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  I wanna live like there's no tomorrow/Love, like I'm on borrowed time/It's good to be alive
Vizzed Elite
Real Name: Elliot
Location: Quincy, MA
Age: 33 (10-08-90)  Gender: Male
Registered: 07-22-09 04:52 PM (5554 days ago)
Posts: 3,661  Threads: 245
Post Words: 459,253 (125 word avg)
Viz: 782,291    Contribution Points: 21,507
Post Rating: 563   Trust Points: 35   Chat: 1333
Level: 115    Experience: 16509101
Next Level: +302263 Exp    Per Post: 6764 Exp
Email: Email withheld from guests. Log in to see it.
Last Activity: 08-07-17 03:28 PM
  Viewing Vizzed Board
Last Post: 05-28-17 02:40 PM
  Fidget Spinners


When you see the diamond pickaxe, you know play4fun was here.

About me:

On Reviews
I have a strict standard when it comes to reviews. The short answer is that a review is a detailed persuasive article that provides strong opinions on a game and tries to convince readers, through evidence and rhetoric to play or to avoid the game. I express most of my views on what makes a good review through this thread:

The way I currently rate reviews is based on the following:

5-Excellent original review. Well supported and elegantly written. Great flow and attraction. Stands out and sometimes go the extra mile to make the review great. Professional

4-Good original review. Very well written and good support. decent flow of the article. Few grammar and spelling errors.

3-Decent review. Could have went more in depth for the analysis. Some grammar and spelling errors. Few flaws in logic. Lack of flow.

2-Counts as a review, but is not well written. Lack of support. Unprofessional looking (grammar and spelling) or illogical or unreasonable.

1-Not a review. Writing shows little to no effort. Lack of opinion or support. Illogical

When I comment on reviews, I say what needs to be said to get the most out of the writer and to help improve reviews.

Competition Accolades
2nd place - [Sports Forum] March Madness Competition - March 2013
1st place - [Christian Conservative Forum] Charades Competition - April 2013
3rd place - [Vizzed] High Score Competition (R-type) - April 2013
9th place - [Vizzed] MEGA Screenshot Hunter Competition - April 2013
1st place - [Christian Conservative Forum] Charades Competition - May 2013
Elite 8 - [Vizzed] Official Netplay Tournament: Genre Combo - Spring 2013
2nd place - [RGR Comp. Forum] Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Netplay Tournament - August 2013
3rd place - [Vizzed] MEGA Video Competition Epic Deaths - October 2013
Elite 8 - [Vizzed] Official Netplay Tournament: Tecmo Super Bowl 2014 - Autumn 2013

Board History
Became a member: July 22nd, 2009.
Created the Play4fun's Review Central forum: Dec 21, 2010.
Became the Christian Conservative forum's Local Moderator: March 11th, 2013
Became Staff-Game Reviewer: April 30th, 2013.
Became Global Moderator: June 4th, 2013.
Became Chat Manager: June 7th, 2013.
Became YouTube Manager: June 20th, 2014.

Vizzed Awards
3rd Most Controversial Member of 2010
Most Mature Member of 2013
Most Mature Member of 2014
2nd Wisest Member of 2014
Tied-3rd Most Famous Member of 2014

Board Achievements
[x] Newbie
[x] Member
[x] Trusted
[x] Staff
[ ] Elite
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[x] Global Mod

[x] 10 posts
[x] 50 posts
[x] 100 posts
[x] 500 posts
[x] 1000 posts
[x] 1250 posts
[x] 1500 posts
[ ] ... posts

[x] Affected by 'Laziness' - 0 posts per day
[x] Affected by 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome' - 1 post per day
[x] Affected by 'Trooperness' - 5 posts per day
[x] Affected by '1/35th Vizzed Syndrome' - 25 posts per day
[ ] Affected by 'Trooperness A+' - 75 posts per day
[ ] Affected by 'Official Post Spree Syndrome' - 100 posts per day
[ ] Affected by 'Ravering Syndrome' - 150 posts per day
[ ] Affected by 'Ravering Syndrome+' - 200 posts per day
[ ] Affected by 'Veneeval Syndrome' - 300 posts per day
[ ] Affected by 'Veneeval Syndrome+' - 350 posts per day
[ ] Affected by 'Yahmonners Syndrome' - ? posts per day
[ ] Affected by 'Lucky 777 Syndrome' - 777 posts per day
[ ] Affected by 'VIZZED Syndrome' - 875 posts per day

Page Comments

no 8120 - 10-08-19 04:17 AM
Happy Birthday
TheFadedWarrior - 12-24-16 07:55 PM
merry christmas
earthwarrior - 10-08-16 08:28 PM
happy birthday
NintendoFanDrew - 10-08-16 11:04 AM
happy birthday play!
Davideo7 - 10-08-16 10:02 AM
Happappy Brithday!
Barathemos - 10-08-16 09:19 AM
Happy Birthday
sonicbros - 10-08-16 08:48 AM
Happy birthday
juuldude - 10-08-16 05:01 AM
Happy birthday play
Yuna1000 - 10-08-16 04:55 AM
Happy Birthday! =)
m0ssb3rg935 - 10-08-16 02:27 AM
Happy birthday, Play.

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