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Vizzed is an online gaming community which lets you play 10,000s of retro games online for free, get information for almost every game ever made and discuss both gaming and life in general in a welcoming family-friendly environment.


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Click Terminology and Features titles to see full descriptions

Active Users - Shows the recent active users By: Randy53215,
Admin Panel - Panel that only admins can access By Randy53215
Announcements - Vizzed news and updates By Davideo7 By: Davideo7,
Arcade - A flash arcade which allows users to compete for high scores By BigBob85 By: Davideo7,
Auto Backup Save Files - Your save files automatically backup and are recoverable By Davideo7
Auto Mark Threads Read - Threads are automatically marked as read when you view them By Davideo7
Auto Newbie PM - A Welcome PM which introduces each user to the board By: Davideo7,
Back and Forth Post Prevention - There By Davideo7
Ban - A ban is temporary or permanent based on a users bad behaviour. By: ,
Chat Bar - Lets you have a live conversation with your friends By: Davideo7,
Chat Room - Lets the users of vizzed chat together By: Davideo7,
Contribution Points - Also known as CP By Davideo7
Control Panel - Provides links to pages that dont exist anywhere else By Davideo7
Donations - You can earn Viz by Donating money from the Donations Page By Davideo7
Forum Index - Lets you view all kinds of site and forum related info By Davideo7
Friends List - A list displaying all users that you have selected as a friend By Davideo7
Help Center - Contains almost all the Information you'll need for Vizzed Board By Davideo7
Item Shop - Virtual Items (usually bought with Viz) that do various things By: Davideo7,
Memberlist - Displays all the users of the board By Davideo7
Newbie Quiz - A quiz for newbies to earn viz and learn the rules of Vizzed By By: ,
Notifications - A message notifying you of various things By Davideo7
Online Users - Page displays the activity of all recently active members By: Davideo7, Randy53215,
Post Experience - (Post Exp) tracks a users total number of words among all posts By Davideo7
Post / New Reply - A response to a thread submitted by a user By: Davideo7, ,
Post Layout - The HTML and/or text above and below your posts By: Davideo7,
Post Rating - (Post Like & Disliking) A rating system for posts By Davideo7
Powerlevel - Determines the users priveleges and accessible features By: Davideo7,
Premade Post Layouts - List of premade layouts (some cost viz) By: Davideo7,
Private Message - Send and receive personalized messages with other users By: Davideo7, ,
Profile - A page which displays all your board information By Davideo7 By: ,
Quick Edit options - Lets you quickly edit stuff By Randy53215
Retro Game Room - Lets you Play classic Retro Games Online for Free By Davideo7
Retro Toon Room - Lets you Watch classic Retro Cartoons Online for Free By Davideo7 By: ,
RGR Game to Thread Linking - Link a Thread to a Game in the Retro Game Room By Davideo7
Save File Manager - Lets you view, copy, backup or delete RGR Plugin save files By Davideo7
Shout Box - A shout box which lets users chat back and forth By Randy53215 By: ,
Site Index - Lets you view all kinds of site and forum related info By Davideo7
Staff - Member with authority over all other members By: Davideo7,
Staff Summoning - lets you summon part of the staff or all of the staff By Davideo7
Stats - Fun RPG-type stats which are increased by items and level By: Davideo7,
Sub Forums - Categorized forums within forums By Davideo7
Syndromes - Also known as 'Post Syndrome' By: Davideo7,
Thread - (New Thread) A topic a user submits awaiting posts By: Davideo7, , Randy53215,
Tour de Vizzed - TdV is a posting competition based on the VCS and Tour de France By Davideo7
Trust Points - Trust Points System measures a users trustworthiness & loyalty By Davideo7

Viz - The currency of Vizzed By Davideo7
How to gain it
- Coming to Vizzed Every Day earns you 100 Viz each day you visit
- Posting: You earn Viz per a post depending on size and other factors; you lose Viz from small posts (see Viz Per Post)
- Referring People: 200 Viz if they visit, another 800 Viz if they Sign Up, and another 1,000 Viz if they post
- Donating Money to Vizzed Board - 10,000 Viz for $10 Donation (refer to Donations page)
- When users reply to your threads
- Although you lose 10 Viz for making threads, you get viz when people reply to your thread (Refer to Viz Per Thread)
- 500 Viz for setting Vizzed as your Homepage; more info here
- 500 Viz for taking the Newbie Quiz
- 100+ Viz for reviewing games in the Retro Game Room or Video Game Room
- 100 Viz for each day you visit vizzed board (so be sure to come and vizzit every day!)
- Taking and Submitting Screenshots to the Retro Game Room
(you get 2 viz for rating a screenshot, 3 Viz if your screenshot gets rated a 4 and 5 Viz if your screenshot gets rated a 5)
- Taking and Submitting Videos to the Retro Game Room
(you get 50 Viz for each minute long your video is, so a 60 minute video would be 3000 Viz)
- Viz for Rating an Online Retro Game that you own (you get 25% of the game's price)
- Selling an Online Retro Game that you own (75% your Viz back)
- Doing favors for the site or others (refer to the Vizzed Market)
- Various Contests (sometimes there are contests that you can enter to win Viz)
- If its your Birthday: When it's your birthday you will receive a gift of 5000 viz and along with a congratulations PM;
(you MUST be a member atleast 1 month to qualify)
- Battle Arena (coming eventually)
- and many more (and there are also many more to come)

How to spend it
- Item Shop (purchasing virtual items that upgrade your user stats; refer to Item Shop)
- Post layouts (some pre-made post layouts cost a small amount of Viz; refer to 'Premade Post Layouts')
- Request favors from fellow members (refer to the Vizzed Market)
- Make an announcement, Calendar Event, Color Changed Thread, Stickied Thread, etc (features soon to come)
-It costs 2 Viz for each minute you spend in the chat room
- Buying Online Retro Games (see 'Online Retro Games')
- and many more (and there are also many more to come)
Information Updated On: 06-29-16

Viz Per Post - Earn a dynamic amount of Viz per a post By Davideo7
Viz Per Thread - It costs 10 Viz to make threads but you get Viz for each reply By Davideo7
Vizzed RGR Plugin - A required download for some Retro Game Room games By tom760

Page Comments

newlifechat - 01-14-25 04:25 PM
Dreamcast has stopped working.Updated all dx but still not working.Help please ?
newlifechat - 01-09-25 05:57 PM
Is it possible to add CRT shaders to RGR plugin games ?
norbert - 09-14-24 10:43 AM
Less is more for this site. 100% should be Games play when you select Mednafen on FF portable or Edge. now all my games wont Launch. and PEOPLE if we supported by only 10$ each of us a month. Viz be better off doing things, even $15 is cheap compared to online games now days
norbert - 09-14-24 10:37 AM
guess due to lack of $$ support and a few more people to help update and clean out Forums, this site has major issues. I wish I could help. But not good at computer things. and Now games not load in Mednafen. only use that cause easy to add codes for games. now Every game I play not load. LAUNCH Failed always say.
Stewartink - 08-09-24 04:09 PM
I'm having a problem. I keep Getting the message, "Network Error" everytime I try to play a game
Sylvia G - 03-26-24 03:45 AM
My senior brain has completely shut down. For the life of me I can't remember where & how to start a new thread. I keep making mistakes. HELP!!! Thank you
SolidLion1 - 02-28-24 06:41 PM
really sucks not being able to play dreamcast anymore because the site doesn't know I have rgr plug in installed
SolidLion1 - 02-28-24 06:40 PM
Unfortunately I can't get to work no matter how hard I try. I only succeeded once in the past and upon reboot of my pc I'm back to square one and can't get it to work. I just keep getting This site can’t be refused to connect. ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
WebQueen_2014 - 02-28-24 02:32 PM
plugin issues
Icelynnfoxx - 02-13-24 12:00 PM
hellooo anyone home

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Vizzed has 3 TB worth of games and 1 TB worth of music.  This site is free to use but the ads barely pay for the monthly server fees.  If too many more people use ad block, the site cannot survive.

We prioritize the community over the site profits.  This is why we avoid using annoying (but high paying) ads like most other sites which include popups, obnoxious sounds and animations, malware, and other forms of intrusiveness.  We'll do our part to never resort to these types of ads, please do your part by helping support this site by adding to your ad blocking whitelist.
