and soon, the Harvest Goddess. Okay, really, you’re amazing, and I love you to bits, like harvest sprites bits (forgive me).

Davideo7 : It’s weird, it’d be the first time I summon the owner to any of my threads, but I do want to thank you, not just for making this place, and not just for all the hard work you do, but for doing your best, even when you sometimes feel down or troubled. We’re always here for you, not just to help with the site, but to keep you happy.

Vanelan : I can make a long, gushy love confession here, but that’ll even make me cringe, so I’ll just talk to you in person rather than make anyone who have read up to this far cringe in disgust.

Then there’s a list of people I still want to acknowledge, but I’m really unsure what to say to them individually, and I’m really sorry!

Zlinqx :
Divine Aurora :
Bintsy :
sop281 :
Mohammedroxx3 :
Pacman+Mariofan :
Vizzed Ghostblood :
m0ssb3rg935 :
juuldude :
TornadoMudkip :
geeogree :
IgorBird122 :
PixelBrick :

Thank you guys so much for giving me a positive experience on Vizzed for the past five years. I’ll try my best to be more active on the site, but even if I’m doing a terrible job at that, I still wish the best for you guys.

And I’m done writing all of this out. I hope this isn’t as long of a read like last year’s, but I’m not expecting everyone to read this all the way through. Either way, I hope everyone has a wonderful day, month, rest of the year, etc. Plus, good luck to those participating in TdV!
Trusted Member
Happy Vocaloid Lover

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-14-13
Location: In the depths of hell and beyond
Last Post: 2282 days
Last Active: 2269 days

07-14-18 02:34 AM
Eniitan is Offline
| ID: 1355198 | 217 Words

Level: 176

POSTS: 10211/10522
POST EXP: 959649
LVL EXP: 72930512
CP: 55326.5
VIZ: 2624091

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
Wow...this was very beautiful. Happy 5th anniversary aria! Where has time gone?  I have enjoyed talking to you more as much as you enjoy talking to me. I like looking back at this type of accomplishment my friend has gone through even if some are bad it really gets you thinking. Your not the only one who's kinda breaking her promise... I too said I would become active on the site like I used to but....I haven't been doing that much so you are not alone on that. Thank you for being an amazing person yourself. It's sad those who used to be your friends didn't try to understand you more if they did they wouldn't resulted to become petty and trash talk you behind your back. To be honest I am happy that you cut them off from your life, it has helped. I had to the same and some of them were not happy about it at all. I hope they understand one day what their actions lead them to and to understand what they also did wrong... no one is perfect we know this but there's a fine line within mistakes and just being really petty for no good reason at all.

Anyways enjoy your day aria and I will see you around.   ^-^ 
Wow...this was very beautiful. Happy 5th anniversary aria! Where has time gone?  I have enjoyed talking to you more as much as you enjoy talking to me. I like looking back at this type of accomplishment my friend has gone through even if some are bad it really gets you thinking. Your not the only one who's kinda breaking her promise... I too said I would become active on the site like I used to but....I haven't been doing that much so you are not alone on that. Thank you for being an amazing person yourself. It's sad those who used to be your friends didn't try to understand you more if they did they wouldn't resulted to become petty and trash talk you behind your back. To be honest I am happy that you cut them off from your life, it has helped. I had to the same and some of them were not happy about it at all. I hope they understand one day what their actions lead them to and to understand what they also did wrong... no one is perfect we know this but there's a fine line within mistakes and just being really petty for no good reason at all.

Anyways enjoy your day aria and I will see you around.   ^-^ 
Vizzed Elite
Number 1 Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy And Freedom Planet Fan On Vizzed!

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-16-12
Last Post: 867 days
Last Active: 5 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Momo Aria,

07-14-18 12:06 PM
fearlessjazp567 is Offline
| ID: 1355209 | 10 Words

Level: 36

POSTS: 269/269
POST EXP: 6850
LVL EXP: 287979
CP: 1084.8
VIZ: 24110

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
Thanks. I hope best for you and your friends.
Thanks. I hope best for you and your friends.
Trusted Member
Leader of Hess Trucks

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-17-13
Location: Cymru
Last Post: 2407 days
Last Active: 1485 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Momo Aria,

07-14-18 04:49 PM
Vanelan is Offline
| ID: 1355222 | 11 Words

Level: 154

POSTS: 7831/7903
POST EXP: 297207
LVL EXP: 46089445
CP: 55439.7
VIZ: 10079

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
I'll refrain from being cringy as well. 
Where's the time gone?
I'll refrain from being cringy as well. 
Where's the time gone?
Vizzed Elite
Former Admin

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-05-13
Location: New Yawk
Last Post: 2268 days
Last Active: 2267 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Momo Aria,

07-14-18 06:32 PM
EX Palen is Offline
| ID: 1355226 | 221 Words

EX Palen
Spanish Davideo7
Level: 139

POSTS: 4429/6275
POST EXP: 1121980
LVL EXP: 32384232
CP: 190547.7
VIZ: 10915067

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
Sometimes its hard to cut ties with those you feel are dragging you down, but it's for the best. I've done that myself, so I fully know what you're talking about, and I've also experienced how liberating it can be to focus on the things that do matter.

I don't think you're being selfish. You have a future ahead of you, a life where you'll be in command and maybe even creating your own family. Anyone who genuinely cares for you will encourage you to grab that future and shape it in any way you like, because above anything, you have to be yourself.

I know we haven't actively interacted, but I came to this thread because it's funny how you registered just some 10 days after me. Five years feel like forever, but there are some who feel like they've been around for two or three times that amount. Hell, I may have been staff for most of my time here, but look at that huge list of people you summoned whereas I barely have anyone to summon '

I hope you can fulfill your promise and be around more often, but if your life is progressing you're free to enjoy it to its fullest. Not everyone could enjoy a happy life at your age, so don't waste this chance.
Sometimes its hard to cut ties with those you feel are dragging you down, but it's for the best. I've done that myself, so I fully know what you're talking about, and I've also experienced how liberating it can be to focus on the things that do matter.

I don't think you're being selfish. You have a future ahead of you, a life where you'll be in command and maybe even creating your own family. Anyone who genuinely cares for you will encourage you to grab that future and shape it in any way you like, because above anything, you have to be yourself.

I know we haven't actively interacted, but I came to this thread because it's funny how you registered just some 10 days after me. Five years feel like forever, but there are some who feel like they've been around for two or three times that amount. Hell, I may have been staff for most of my time here, but look at that huge list of people you summoned whereas I barely have anyone to summon '

I hope you can fulfill your promise and be around more often, but if your life is progressing you're free to enjoy it to its fullest. Not everyone could enjoy a happy life at your age, so don't waste this chance.
Site Staff Manager, Content Writer, Console Manager
Vizzed #1 Hardstyle fan

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-03-13
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Last Post: 5 days
Last Active: 1 day

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Momo Aria,

07-14-18 06:41 PM
Spacey Sul is Offline
| ID: 1355228 | 145 Words

Spacey Sul
Level: 55

POSTS: 705/717
POST EXP: 45617
LVL EXP: 1260390
CP: 3829.2
VIZ: 104887

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
Alright so I know I don't know you too well (or at all, possibly), but I want to congratulate you on doing what you need to do to improve your life. It took me a long time to realize that there are times where cutting ties with someone would be best for my health, and I'm proud and happy that you also managed to do the same thing. Congratulations on the happy relationship you're in, and the little things you do in your free time that make you happy and improve you as a person.

It's rough losing pals and not knowing where they've gone or how they're doing, been through that as well.

I do hope to see you around more, and that we can become friends. Live long and prosper, dude. Though, it already seems like you're on the way to that. :]
Alright so I know I don't know you too well (or at all, possibly), but I want to congratulate you on doing what you need to do to improve your life. It took me a long time to realize that there are times where cutting ties with someone would be best for my health, and I'm proud and happy that you also managed to do the same thing. Congratulations on the happy relationship you're in, and the little things you do in your free time that make you happy and improve you as a person.

It's rough losing pals and not knowing where they've gone or how they're doing, been through that as well.

I do hope to see you around more, and that we can become friends. Live long and prosper, dude. Though, it already seems like you're on the way to that. :]
Vizzed Elite
The Game Reviewing Nerd

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07-14-18 06:59 PM
tornadocam is Offline
| ID: 1355230 | 56 Words

Level: 107

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CP: 71132.7
VIZ: 5832460

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Welcome back to vizzed. So glad things are better for you now then they were. I am also glad to see that you are not letting other members ruin things for you. I have found that a lot of the people on here that I would consider rude are gone and have been for a while.   

Welcome back to vizzed. So glad things are better for you now then they were. I am also glad to see that you are not letting other members ruin things for you. I have found that a lot of the people on here that I would consider rude are gone and have been for a while.   

Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-18-12
Last Post: 36 days
Last Active: 18 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Momo Aria,

07-14-18 07:12 PM
IgorBird122 is Offline
| ID: 1355232 | 119 Words

Level: 142

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CP: 40926.3
VIZ: 780148

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Momo Aria : It's great to see that you have been around for 5 long years, that is quite amazing. But it's great to see that things are starting to get a whole lot better on your end

As for not being active on Vizzed, it is quite understandable, mostly because of the low activity that Vizzed has been receiving as of late, this really isn't much of a surprise that users aren't being that too active now a days, but it has been quite an improvement in the last couple of months with the improvements that David has put towards the site.

Let's hope that activity picks up and see us a whole lot more active towards Vizzed again.
Momo Aria : It's great to see that you have been around for 5 long years, that is quite amazing. But it's great to see that things are starting to get a whole lot better on your end

As for not being active on Vizzed, it is quite understandable, mostly because of the low activity that Vizzed has been receiving as of late, this really isn't much of a surprise that users aren't being that too active now a days, but it has been quite an improvement in the last couple of months with the improvements that David has put towards the site.

Let's hope that activity picks up and see us a whole lot more active towards Vizzed again.
Vizzed Elite
The Shadow King

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Registered: 01-07-13
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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Momo Aria,

07-18-18 09:26 PM
Barathemos is Offline
| ID: 1355416 | 56 Words

Level: 208

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CP: 46973.4
VIZ: 919569

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I’m late, but congrats on making it to your fifth year here on Vizzed.

It’s been great getting to know you through the forums and chat.

Hope you stay around for a while Aria

It’s hard to stay active, especially when life is throwing everything at you. Which is why I missed my 5 year thread.

I’m late, but congrats on making it to your fifth year here on Vizzed.

It’s been great getting to know you through the forums and chat.

Hope you stay around for a while Aria

It’s hard to stay active, especially when life is throwing everything at you. Which is why I missed my 5 year thread.

Site Staff
Minecraft Admin

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Registered: 02-17-13
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Momo Aria,

08-01-18 01:07 AM
PixelBrick is Offline
| ID: 1355771 | 41 Words

Level: 96

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LVL EXP: 8759994
CP: 7070.0
VIZ: 50099

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'Grats on staying with this site so long. Thanks for the tag, too, despite the fact that our interactions have been limited. Hopefully, this can change in the future, you seem like a lovely person to chat with! Be well, Momo.
'Grats on staying with this site so long. Thanks for the tag, too, despite the fact that our interactions have been limited. Hopefully, this can change in the future, you seem like a lovely person to chat with! Be well, Momo.
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Here's looking at you, kid

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08-20-18 01:22 AM
Vizzed Ghostblood is Offline
| ID: 1356025 | 81 Words

Level: 83

POSTS: 1744/1754
POST EXP: 60172
LVL EXP: 5397511
CP: 1779.5
VIZ: 37207

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
Oh dear, I just saw this really late lol. Sorry, I been trying to stay active but with how my life is going, I just don't think I would be able to stay as active as I would hoping to be. Congrats on your 5th anniversary! Wish we would be able to chat more often on Discord (even though I just sent you a message moment ago for entirely different reason LOL). Let's hope for 10th anniversary at least?
Oh dear, I just saw this really late lol. Sorry, I been trying to stay active but with how my life is going, I just don't think I would be able to stay as active as I would hoping to be. Congrats on your 5th anniversary! Wish we would be able to chat more often on Discord (even though I just sent you a message moment ago for entirely different reason LOL). Let's hope for 10th anniversary at least?
Trusted Member

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-06-10
Location: Oregon |or| Washington D.C.
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Last Active: 317 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Momo Aria,


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