SMB3 Blue Mario Bros Review by: luigi25 - 7.6/10
Mario Gets the Blues
This review is for another ROM hack of Super Mario Bros. 3 called SMB3 Blue Mario Bros. Everything in this hack is colored blue, but the sprite work and backgrounds look about what they looked like in Super Mario Bros. 3 on NES. About all the categories for this review I would rate the same as the original with exception to the gameplay/design of the game and the game's difficulty. This is one of those typical ROM hacks that falls into the category of unplayably difficult. I've never made it any further than world 5 or 6, and it took me about 3 and 1/2 hours to get that far! Like with SMB3 2nd Run, I have a lot of mixed feelings about this hack.
Graphics 8/10: The graphics of Blue Mario 3 are of the same quality that they were in the original game. The only difference is that everything is blue. The overworlds, levels, and even Mario himself all have the blue color to them. Mario really does get the blues in this game! So do most of the backgrounds and overworld maps. In Mario 3 and Blue Mario 3, the sprites have a good deal of detail, but the backgrounds still have that bland NES look to them. Both the game and the hack are okay but nothing that impressive.
Music 8/10: The music of this SMB3 hack is that same mixture of great and not so great songs. There is so much variety in both games, and this hurts them both. Most of the tracks for SMB3 and this SMB3 hack are pretty boring with the exception to the airship, fortress, and several other themes. Those tracks were really cool, but the theme for the levels themselves weren't that impressive. This is an okay soundtrack but nothing all that special.
Gameplay 2/10: This is the section of the review that gets more interesting, and players start to notice the differences in the two games. Blue SMB3 has a lot of the same gameplay elements that the original game had. You get the same style of overworld maps, but they are not the same ones from the original SMB3. That was one thing I liked about this hack. Lags did a good job at making these maps different from what they were originally unlike in some of the other SMB3 hacks that other people have made. This is clearly not the same game as the original, but it does have about the same amount of content to it.
This content includes a lot of the same things such as: card matching mini-games, panel line-up games, Hammer Bros. fights, Toad Houses, etc. The items like the: Frog Suit, Super Leaf, Fire Flower, Tanooki Suit, and Hammer Suit also return. The themes for the 8 worlds are all the same too, but in this game they are all colored blue. You are basically getting the same elements from the Super Mario Bros. 3 game that most of us came to know and love growing up. However, there were a lot of changes made to the gameplay and design of Blue SMB3 that made it a lot less appealing than the original.
For one thing, Mario goes back to same hit system from the first game. Why? Now, he can only take one hit instead of the 2 hit system from the original game! This was a bad design choice and just makes the game hard for no reason. You start the game with 50 lives, but by world 3, you've already used up most of them because these levels are terribly difficult! Mario is bombarded with flying fish on about every stage of the game! There are too many blind jumps and enemies such as: Para-Goombas that drop down out of nowhere and kill you too! One level will take forever even with save states because of all the unnecessary difficulty.
This is one of those ROM hacks that puts too much emphasis on difficulty rather than making something players could actually play, enjoy, and explore! To sum it up, this game sucks! I can't find myself wanting to try to grind through these levels. They take forever, and I never get better at them. It's always the same parts that give me trouble, especially the fish stages. There is no way to even make save states on these levels without knowing where the fish are going to pop up and kill you! Almost every level is designed this way, and it is annoying!
I like how this hack doesn't just copy the original, and there was a good deal of effort put into it. But, there was too much time put on trying to make this game harder instead of making it a game that players could actually improve on and get better at. The gameplay gets a big thumbs down! It has very little about it that is playable or appealing to me.
Story 10/10: The plot for Blue SMB3 is the same one from the original game and the cartoons of the early '90s. Bowser has sent his 7 children to steal the wands from the 7 kings of Mushroom Land and transform them into animals. While Mario is off restoring the kings to their original forms, Bowser kidnaps the Princess and takes her to his castle in Dark Land. This is a pretty cool plot with a lot of twists and turns, and it set up a lot of the characters and ideas for later Mario games.
Content 10/10: This hack is good on content as well, and it contains: Grass Land, Desert Land, Water Land, Giant Land, Sky Land, Ice Land, Pipe Land, and Dark Land just like in the original SMB3. The only difference is that these 8 worlds are all blue. The game takes just as long as SMB3 took to complete if you can get through it without losing many lives which is about 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours. This is another category that remained unchanged from the original.
Difficulty 10/10: The original SMB3 was pretty challenging, but you got better at it the more you played it. The levels were designed in a way that took practice and memorization to finish. Blue Mario Bros. 3 is just plain hard! The fish levels are the worst, and the platforming on these parts are ridiculous as well. 3-3 is where this really starts to become a problem, and it only gets worse from there. Even 1-1 has way too many blind jumps. The hit system also feels unbalanced. One minute Mario is able to platform his way through the more difficult stages with the Raccoon tail, but then he gets hit by a flying fish, loses it, and dies! There is way too many instant kill type of gameplay to this Mario 3 hack, and it is what really ruins things for me.
Overall 7.6/10: This is not a very good hack of Super Mario Bros. 3 or a very good game in general! The difficulty is very unbalanced, and it takes way longer than what it needs to take in order to make any kind of real progress with it. No matter how much practice you have, you'll still find yourself dying on the same levels. The hit system makes for too much instant kill type of gameplay. Other than that, everything you knew and loved about the original makes a return but doesn't do much to help things due to the unbalanced design and difficulty of this hack.
8 Sound
8 Addictive
2 Depth
10 Story
10 Difficulty