Street Fighter II - The World Warrior Review by: SacredShadow - 9.3/10
Street fighter II the world warrior reviewOverall: 9.3
This game is an arcade classic and it is very fun and you can play as any of your favorite character and enjoy the game with awesome graphics and a great sound as well.This game is bound to leave you with hours of addicting fun. I gave the game overall a 9.3 because it is very addicting to play and it also is very good quality in both sound and graphics.
Graphics: 9
Like I said the graphics for this SNES game are really good and very sharp high quality. You can make out each character and all of the details better than ever. The character sprites and the background areas for each character all look very sharp and amazing, making the game experience all the better. I scored the graphics a 9 because they are very excellent and I feel like it enhances the overall enjoyment of the game. So in any case I feel like good graphics is a must have essential in any good game.
Sound: 9
Lets be realistic here, the sound is amazing and realistic, when you are throwing your opponent into a barrel or obstacle or even when you punch them and they land on the ground defeated, all of the sounds are in sync with the movements and actions of the characters which is amazing to have in a game, especially an action packed game like street fighter where everything matters to make up an awesome game. Like the graphics, good sound that goes along with the movements and actions of the characters is another essential in a good game, so I scored them a 9 because they are also very well done.
Addictiveness: 9
I think we can all safely say that we have been addicted to a street fighter game of any kind before, that is the whole point of the game. Whether you are good or bad at the game it becomes addicting to try and win and beat every character, it will make you switch up your strategy, your character and even the difficulty of the game all to ensure that you can win! I really found it hard at first to beat characters like Ryu and M. Bison because of their technique and fighting style which made it difficult to attack them back, and because I was addicted, I switched up my technique up with a different character and I won. It is a classic arcade game, so it wouldn't be a very addicting game if it didn't make you want to try again and try harder to be better and win. I rated the addictiveness a 10 because street fighter is just one of those classic fighting game that will hook you into playing until you win.
Story: 5
This game really doesn't feature a very complex story line and plot because that would take away from the addictiveness of the game and it would be confusing, so they kept the game nice and simple to make it both addicting and fun to play. There isn't really much of a story except that you travel around the world to face off against other fighters to become the world champion of the strongest fighter. There is also a little story involved after they win the championship title and it varies for each character, it shows what they do after the championship and what they continue to do with their life afterwards, like Ryu keeps training to become stronger even after the tournament. The story line is simple because it isn't the main point of focus in the game, what makes it popular is the fighting and battling against each character, the story is just a little background plot that gives more detail of the game and keeps it interesting. So in a game that is mostly meant for fighting and action like setting a high score and winning, the story really is not super important and only plays a minor part in an arcade game, which is what makes it fun because it is simple, so I gave it a 5 for story. But that shouldn't affect the enjoyment of the game though because that is not what its all about.
Depth: 9
Well you travel around the world to go against fighters that want to win the tournament for different reasons which are shown in their ending after they have won the game. The game doesn't take that long to beat if you know how street fighter works and if you know your controls. It is a game that shouldn't really take more than an hour or so to play and beat, sure there are bosses that can be tough to beat because of all of their kicking and punching moves, but it really isn't a game that takes days and days to finally finish like a Pokémon game. It is a simple arcade game that should be meant to be beaten in a shorter period of time. I rated the depth a 6 because although it is a game that can be beaten in a short amount of time, it is very fun and challenging for the time you do spend playing it.
Difficulty: 6
The difficulty is different for everyone, if you know how street fighter works then you know what to expect. But if you have never played it, it can be a bit of a hassle in trying to know the controls and picking a good character to win. But that is why I am here to tell you that it is a quick game and it is very easy to pick up on the way it works, you can set up the controls any way you like to make it easy on your fingers to win. There is even an option mode which lets you see the controls and arrange them accordingly to however you like. The game is not impossible to beat, all you really need to be good at games like this are quick fingers and a good character that is quick and knows good moves like Ryu. I f this game is a fist to you, it should be a little challenging but nevertheless it isn't impossible and it should be easy to pick up on the gameplay and the controls.
9 Sound
9 Addictive
10 Depth
6 Story
5 Difficulty