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Page Comments

newlifechat - 01-14-25 04:25 PM
Dreamcast has stopped working.Updated all dx but still not working.Help please ?
newlifechat - 01-09-25 05:57 PM
Is it possible to add CRT shaders to RGR plugin games ?
norbert - 09-14-24 10:43 AM
Less is more for this site. 100% should be Games play when you select Mednafen on FF portable or Edge. now all my games wont Launch. and PEOPLE if we supported by only 10$ each of us a month. Viz be better off doing things, even $15 is cheap compared to online games now days
norbert - 09-14-24 10:37 AM
guess due to lack of $$ support and a few more people to help update and clean out Forums, this site has major issues. I wish I could help. But not good at computer things. and Now games not load in Mednafen. only use that cause easy to add codes for games. now Every game I play not load. LAUNCH Failed always say.
Stewartink - 08-09-24 04:09 PM
I'm having a problem. I keep Getting the message, "Network Error" everytime I try to play a game
Sylvia G - 03-26-24 03:45 AM
My senior brain has completely shut down. For the life of me I can't remember where & how to start a new thread. I keep making mistakes. HELP!!! Thank you
SolidLion1 - 02-28-24 06:41 PM
really sucks not being able to play dreamcast anymore because the site doesn't know I have rgr plug in installed
SolidLion1 - 02-28-24 06:40 PM
Unfortunately I can't get to work no matter how hard I try. I only succeeded once in the past and upon reboot of my pc I'm back to square one and can't get it to work. I just keep getting This site can’t be refused to connect. ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
WebQueen_2014 - 02-28-24 02:32 PM
plugin issues
Icelynnfoxx - 02-13-24 12:00 PM
hellooo anyone home

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