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  Views: 3,398,480,333     09-26-24 11:42 AM  

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    Deepriver, WA
Age / Birthday:
    43 / 09-28-80

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Registration: 10-31-11 01:37 PM (4713 days ago)
Last Activity: 12-07-20 11:38 AM

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Last Post: 06-24-14 01:57 PM
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jk2112's Last Game Comments
Zelda Parallel Worlds - Remodel this is one cool hack! after playing parallel worlds, i really appreciate haviing access to this one. The only thing i would add to it is a title pic of the game on the front of the box for easy identification.
Super Mario World - Tales of Nean the song at the title screen is metroid song from nintendo's first metroid game.
Super Mario World 3 Plus - The New Islands how do you get java? will it work for this game?
Super Mario World 3 Plus - The New Islands how do you play this? It won't load the same way as the other hacks?

jk2112's Last Game Reviews
Donkey Kong Country
06-16-13 11:20 PM
Donkey Kong Country: Graphic Excellence.
This is Donkey Kong at it's best. The graphics are all encompassing and surpassing all else for this system. Everywhere you look there is new and interesting sights to behold. The more you play it the more you notice about the background images and environmental graphics. It is truly a work of art. And the animation is quite amazing as well. Especially for a 16 bit Nintendo. They are really pushing the envelope with this one. And what is surprising is that there are no slow motion glitches, what with the abundance of activity happening simultaneously. In a lot of other video games there are problems with this. Even super Mario world has this problem at times. But not Donkey Kong Country. There are no hesitations in timing that I have noticed.         The sound quality is very clear and absolute. It makes me wonder what this game would actually sound like in surround sound. This would be phenomenal, in my opinion. Especially since the music is so well composed. It sounds like synthesizer music that took a lot of deliberating and creative inspiration in the studio to get it right. Bongo drums, bamboo flute, and various other fascinating sounds are included in the soundtracks.         Furthermore, this game is a very great challenge. And a fun challenge at that. It keeps you on your toes a lot. Jumping from treetops to catch helium balloons before they float away. Bouncing off of the heads of enemies one after another, then having to land on a platform in the middle of the air. So on and so forth. Oh and don't forget about the mine carts. This requires great timing as well. Timing is essential. So yes, this has got to be one of the most well thought out projects of all time. Don't just take my word for it, if you haven't yet tried Donkey Kong Country, give it a try, you won't be disappointed. Jk2112 signing out. God Bless.
Ogre Battle - The March of the Black Queen
05-28-13 01:33 PM
ogre battle: march of the black queen
This is a very tactical game with much to take into consideration. If you are a brilliant tactician then you will, most likely, be well pleased with the dynamics thereof. For instance, when doing  battle with the enemy, you don't simply fight to win and that's that. No. There is much more to it. You have charisma and alignment to think about whilst engaging in battle. If you fight against a weaker foe, you will gain power, yet, lose charisma. If you beat an enemy that is stronger than you, you will become a more honorable team. And all of this reflects in the eyes of the citizens of each continent. So, be diligent in your pursuit if you want better results. Anyways, you start out answering multiple choice questions, that a seer is asking, in order to determine your constitution. Each time you do, you will receive a tarot card that the question corresponds to. At the end of the interrogation you will select one additional card at random. Now the story begins. Here is a map where you will navigate your armies. Your army is made of several formations of characters. This is where it gets creative. You are able to make up your own teams from a separate menu. There are many characters and creatures to choose from. The bigger creatures take up more space in a formation, so you are not allowed as many in a group as you would if you chose from the smaller beings. There are Amazons, Beast Masters, Wizards, Valkyries, and so forth. You will encounter a lot more recruits as you progress. And there is also a "charm" option to recruit "neutral" creatures. These include dragons, krakens, gryphons, etc. Each of these monsters can help you in different ways. Some can fly, thus causing you to move faster across the map. Others can swim fast in water. Dragons are a mountain animal. When you do battle you gain experience and can be promoted to higher levels. The higher the level of a character the stronger they become. And eventually they can evolve into something new. This does n... Read the rest of this Review
Zelda 3 - Goddess of Wisdom
02-05-13 10:03 PM
The Legend of Zelda: Goddess of Wisdom
Ah, a new experience for the Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past. I always did wish for this. So, whoever never wanted the Link to the Past game to end so swiftly, well, here's another opportunity to flaunt your skills. The graphics have been bumped up some. Better looking trees, more varieties of trees. Better looking enemies. They also seem smarter and faster. So I hope you like a challenge people. Because this ain't no Pokemon game here. This is a hard core Rom hack of the original Zelda game from the snes system. It does get a bit frustrating at certain points, but I will let you figure that out for yourself. And don't worry about it if you can't find the sword right off the bat. It is there and you will find it eventually. Have patience. Also give attention to the fact that this is a new map. It will take time to get used to the ins and outs of it all. But, at least it's not just a level edit of the same game again. You must appreciate the sheer creativity that was put into this project in order to enjoy it fully. And for those who have played the Parallel Worlds version of Zelda, this Goddess of Wisdom hack has less bugs in it. I have played a lot of hacked games, and this one is well developed. So have fun. And God Bless.
Contra 3: The Alien Wars (Nintendo Super System)
09-19-12 09:57 PM
contra 3 review
        This is a very fun game. Like the old Contra games, you can pick up weapons by locating icons after you shoot them down. There is lots

of action and it keeps you busy pretty much constantly. The weapons are a lot more advanced and much tougher than they were in the older

games. The graphics are phenomenal for the snes system. Probably some of the best graphics I've seen on that system!
Xevious - Fardraut Densetsu
12-25-11 03:04 PM
Xevious is a challenging flying game where you can either shoot at targets in front of you or bomb targets on the ground. Since you are always moving, it makes it a little difficult to hit ground targets. This makes it more fun too! If it weren't a challenge it would get boring. This games is not boring to me even if it seems a bit monotonous at first, things change for the better as you go along and progress to more advanced stages. The enemies become more dynamic and maneuver with more finesse. You will see if you have the patience to play. Enjoy.

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