no 8120 01-21-25 - 03:43 AM thank you for the screenshot rating
matthm1977 09-24-19 - 09:20 PM i was just discussing this game with a coworker who never played any ff games, i think this is the best and the one i recommended to them, i have played them all(beat most) besides the MMOs
Lexatom 01-03-19 - 06:51 PM Man I really need to get further in this one...
iamnotdevil 12-25-15 - 11:19 AM One of my favorite Final Fantasy games. Love the story and everything. :)
yoshirulez! 11-28-15 - 07:02 PM IV is better than VI...
Hunter33 09-22-14 - 01:34 PM There is no whats better its Final Fantasy Need i say more :)
tRIUNE 09-04-14 - 08:14 PM Yes, the same since they are both role-playing games. They have no similarities though.
RMJEtheReploid 09-04-14 - 07:59 PM is this game like megaman X Commandmission? (Capcom RPG For the PS2 and GameCube)
DanielFantasyVI 05-18-14 - 10:46 PM ff7 is good but ff6 is WAY better
jnisol 05-15-14 - 05:52 AM I'm a fan of final fantasy and best final fantasy game so far to me.
DanielFantasyVI 05-15-14 - 04:35 AM best game ever!
Beastmode64 03-08-14 - 02:32 PM this is the best final fantasy ever.
frogboyaj 02-24-14 - 03:15 PM Best final fantasy game ever.
mastergamer7163 02-18-14 - 11:40 AM SquareEnix got games for everyone who is a game fan but normal final fantasy games is ok so stop saying oh this final fantasy game is good and then to a other final fantasy game this FF game is bad etc people may have taste in other games respect that
Zyphe_X 01-28-14 - 01:28 AM Ok listen here! I don't care what any of you say, the FF series are the greatest games of all time. who cares if you say ff7 is better then the others, or any other is better then the others. I've played all of them up to XIII for the ps3, there all good
whitefangfurry 09-15-13 - 04:23 PM It's good, but not amazing...
I'm an FF7 fan so please do not send me rage comments.
KingofRPG 05-12-13 - 05:37 PM If it's early in the game (pre-esper), then that's bad.
Benz321 05-09-13 - 08:16 AM cool game my player terra is alreaDY Lvl 91
BagusCahyoJayaP 03-29-13 - 11:26 AM Gamenya sangat asik untuk dimainin
ARedLetterDay 03-24-13 - 10:10 PM Considering there isn't much to be censored in the first place, that isn't something to be worried about, though I suppose the Retranslated and Improved hack for the SNES version would be your best bet in that case.
Oneaphelion 03-24-13 - 06:51 AM The least censored?
ARedLetterDay 03-23-13 - 03:03 AM @Oneaphelion, depending on what you're looking for, each version is pretty good. If you're looking for one of the cleaner translations, the GBA version is one for you, but the PSX version stays truer to the source material.
Oneaphelion 03-23-13 - 02:57 AM Which version is the most complete: SNES, PSX, GBA?
leondre77 03-22-13 - 10:38 AM im sick of hearing ff6 is better than ff7 they both have there ups an downs their equal, whine and complain all you want you know im right
individualpirate 02-08-13 - 03:51 PM No offense but i think this was one of the best 7 just never appealed to me i mean you SPOILER kill the emphasist of a white mage sometime through i was just like really