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Yes, I have finally begun a quote wall...after all these years. Some quotes are real. Others are fake. You decide! ...I know that's not how it works. Or how it twerks. But either way, I hope you enjoy!
"weewoo weewoo emergency" - Kimmeh, 2016
"I'm on a quote wall. The Mexicans built it." - Donald Trump
"LOL THANK YOU SUPER PERSON" - plasticinsanity
"Boshi Yoshi" - Your face
"A man's castle is his home" - Louis XIV
"I am disowning you" - Sanspai
"Can I go a week without people stealing my wife?" - awesomeguy279
"We need a lot of chocolate. And a lot of pudding. Maybe some kit-kats and peanut butter. Definitely a Twix and a Snickers. MnM's. All on top of some ice cream. Vanilla ice cream so the chocolate stands out. Like a sundae." - Fyredove
"I dunno, man, the Nina seemed like a player to me. I have a feeling she hooked up with the Santa Maria, but was cheating on it with the Pinta the whole time! She would be with Santa Maria a lot, but whenever the Pinta came close, she acted like nothing was going on!" - Oats
"I added the following Steam games:" - Davideo7
"I'm excited to kill people so they'll be happy ^-^" - yoshirulez!
"Mach Bike is my second waifu, aside from Twix" - MarioLucarioFan64
"Taco Bell is the most delicious place ever I wanna eat it yum yub" - merfeo7
"Nothing like the smell of Viz in the morning" - zanderlex
"Hi I'm new" - Every newbie ever
"SPEED LEGGY GO!" - legacyme3
I've been on a Psych binge recently (since Netflix announced it would be leaving October 1st). Here are some classic quotes:
"Wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiit..." - Shawn Spencer
"Gus, don't be the American adaptation of the British Gus." - Shawn Spencer
"Did you hear about Pluto? That's messed up, right?" - Burton Guster
"But murder is also murder!" - Burton Guster, in response to "Meat is murder!"
I really enjoyed Finding Dory. A few quotes from it:
"When we see the undertow, we say let's go!" - Dory
"When we see the undertow, we say heck no!" - Charlie
"Sigourney Weaver is going to help us!" - Dory
Sigourney Weaver is quite possibly the most memorable character of the film, despite never appearing in it. If you haven't seen the movie, I won't explain the details, but the use of her name is played to really great effect.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
"A real friend is one who walks in while the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
"weewoo weewoo emergency" - Kimmeh, 2016
"I'm on a quote wall. The Mexicans built it." - Donald Trump
"LOL THANK YOU SUPER PERSON" - plasticinsanity
"Boshi Yoshi" - Your face
"A man's castle is his home" - Louis XIV
"I am disowning you" - Sanspai
"Can I go a week without people stealing my wife?" - awesomeguy279
"We need a lot of chocolate. And a lot of pudding. Maybe some kit-kats and peanut butter. Definitely a Twix and a Snickers. MnM's. All on top of some ice cream. Vanilla ice cream so the chocolate stands out. Like a sundae." - Fyredove
"I dunno, man, the Nina seemed like a player to me. I have a feeling she hooked up with the Santa Maria, but was cheating on it with the Pinta the whole time! She would be with Santa Maria a lot, but whenever the Pinta came close, she acted like nothing was going on!" - Oats
"I added the following Steam games:" - Davideo7
"I'm excited to kill people so they'll be happy ^-^" - yoshirulez!
"Mach Bike is my second waifu, aside from Twix" - MarioLucarioFan64
"Taco Bell is the most delicious place ever I wanna eat it yum yub" - merfeo7
"Nothing like the smell of Viz in the morning" - zanderlex
"Hi I'm new" - Every newbie ever
"SPEED LEGGY GO!" - legacyme3
I've been on a Psych binge recently (since Netflix announced it would be leaving October 1st). Here are some classic quotes:
"Wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiit..." - Shawn Spencer
"Gus, don't be the American adaptation of the British Gus." - Shawn Spencer
"Did you hear about Pluto? That's messed up, right?" - Burton Guster
"But murder is also murder!" - Burton Guster, in response to "Meat is murder!"
I really enjoyed Finding Dory. A few quotes from it:
"When we see the undertow, we say let's go!" - Dory
"When we see the undertow, we say heck no!" - Charlie
"Sigourney Weaver is going to help us!" - Dory
Sigourney Weaver is quite possibly the most memorable character of the film, despite never appearing in it. If you haven't seen the movie, I won't explain the details, but the use of her name is played to really great effect.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
"A real friend is one who walks in while the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
Page Comments
shandi23 - 04-15-20 11:40 AM
Hello ,i am Shandi Cabrera from united states of America and i am supportive,caring and also i have a passionate of true love in my heart. i just went through your profile today on this site then i pick interest in you and i will like us to know each other more to establish a good relationship and please try to write me at ( then i send you my pictures then introduce myself more better to you ok, thanks..
Yuna1000 - 01-12-17 08:15 PM
Happy Birthday! =)
Pacman+Mariofan - 01-12-17 06:31 PM
Happy birthday!
juuldude - 01-12-17 11:09 AM
Happy birthday supernerd!
MarioLucarioFan64 - 01-12-17 01:59 AM
Happy birthday!
m0ssb3rg935 - 01-12-17 12:35 AM
Happy birthday.
legacyme3 - 10-24-16 03:38 AM
Just curious, are you ever going to update your Disney Mafia game? Kind of bothers me there was never any resolution.
Yuna1000 - 10-11-16 10:23 PM
Thank you! =)
Patrick Star - 10-01-16 10:18 PM
No, this is Patrick!
ZeroTails - 09-24-16 10:55 AM