mario123667 02-06-16 - 12:33 PM Not a good hack
Superrpgman 03-07-14 - 09:14 AM I played this years ago. IIRC, it ended after the first or second world. Is this still the case, or has it actually been completed?
dragonslayer444 03-05-14 - 12:45 PM @ARedLetterDay sedatives are different to Barbituates.
ARedLetterDay 02-12-14 - 02:05 PM Harder than Mike Tyson on sedatives? So, not very hard at all, then. :p
dragonslayer444 02-12-14 - 02:02 PM Not being the biggest mario fan ever I can say thought this is a good hack despite being harder than Mike Tyson on barbituates it is a well done hack.
Vanelan 08-29-13 - 01:21 AM Wow....that is many cheep-cheeps...
doctortronik 03-07-12 - 04:58 PM snap that is hard.
smileyface 07-06-11 - 07:03 PM mermaid peach
icantwin 12-23-10 - 11:09 PM This game maybe hard, but it is good none the less. So there may NOT be any glitches and there might be. For those of you who put bad comments dont play it
Jacob02 10-29-10 - 01:43 PM WHAT ARE THE GLITCHES
evoniclonic 05-18-10 - 05:47 PM gliches!
Weegee 09-08-09 - 07:29 PM TOO HARD!!!
supahsonic 08-28-09 - 01:59 PM Its haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!