OmegaVenomous's Profile
OmegaVenomous is Offline
Real Name: Chadtronic
Location: Florida
Age: 19 (12-14-05) Gender: Male
Registered: 11-15-16 06:05 PM (3013 days ago)
Posts: 148 Threads: 23
Post Words: 8,082 (55 word avg)
Level: 26 Experience: 98837
Next Level: +3438 Exp Per Post: 1001 Exp
Last Activity: 06-22-17 06:00 PM
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Viewing Chat Rooms
Last Post: 03-31-17 03:32 PM
Best thing that's happened to you this month?
Best thing that's happened to you this month?
Page Comments
yoshirulez! - 02-15-17 07:12 PM
RDay13 - 01-08-17 10:05 AM
nice, hope it was good, and I've been a little busy lately too bc of school and stuff
RDay13 - 12-14-16 08:03 AM
Happy Birthday!
m0ssb3rg935 - 12-14-16 01:12 AM
Happy birthday.
Eirinn - 11-26-16 04:11 AM
Love your layout.
Also sorry I keep barely missing your messages. :/

GameBoy1023 - 11-23-16 07:30 PM
Jeez I remember 3 years ago when I was on this site at 10. If anything, it's good to see people aged like you. Anyways my userpic was used in a youtube video that I watched and since I dont have many good ideas for userpics I set it as this. Because apparently this counts as funny nowadays.
MarioLucarioFan64 - 11-23-16 03:24 AM
Hey, i saw your thread was trashed so i'll say it here: Congratulations for the new rank! I'm certain that, if you earn other's trust, you become a Trusted Member like RDay13 and me soon. Also, isn't it better to reply on another person's profile? Then they get a notification which says you commented.
Just a tip, not meant to change your routine.

MarioLucarioFan64 - 11-23-16 03:23 AM
Hey, i saw your thread was trashed so i'll say it here: Congratulations for the new rank! I'm certain that, if you earn other's trust, you become a Trusted Member like RDay13 and me soon. Also, isn't it better to reply on another person's profile? Then they get a notification which says you commented.
Just a tip, not meant to change your routine.

OmegaVenomous - 11-23-16 12:40 AM

RDay13 - 11-23-16 12:34 AM
congrats on becoming a member!