pokemon x's Profile
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Age: 32 (02-03-93) Gender: Male
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Last Activity: 02-08-25 06:53 AM
Viewing Vizzed Board
Viewing Vizzed Board
Last Post: 02-06-25 03:59 PM
VGR Request Thread
VGR Request Thread
Page Comments

Just wondering if you're still putting the files up. Haven't noticed anything downloading for a while.

I'm not sure if you're still hosting the files or not, but I'm set up to get them now. Couldn't do it before because I needed to free up space first.
Davideo7 - 07-31-24 07:39 PM
Thank you for the awesome donation!

Dauntez - 07-08-24 06:45 PM
That must suck, I only have a lot of energy in the morning if I had been laying in bed for 1 hour. Or for some reason not getting much sleep (Only sometimes.)
Dauntez - 07-08-24 06:40 PM
Yeah, I don't think could, I would turn into a zombie, and I'd eat 5 donuts.
Dauntez - 07-08-24 06:40 PM
Yeah, I don't think could, I would turn into a zombie, and I'd eat 5 donuts.
classgame - 07-05-24 01:42 PM
Disregard the private message I sent I did succeed in getting images in the Bio despite the layout
~Pikachi~ - 04-26-24 01:33 PM
i tried using imgur but it was giving me issues :c
tgags123 - 04-06-24 09:17 AM
I'll take it
tgags123 - 04-05-24 11:33 AM
That means I'm the best local then, right? Let's goooo