Sillybop1 02-20-16 - 02:41 PM MissingNo Gary fight.... why?
MarioMasta 11-27-14 - 08:41 AM oops i called my self goku.
well, i'm gonna name my rival vegeta
Spicy 06-25-14 - 02:52 PM This is awesome! Well.. I just played 2 minutes.. But still
SacredShadow 01-29-14 - 07:12 PM looks cool, I might just try it!
pikachu67 01-25-14 - 05:18 PM omg i cant play the game anymore i broke it stupid blue and your m/charizard with infinite health forcing me down to using struggle till my pokemon die
davgw08 01-14-14 - 07:09 AM ive done the old man glitch and t worked ::D
tjbay 04-25-13 - 07:25 PM how much power does kamehameha have
cboydr 04-03-13 - 08:39 PM you get unlimited masterballs by having it in your 6th slot when beating missingno
joshuaeast 04-03-13 - 04:43 PM how do you open it to the starting screen
SprJw 09-03-12 - 02:15 AM caught every legendary with a poke ball took one shot with safari balls and went all the way with just charizard!
batdude355 08-02-12 - 09:07 AM what the i battled gary near the league and it froze on missingo
awsomeCCS 06-19-12 - 05:09 PM where do u get fly and flash
awsomeCCS 06-19-12 - 03:44 PM can u buy master balls
awsomeCCS 06-19-12 - 03:18 PM travis45 how do u get unlimited master balls
Hatchico 06-19-12 - 03:17 PM idk*
Hatchico 06-19-12 - 03:17 PM id
awsomeCCS 06-19-12 - 03:16 PM how do u get unlimated masterballs
travis45 06-16-12 - 06:22 PM i have unlimited master balss yay
gokussj13256 06-13-12 - 11:40 PM love it
rasakno 06-13-12 - 04:51 PM game shark
ViperMike220 06-12-12 - 11:54 PM hi
tieneke12 06-11-12 - 08:26 AM hello
c0llin 06-06-12 - 09:08 AM =( nooo
c0llin 06-06-12 - 08:52 AM what is gs
c0llin 06-06-12 - 08:48 AM hi