TornadoMudkip's Profile
TornadoMudkip is Offline
Real Name: Gobou de Tornade
Age: 24 (04-01-00) Gender: Female
Registered: 04-06-13 04:52 AM (4328 days ago)
Posts: 1,544 Threads: 64
Post Words: 167,056 (108 word avg)
Level: 76 Experience: 3991573
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Last Activity: 03-07-17 07:00 AM
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Last Post: 01-24-17 12:48 PM
Two of a kind.....
Two of a kind.....
About Mudkip
~Currently less active on Vizzed~
The Wall of the Mudkipz! (Chat funnyness)
~ 11-15-14 - [2:16 PM] play4fun: aria's the crazy one, mudkip's the adorable one
~ 11-15-14 - Play4fun: Everyone needs to know this. Tornado is SUCH a mudkip
~ 07-22-15 - Light Knight: is that cause you "axolotl" of questions? (Note: a Mudkip is based on an axolotl).
'' Never Give Up ~ TornadoMudkip ''
~ Winner Best Layout Vizzed Award 2013! ~
~ Getting the first new Green Jersey (Most Actions CP) 07-01-14. ~
~ Former Local Moderator and Site Staff on Vizzed. ~
Hello, I'm TornadoMudkip. Nice to meet you! ~ (Please call me Tornado and if you prefer Mudkip or Muddy, that's okay).
I love playing games! I especially like playing Pokémon, Mario, The Legend of Zelda and Inazuma Eleven games. Some of my favorite Pokémon are: Mudkip, Grovyle, Goomy and many others. Of course my Lucky Female Goodra too! ~
I also like to make Post Layouts and Profile Layouts. Feel free to ask me for a Layout. (Please ask in a PM).
Please don't be mad if Id eleted you on my Friends List, this can happen if we didn't talk for a long time.
If you have a question, feel free to ask me! (Please ask in a PM).
The Wall of the Mudkipz! (Chat funnyness)
~ 11-15-14 - [2:16 PM] play4fun: aria's the crazy one, mudkip's the adorable one
~ 11-15-14 - Play4fun: Everyone needs to know this. Tornado is SUCH a mudkip
~ 07-22-15 - Light Knight: is that cause you "axolotl" of questions? (Note: a Mudkip is based on an axolotl).
'' Never Give Up ~ TornadoMudkip ''

~ Winner Best Layout Vizzed Award 2013! ~
~ Getting the first new Green Jersey (Most Actions CP) 07-01-14. ~
~ Former Local Moderator and Site Staff on Vizzed. ~
Hello, I'm TornadoMudkip. Nice to meet you! ~ (Please call me Tornado and if you prefer Mudkip or Muddy, that's okay).
I love playing games! I especially like playing Pokémon, Mario, The Legend of Zelda and Inazuma Eleven games. Some of my favorite Pokémon are: Mudkip, Grovyle, Goomy and many others. Of course my Lucky Female Goodra too! ~
I also like to make Post Layouts and Profile Layouts. Feel free to ask me for a Layout. (Please ask in a PM).
Please don't be mad if I
If you have a question, feel free to ask me! (Please ask in a PM).
Page Comments
no 8120 - 04-01-22 05:30 AM
Happy Birthday
no 8120 - 04-01-20 01:42 PM
Happy Birthday
Eniitan - 12-31-16 06:27 PM
Happy New Year!
TheFadedWarrior - 12-23-16 07:52 PM
potato chips are high in potassium, salt, and unsaturated fats, all of which increase blood pressure
Zlinqx - 12-02-16 04:35 PM
ty mupkip :3
deggle - 11-18-16 12:36 PM
mudkips are so swagalicious
RDay13 - 11-16-16 12:59 PM
thx for the like!

gamerforlifeforever - 11-06-16 08:12 PM
EX Palen - 11-06-16 11:21 AM
Thank you!
Bintsy - 11-01-16 08:24 AM
Thank you