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Itadaki Street 2 - English Translation Guide
10-01-14 09:44 AM
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| ID: 1084040 | 7510 Words

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Hey there! Welcome to the Itadaki Street 2: Neon Sign wa Bara Iro Ni (The Rose-Colored Neon Signs) English translation guide. The Itadaki Street series is super fun and I discovered it thanks to a similar guide for the original Itadaki Street on Famicom. Since this sequel is way better, I really hope that you take the time to learn to play it and have as much fun as I've had with it! Also, be sure to check out the only officially released English game in the series, Fortune Street, which is available on Wii.
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. How to Play II. Getting Started (The Main Menu) --A. The Records Menu --B. Starting a Game III. In Game --A. General Menus ----1. Data Menu ----2. Buy/Sell/Trade Menu ----3. Exchange Menu ----4. Settings Menu --B. Exchanging Shops --C. Let's Roll/Space Explanations ----1. Unowned Shops ----2. Other Players' Shops ----3. Own Shop (Adding Capital) ----4. Chance Space ----5. Bank (Buying Stocks, Getting a Salary) ----6. 休 (Vacation) Space ----7. 証 (Stock Exchange) ----8. Star Space (Lucky Chance!) ----9. Helicopter/Airplane/Shuttle/Balloon/Bird Space ----10. Dice Space ----11. "SALE" Space (Vacant Lot) ----12. Casino IV. End of a Game V. Chance Cards VI. Additional Notes ===I. How to play=== Here's a translation of the tutorial: "Now then, I'll begin the explanation of the rules. The goal of Itadaki Street is to strike it rich. First, I'll explain the basics. You start by taking turns rolling the dice and moving the number of spaces shown. You can go whichever way you wish: up, down, left, or right. When the path splits, an arrow will appear so you can choose which way you want to go. If you land on a ? space, you'll be able to pick a chance card. Who knows what exciting event might occur after you flip over a chance card! If you pass a suit space like the heart or spade, you'll receive that space's corresponding mark. If you go to the bank after collecting all four marks, you'll receive your salary. Next, I'll explain how to buy a shop. This shop for example (showing one with both numbers visible) doesn't have an owner yet. As you can see, there are two numbers shown below this shop. The top number is the amount you'll pay if you choose to buy the shop. You can buy shops for this price if you land on then when no one owns them. However, once you buy the shop, this number will no longer be visible. The bottom number is the amount that a person has to pay if they enter the shop when it is owned by someone else. Even after the shop is bought, you'll be able to see this number. If someone lands on a shop you own, you'll get the money, and of course if you land on someone else's, you'll have to pay them. Furthermore, if you land on your own shop, you'll be able to expand! By investing some money (adding capital), you can make your shops bigger. If you expand, your shop prices will increase. Now that I've explained shops, I'll move on to areas. A group of several shops is called an area. These shops (shows four same-colored shops) are in the same area. You can tell which shops are in which area based on the colors behind the store prices. Buying multiple shops in the same area is very profitable! Not only will the potential for expansion increase, but so will the shop prices. If you're able to buy all the shops in a district, it'll be super lucrative! Oh, right! Stocks are also important! You can buy stocks in anyone's area and become a stockholder. There are many ways to make money by owning stocks. When you own stocks, you'll receive a dividend even from shops that you don't own! When shops get bigger, that area's stocks increase in price. So if you expand in an area where you own stocks, you can get rich quick! You can buy stocks by landing on a Stock Exchange Space (証) or by passing the bank. Just press the A button at those places if you want to buy stocks. It's way more fun if you remember how to use stocks to your advantage. There are some places don't have prices listed like this (empty space with Sale sign). Whoever buys this space gets to decide what will be built here. You can build things besides shops, so look forward to that! Now take a look at the bottom left of the screen. Using this map, you can see where everyone is and what they own at a glance. Next is the bottom right part of the screen. This is where you can see everyone's ready cash and net worth. The number on the left is the ready cash and the one on the right is net worth, which includes cash, stocks, and properties. By buying shops and stocks, and also by expanding shops you own, your net worth will gradually increase. Once your net worth reaches the target amount, head back to the bank to win the game! Also, if a player goes bankrupt, that also ends the game. In that case, whoever has the highest net worth is the winner. Oh, also, there are some new modes in Itadaki Street 2. In an official game, your progress will be saved automatically. Practice games, on the other hand, won't be saved. In tournament mode, you can aim to win on 7 different boards. If you come in at least 2nd place, you can continue to the next board. Coming in first will allow you to choose the next board. However, if you lose part-way through, you'll be sent back to round one. It's tough, but I'm sure you can do it! And finally, there are a few buttons that you should remember while playing for your convenience. When you want to view the whole board, press the Y button, then move around with the D-pad. Also, if you press the X button, you can view the value and prices of all the shops. On boards 6 and 13, you can also use the R button to view other floors. Be sure to use these buttons to your advantage! Now then, please enjoy the game! The next time me we meet may be as opponents... See you later!" ==II. Getting Started== -Main Menu- いただきストリートへようこそ!| Welcome to Itadaki Street! きょうは どのタイプのゲームで遊ぶ?| What type of game will you play today? こうしきゲーム | Official game (Saves records) おためしゲーム | Practice game (Records aren't saved) トーナメントゲーム | Tournament game (7 consecutive games vs. computers) きろくをみる | View records きろくをけす | Erase records ===A. Records Menu=== Even though this is the second option from the bottom on the main menu, I'll just get it out of the way here. Skip down to "Starting a Game" if you don't care about this. If you decide to view records, you'll be brought to a screen with two options: こじんデータ | Individual Data ベストテン | Top Ten Under Individual Data, you can view records for any human players or computer players. The information displayed is as follows: そうごう | Overall しあいすう | Number of Games かちでん | Win Percentage -------- さいだい いただきがく | Biggest gain さいだい ふりこみがく | Biggest payment いただき かいすう | Number of gains ふりこみ かいすう | Number of payments はさん かいすう | Number of bankruptcies はさんさせ かいすう | Number of bankruptcies caused かぶの もうけ | Profit from stocks Under Top Ten, you can see Top Ten lists for various categories: 1. そうごうじゅんい | Overall ranking 2. ストリートごとの じゅんい | Ranking by board 3. はさん かいすう | Number of bankruptcies 4. はさんさせ かいすう | Number of bankruptcies caused 5. さいだい いただきがく | Biggest gains 6. さいだい ふりこみがく | Biggest payments 7. いただき かいすう | Most gains 8. ふりこみ かいすう | Most payments 9. さいだい おみせかかく | Highest shop values 10. かぶの もうけ | Most profit from stocks ===B. Starting a Game=== きょうは何人で遊びに来たの? | How many people will play today? ひとり | One player ふたり | Two players さんにん | Three players よにん | Four players けんがく | Demo (Practice Mode only) Upon between "おとこ"(Boy) and "おんな"(Girl). [Note: If you previously quit a game in progress, you will be asked if you want to resume that game after you choose the number of players. This will be displayed as "この前 遊んだ 続きからで いいですか?" and you can choose "はい" to continue or "いいえ" to start a new game. This will erase the previous game, so once again choose "はい" to confirm starting a new game or "いいえ" if you want to continue the previous game after all.] Once all players are If you -Computer Player Shinji - Kouhei - Natsuhiko - Hiroyuki - Seiji Takemaru - Heisuke - Ayaka - Mayu - Konomi Kaoruko - Kazumi - Shelly - Kyouko - Yuuko Note: In tournament mode, computer players are chosen at random. Once all four players are accounted for, you'll be asked to choose which board you'll play on. -Board #1 Sea Shell Island #2 Lake Mountain #3 Clover Land #4 Moon City #5 Slime #6 Skyscrapers #7 Eastern Hemisphere #8 Dream World #9 Freeway #10 The Solar System #11 Undersea City #12 Casino Town #13 Sophie's Cave #14 The Japanese Islands #15 Alefgard Upon choosing a board, players will be shuffled to determine turn order. The target net worth is also displayed on this screen. After that, you'll have two options: ゲームスタート(Start Game) and もくひょう せってい (Goal Settings). Under Goal Settings, you can change the target net worth (もくひょう きんがく) as well as the number of allowable bankruptcies (はさん にんずう). By default, if one person goes bankrupt the game ends and the person in the lead is the winner, but you can change the settings here so that the game continues even if one or more players go bankrupt. When you're ready, start the game! ==III. In Game== ===A. General Menus=== Now you're playing with power! When it's your turn, you'll have some menu options: サイコロ | Roll the die データ | Data うりかい | Buy/Sell/Trade そのた | Other ![]() Obviously, rolling the die will let you move. If you want to use any of the other options, you must do so before rolling. So... let's check out the other menus. -Data Menu- しさんひょう | Balance Sheet ぜんいん | All Players かぶ | Stocks マップ | Map The balance sheet lists your rank (how many times you've received your salary), how much ready cash you have, how much your stocks are valued at, how much your properties are worth, and finally your net worth total. All Players will also let you view this information for all players, as well as check the target net worth. Map just lets you scroll around the map. -(うりかい) Buy/Sell/Trade Menu- かぶを うる | Sell stocks きょうばい | Auction とりひき | Exchange かいちく | Reconstruct (Only on maps with vacant lots; lets your rebuild vacant lots into something different.) This menu is very useful and allows you to sell stocks, auction a property, or offer to buy, sell, or trade a property with another player. Selling stocks is pretty self explanatory and it's worth doing through this menu if you want to try to make someone else's stock value drop or if you want to bail on a stock before someone else does. Auctioning a property is good to do if you're in danger of running out of ready cash and stock money. This is because you'll have to sell a property to the bank for cheap if you can't pay someone with your ready cash and stock money. "Exchange" brings up yet another menu: -Exchange Menu- おみせを かいたい | Buy a shop おみせを うりたい | Sell a shop だれかと こうかん | Trade with someone These options will allow you to make an offer to another player to buy one of their shops or to sell one of your own or to trade a shop (or two) for a shop (or two). The other player will then have the option to make a counter offer if they wish. For trades, cash can be added or requested to sweeten the deal. I'll go into greater detail on these options later on. -Other Menu- リリーフ | Relief せってい | Settings おわり | Quit Relief lets you change a human player to a computer player. To change back to a human player, press Under settings, you can change the display speed, turn the sound on and off, and change the audio from stereo to mono. ===B. Exchanging Shops=== Exchanging shops is a BIG DEAL (well, I guess), so it gets its own section. Before rolling, きょうばい (Auction) - Next, is option number 3, とりひき, which lets you do more buying, selling, and trading of shops... おみせを かいたい (Buy a shop) - おみせを うりたい (Sell a shop) - だれかと こうかん (Trade with someone) - First, choose your own shop that you want to offer for trade. After that, you'll be asked if you wish to add a second of your own shops to the trade offer (you can trade 2 for 2, 2 for 1, 1 for 2, or 1 for 1). The top option (はい) is yes (trade two shops), and the bottom option (いいえ) is no (just one of your shops). Next choose another player's shop that you want to trade for. Once again, you'll be asked if you want to add another of that player's shops to the deal, so choose the top answer (はい) for yes or the bottom (いいえ) for no. Once all the properties in question are Your new options are: おかね もらう (request money), おかね はらう (pay money), これでおねがい (request as is), and データをみる (view data). By requesting or paying money, you can settle differences in property values if you wish. When you're ready, choose これでおねがい, and let the other player confirm whether they agree to the trade (top option, はい) or not (second option, いいえ). They'll also be able to view data if they wish using the bottom option (データをみる). ===C. Let's Roll / Space Explanations=== Ok, so you've rolled the dice/die. Let's get moving. Or not - if you press A after rolling, you can still open the Data Menu which is translated above. Ok, seriously now, just move your spaces and get where you want to go. When you run out of moves, you'll be asked "ここで とまりますか?" (Will you stop here?). Choose either はい (Yes) or いいえ (No). If you messed up and wish to go down another path, you can choose no, but often you'll really only have one option. After stopping on a space, there are a few possibilities: ====1. Unowned Shops==== ![]() Before stopping, you can view the price of the shop (to buy) (おみせかかく) and how much opponents will have to pay if they land on it (かいものりょう). Once you choose to stop on an unowned shop space, you will be given the option to buy it for the displayed price. As always the top option (はい) is "yes" and the lower one (いいえ) is "no". When purchasing, it's important to check whether you can afford it by looking on the right where your assets will be displayed... -Your name - Rank # (Times you've received a salary)- おかね | Ready cash かぶ | Value of stocks owned おみせ | Value of properties owned ごうけい | Net worth If you have enough money in ready cash and stocks, you can easily buy an unowned shop, but if you don't have enough, you'll have to sell a shop that you own. In this case, the cost will be displayed in red and the "buy it" option will default to "no" (いいえ). I don't recommend selling shops you own if you can avoid it, and if you do have to, it's better to sell them to another player before your turn starts so you can jack up the price. Here are the options for payment if you don't have the ready cash: かぶを うる | Sell stocks (You'll basically always want to pick this if you can) おみせを うる | Sell a shop Note that when selling stocks, the minimum you need to sell in order to pay what you owe will be If you already own another shop in the same area, buying another will increase the shop prices and max capital (investment potential) of all the shops you own in that area. ====2. Other Player's Shops==== Once again, before choosing to stop, you can view the shop's value (おみせかかく) and price (かいものりょう). After stopping, the money you owe will be transferred to the player who owns the property, and anyone who owns stocks in that area will be given a small payout from the bank. If you don't have enough ready cash to cover the expense, you'll have to sell some stocks, which isn't that big of a deal (I often have all my money in stocks and properties). If you don't have money in stocks or ready cash, you'll have to sell a property - and that's bad. If you can't afford the cost even after selling all your properties and stocks, you'll go bankrupt and be out of the game. The menu options look like this: かぶを うる | Sell stocks (You'll basically always want to pick this if you can) おみせを うる | Sell a shop When selling stocks, the minimum you need to sell in order to pay what you owe will be If you can afford it, after paying the fee for landing on another person's property, you'll be given the option to forcibly buy out the shop for five times its value. It's expensive, but sometimes big moves like this can turn the tides of the game, break up strong monopolies, and gain you powerful bargaining chips. By default, "no" (いいえ) will be -Your name - Rank # (Times you've received a salary)- おかね | Ready cash かぶ | Value of stocks owned おみせ | Value of properties owned ごうけい | Net worth ====3. Own Shop==== As usual, you'll be able to see the value and prices of your shop before you confirm stopping on it. Once you do choose to stop, there'll be a short explanation about how you can add capital to expand your shop. You will be asked "ぞうし しますか?" (Will you add capital?). Choose "はい" (Yes) or "いいえ" (No). To cancel adding capital, choose the bottom option (ぞうしを やめる). Depending on the circumstances, you may also have a middle option (データを みる) which will allow you to view data on the stock market screen. The top option (ぞうしを する) confirms adding capital to the Adding capital will increase the shop's value, the shop's prices, and the value of the stocks in that shop's area. If you choose to add capital, you can then Note: You can add a maximum of 999G at a time and can only expand one shop at a time. You can only add as much capital as you can afford, so check the table on the right side of the screen to see your assets. Chances are that you don't want to have to sell a shop. Also note that since adding capital is simply transferring the funds from ready cash and stocks to a property, your net worth will not decrease by expanding your shops. However, it's still important to take everything into consideration before expanding. -Your name - Rank # (Times you've received a salary)- おかね | Ready cash かぶ | Value of stocks owned おみせ | Value of properties owned ごうけい | Net worth You should also be aware of who owns stocks in the area of the shop you're planning to expand since adding capital increases the value of that area's stocks. This information is displayed in a table on the left side of the screen: Player Name | # of Stocks Owned Ok, so once you've chosen which shop to expand, you can choose how much capital you want to put into it. By default, the maximum capital that can be added is As usual, once you add capital and your turn ends, you'll see the changes in stock prices and will have to sell stocks or property if you didn't have enough ready cash to cover your expenses. かぶを うる | Sell stocks (You'll basically always want to pick this if you can) おみせを うる | Sell a shop Note that when selling stocks, the minimum you need to sell in order to pay what you owe will be ====4. Chance Space==== Landing on suit spaces and question mark spaces means that you get to flip over a Chance Card. They're randomly arranged, so pick one and hope you get lucky! Each time you flip over a card, it will change to your color. If you flip over four our more chance cards in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, you'll start getting small monetary bonuses starting at 40G all the way up to 200G for flipping an entire row or column. If, over the course of the game, every chance card on the grid is flipped, a new set will be generated. Please refer to the section on Chance Cards for translations of each event. ====5. Bank==== Landing on the Bank Space will allow you to choose any direction of movement on the next turn. Also, either passing or landing on the Bank Space will give you the option to buy stocks. I highly suggest doing so. The table on top displays the following information: -Area Name - Stock price - P1's stocks - P2's stocks - P3's stocks - P4's stocks- ![]() As you scroll through each area's stocks, you'll be able to view the shops in each area and see where it is located on the board (it'll flash on the minimap). You can see who owns the shops by their color on the minimap or the color on the top half of the shop stats area, both of which correspond with the colors of each player's arrow on the bottom right of the screen (P1-Red, P2-Orange, P3-Blue, P4-Green). There are some important numbers also displayed with the properties that can help you decide where you should invest. They are... ぞうしあまり - Max Capital (How much can be invested/expanded) おみせかかく - Shop value かいものりょう - Shop prices Upon choosing an area's stock, you'll be asked how many you want. By default, the most you can afford up to 99 will be It was discussed somewhat in the tutorial, but I'll explain again how stocks work. An area's stock prices will increase as that area's shops are expanded, as more people buy that area's stocks (must buy at least 10 for the price to go up), and as a result of chance card events. Stock prices will go down when players sell 10 or more stocks from an area or as a result of chance events or monopolies being broken up (I think?). Since the prices tend to go up more than down and since there's no fee for selling them, it's a good idea to buy lots of stocks and just sell them whenever you need to buy something. If possible, your best strategy is to acquire all the properties in an area, thus increasing their potential for expansion, then buy tons of stocks in that area, then expand the heck out of that area's shops to boost the stock prices and, thus, your net worth. If you don't have a monopoly of your own, you should buy stocks where you think other players will be expanding so you can piggyback on their success. You might even make them think twice about expanding there due to the fact that they'd be helping you at the same time. And, finally, owning stocks in an area also grants you a small payout from the bank whenever someone lands on an owned shop in that area, whether you own the shop or not. If an area has no more potential for expansion, it might be time to bail on the stock and sell, sell, sell! You can also hurt other players by selling out and causing the stock's value to drop this way. Changes to stock prices will take effect at the end of your turn and will be shown on screen (e.g. 14G-> 15G). Each player's gains and losses in net worth as a result of these changes in stock prices will also be shown on this screen. =====Getting a Salary===== If, when passing the bank, you have all four suit marks, you'll receive your salary and rank up. If you have a Suit Yourself Card and you are missing a suit, the card will be used up to get your salary. If you have all four suits AND a Suit Yourself Card, you'll get your salary and retain the Suit Yourself Card. The amount you earn is calculated as follows: Base salary + (100G*Your rank) + (Value of all your properties*10%) Therefore, every time you collect your salary, buy more shops, and expand your shops, the amount you receive will increase. ====6. 休 (Vacation) Space==== We all like vacations, but they're bad for business, so you want to avoid this space if possible. Going on vacation means that all your shops close for the next turn and you can't get any money from players who land on your spaces. Bummer! Closed shops will have a 休 icon on them. ====7. 証 (Stock Exchange)==== The Stock Exchange Space will let you buy stocks, so check out the section on the Bank for more details on that. Unlike the Bank Space, you'll have to actually land on this space to make use of it. ====8. Star Space (Lucky Chance!)==== If you land on this space, you receive a portion of any money that anyone has to pay from landing on a shop they don't own (as if you owned stocks in that area) until your next turn. ====9. Helicopter/Airplane/Shuttle/Balloon/Bird Space==== Landing on this space flies you to another Helicopter/Airplane/Shuttle/Balloon/Bird space on the board. ====10. Dice Space==== If you land on this space, you get to roll again. ====11. "SALE" Space (Vacant Lot)==== Vacant Lots appear on some boards and are spaces marked with a SALE sign. On these spaces, you have an option of different kinds of properties to build which will have different effects. In each case, the price of building the -Your name - Rank # (Times you've received a salary)- おかね | Ready cash かぶ | Value of stocks owned おみせ | Value of properties owned ごうけい | Net worth Here are all the options for building on vacant lots: せきしょ (Checkpoint) - ろてん (Street Stall) やどや (Inn) - かせってんぽ (Temporary Store) ヘリポート (Heliport) - しょうてん (Shopping Center) ぜいむしょ (Tax Office) - コンビニ (Convenience Store) どうぶつえん (Zoo) - なにもたてない (Don't build anything) And here are what they do: せきしょ(Checkpoint) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You can add capital to your shops. When anyone PASSES it, they pay you 30G times their rank (number of salaries received). ろてん(Street Stall) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You can add capital to one of your shops. When someone else lands on it: They pay you 25G. (Works like a normal small sized shop.) やどや(Inn) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You can add capital to one of your shops. When someone else PASSES it, they pay you 10G times the number of times the Inn has been passed. かせってんぽ(Temporary Store) - Cost: 400G. When you land on it: You can add capital to one of your shops. When someone else lands on it: They pay you 60G. (Works like a normal medium sized shop.) ヘリポート(Heliport) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You can warp to the space of your choice. When someone else lands on it: You receive 10% of that person's salary. しょうてん(Shopping Center) - Cost: 600G. When you land on it: You can add capital to one of your shops. When someone else lands on it: They pay you 110G. (Works like a normal large sized shop.) ぜいむしょ(Tax Office) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You receive 5% of your net worth. When someone else lands on it: You receive 10% of their net worth. コンビニ(Convenience Store) - Cost: 1000G. When you land on it: You can add capital to one of your shops. When someone else lands on it: They pay you 200G. (Works like a normal huge sized shop.) どうぶつえん(Zoo) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You can buy more animals and make it bigger. When someone else lands on it: They have to pay the entry fee. ====12. Casino==== You get to play a game (unless it requires a fee and you don't have the ready cash for it). Magical bingo : Just hope you get a bingo. If you get 2 rows at once, you get double the payout. 3 rows at once is 4 times the payout, and 4 rows at once is 8 times the payout. Whoever lands on the space gets the center square of their bingo board free. Slots : You have to pay 50G to play (if you have it in ready cash). Cherries give money, Dokodemo Cards (aka Suit Yourself Cards) count as a wild instead of a suit mark, Warp lets you warp anywhere but another casino, and I don't know what the other stuff does, but it's probably good. Roulette : Each player must pay 30G to play (if they have it in ready cash). If you choose an individual number and win, you get 8 times the payout. Winning on a crown gets you a Suit Yourself Card. Winning on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd areas on top gets you three times the payout, while the side (odd and even) and bottom (black and red) get you twice the payout if you win. Lucky Panel : It's a memory matching game. Try to turn over pairs to get the reward shown. There are also bad tiles that will end your turn if you flip them over and they can cost you money or cause you to go on vacation (休日). Panels with an amount of G shown, give you that much money (or take it), panels with a pointing arrow let you choose your direction on your next turn, % UP on a house makes your house values increase by that much, Dokodemo Cards (Suit Yourself Cards) count as a wild for one of the suits, 株x10 gives you 10 of the most valuable stock, 株x1% gives you cash valued at 1% of the total stocks you own. ==IV. End of a Game== If someone goes bankrupt (or more than one person if you changed the options), the game will end and whoever has the highest net worth will be the winner. Otherwise, whoever reaches the target net worth and is first to pass the bank will be the winner. After a brief congratulations message, you get to see the results screen: [Board name] - [Target Net Worth]:#####G [Player names] [Ready cash] [Stocks] [Property value] [Net worth] (Bankrupted players will be labeled as はさん (Bankrupt)) But wait, there's another results screen! [Player names] ---------- [(いただき かいすう) # of times they received payment] [(そうがく) Total received] [(へいきん) Average received] [(さいだい) Most received at once] ---------- [(ふりこみ かいすう) # of times they had to pay] [(そうがく) Total paid] [(へいきん) Average paid] [(さいだい) Most paid at once] ---------- [(かぶ もうけ) Profit from stocks] ![]() Now you get to stand on the podium and celebrate! Except for the last place player. They're a loser. The party ball banner says "Congratulations!" (おめでとう), but you probably could have guessed that. Pressing A will return you to the title screen. ==V. Chance Cards== There are a lot of chance cards and you'll want to know what they do when you pick one. Sometimes it's obvious, but sometimes you'll need this guide. Luckily, they're numbered, so you can easily look up what each event is. Note that if you're given an option, the top answer will confirm and the bottom option will decline. =-----= #00. You receive a Suit Yourself Card! (A wild which can count for any suit mark) #01. You can change directions on your next turn! #02. Roll again! #03. Go to any non-chance space of your choice! #04. You have to give 100G to another player! (Choose who to give it to.) #05. Go to the shop of your choice! (You'll have the option to buy it.) #06. Go to a chance space of your choice! #07. Super lucky! All of your shops increase in value by 7%! #08. Everyone's shop prices increase by 30% for the next turn. Roll again! #09. Everyone's shops close for a turn! Roll again! #10. Everyone's shops are half off for the next turn! Roll again! #11. You receive 11 times the number shown on the dice from other players! #12. You can add capital to any of your shops! (Top: Add capital, Bottom: Don't) #13. Super disastrous! The value of all of your shops decreases by 13%! #14. Give each player 30G! #15. You receive 50G times the number shown on the die. #16. Go back one space! #17. Bonus! You receive half of your salary! #18. You can sell a shop to the bank for twice its value! #19. Your shop prices increase by 30% for the next turn! #20. Take another chance card! #21. You receive 10 stocks from a random area! #22. You can sell a shop back to the bank for twice its value! (Top: Sell, Bottom: Don't sell) #23. The heck!? The chance card was blank! #24. You can sell a shop to the bank at its value + 200G! (Top: Sell, Bottom: Don't sell) #25. Your shop prices are half off for the next turn! #26. Lucky chance! You receive a portion of other players' sales! #27. You receive 27G for each shop that you own! #28. Maharaja appears! (A computer controlled player walks around for several turns and pays people when he lands on their shops.) #29. You can warp to another player's location! #30. Every shop's prices are 100G! Roll again! #31. The value of the shops in a random area increases by 10%! #32. The value of the shops in a random area increases by 20%! #33. You can sell a shop back to the bank for three times its value! (Top: Sell, Bottom: Don't sell) #34. Sudden vacation! Your shops close for the next turn! #35. You can sell stocks at 10% higher than their value! (Top: Sell, Bottom: Don't sell) #36. You can pay 100G for the opportunity to add capital to a shop! (Top: Pay & Expand, Bottom: Don't) #37. The value of shops in a random area increase by 30%! #38. You can buy stocks at 10% higher than their value! (Top: Buy, Bottom: Don't buy) #39. Give someone 50G! (Choose who to give to) #40. Return to the space you were at last! #41. Stocks from a random area drop in value by 10%! #42. Stocks from a random area drop in value by 20%! #43. Property tax! Pay 2G for each stock that you own. #44. Fire! (The value of shops adjacent to your space decrease by 20%!) #45. Business tax! Pay 20G for each shop that you own! #46. You dropped your wallet! The person who picked up returned it, but you pay them 10% of your ready cash as thanks. (Amount and reason varies.) #47. All of your medium sized shops rank down to small size! (Size and change may vary) #48. The value of shops in a random area decreases by 10%! #49. The value of shops in a random area decreases by 20%! #50. Continue on for the same number of spaces you just moved! #51. Go one more space! #52. Go two more spaces! #53. Go straight to the bank! #54. You can pay 100G to warp to the bank! #55. Roll again! Shop prices are free! #56. Roll again! Shop prices are cut in half! #57. Warp to the slime's right eye! #58. You can pay 100G to warp to any non-chance space! (Top option: Warp, Bottom option: Don't warp) #59. Warp to the slime's left eye! #60. Stock prices in a random area increase by 10%! #61. You receive a 10% divident on your stocks! #62. You receive a 20% dividend on your stocks! #63. Stocks in a random area increase in value by 20%! #64. Stocks in a random area increase in value by 30%! #65. You can buy stocks from a random area! #66. You receive 10 stocks in the area of your choice! #67. You can buy stocks of your choice! (Top: Buy stocks, Bottom: Don't buy) #68. You get to play Bingo and the prizes are twice what they usually are! #69. You can sell stocks for 20% more than their value. (Top: Sell, Bottom: Don't sell) #70. Instant salary! (Suits go away after receiving your salary.) #71. You get a bunch of money! #72. You receive 20G for each shop that you own! #73. You can buy any unowned shop! (Top: Buy, Bottom: Don't buy) #74. You must auction one of your shops, starting at twice its value! #75. You can buy any unowned shop for twice its value! #76. You receive 1G for every space you move for the rest of the game! (Even if the chance cards reset and you get this card again, you still only receive 1G per step.) #77. Lucky! You receive five of each area's stock! #78. You can buy any unowned shop for its value + 200G! #79. You can forcibly buy out any shop for 3 times its value, whether it's owned or not. #80. All smallest level shops increase to the next size! #81. Shops in areas adjacent to the chance space drop in value by 10%! #82. Shops in areas adjacent to the chance space rise in value by 10%! #83. Everyone but you warps to a random space! #84. A randomly #85. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 15) #86. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 15) #87. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 13) #88. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 13) #89. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 14) #90. Bubble burst! Four areas' shops decrease in value by 10%! #91. You can warp to any space in the area shown! (Specific to board 9) #92. Economic recovery! The value of shops in three random areas increases by 10%! #93. Traffic jam! On the next turn, everyone can only move one space. #94. You can warp to any space in the area shown! (Specific to board 10) #95. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 8) #96. You can warp to any space in the area shown! (Specific to board 12) #97. You can warp to any space in the area shown! (Specific to board 12) #98. The shops adjacent to this chance space increase in value by 30%! #99. Massive flood! Property values in a random area fall by 20%! ==VI. Additional Notes== For the sake of keeping this guide uncluttered and user-friendly, I left some game text which had no influence on gameplay untranslated. This untranslated text is primarily the banter of the computer players and the names of each area and shop. (Yes, each shop on each board actually has a name.) In case you're interested, the text that the computer players say is typically different versions of "Oh, it's my turn?", "Darn it! That was bad!", "Alright! I got a monopoly!", and stuff like that. This guide and translation were written and compiled by myself (Ryan G., aka Linkums, aka and all rights to it go to and David Auchampach. It may only be posted here on Feel free to let me know if you have any additional questions, corrections, or suggestions for this guide. Even if it's just a typo, let me know and I'll fix it. Alrighty then, have fun playing Itadaki Street 2!! TABLE OF CONTENTS I. How to Play II. Getting Started (The Main Menu) --A. The Records Menu --B. Starting a Game III. In Game --A. General Menus ----1. Data Menu ----2. Buy/Sell/Trade Menu ----3. Exchange Menu ----4. Settings Menu --B. Exchanging Shops --C. Let's Roll/Space Explanations ----1. Unowned Shops ----2. Other Players' Shops ----3. Own Shop (Adding Capital) ----4. Chance Space ----5. Bank (Buying Stocks, Getting a Salary) ----6. 休 (Vacation) Space ----7. 証 (Stock Exchange) ----8. Star Space (Lucky Chance!) ----9. Helicopter/Airplane/Shuttle/Balloon/Bird Space ----10. Dice Space ----11. "SALE" Space (Vacant Lot) ----12. Casino IV. End of a Game V. Chance Cards VI. Additional Notes ===I. How to play=== Here's a translation of the tutorial: "Now then, I'll begin the explanation of the rules. The goal of Itadaki Street is to strike it rich. First, I'll explain the basics. You start by taking turns rolling the dice and moving the number of spaces shown. You can go whichever way you wish: up, down, left, or right. When the path splits, an arrow will appear so you can choose which way you want to go. If you land on a ? space, you'll be able to pick a chance card. Who knows what exciting event might occur after you flip over a chance card! If you pass a suit space like the heart or spade, you'll receive that space's corresponding mark. If you go to the bank after collecting all four marks, you'll receive your salary. Next, I'll explain how to buy a shop. This shop for example (showing one with both numbers visible) doesn't have an owner yet. As you can see, there are two numbers shown below this shop. The top number is the amount you'll pay if you choose to buy the shop. You can buy shops for this price if you land on then when no one owns them. However, once you buy the shop, this number will no longer be visible. The bottom number is the amount that a person has to pay if they enter the shop when it is owned by someone else. Even after the shop is bought, you'll be able to see this number. If someone lands on a shop you own, you'll get the money, and of course if you land on someone else's, you'll have to pay them. Furthermore, if you land on your own shop, you'll be able to expand! By investing some money (adding capital), you can make your shops bigger. If you expand, your shop prices will increase. Now that I've explained shops, I'll move on to areas. A group of several shops is called an area. These shops (shows four same-colored shops) are in the same area. You can tell which shops are in which area based on the colors behind the store prices. Buying multiple shops in the same area is very profitable! Not only will the potential for expansion increase, but so will the shop prices. If you're able to buy all the shops in a district, it'll be super lucrative! Oh, right! Stocks are also important! You can buy stocks in anyone's area and become a stockholder. There are many ways to make money by owning stocks. When you own stocks, you'll receive a dividend even from shops that you don't own! When shops get bigger, that area's stocks increase in price. So if you expand in an area where you own stocks, you can get rich quick! You can buy stocks by landing on a Stock Exchange Space (証) or by passing the bank. Just press the A button at those places if you want to buy stocks. It's way more fun if you remember how to use stocks to your advantage. There are some places don't have prices listed like this (empty space with Sale sign). Whoever buys this space gets to decide what will be built here. You can build things besides shops, so look forward to that! Now take a look at the bottom left of the screen. Using this map, you can see where everyone is and what they own at a glance. Next is the bottom right part of the screen. This is where you can see everyone's ready cash and net worth. The number on the left is the ready cash and the one on the right is net worth, which includes cash, stocks, and properties. By buying shops and stocks, and also by expanding shops you own, your net worth will gradually increase. Once your net worth reaches the target amount, head back to the bank to win the game! Also, if a player goes bankrupt, that also ends the game. In that case, whoever has the highest net worth is the winner. Oh, also, there are some new modes in Itadaki Street 2. In an official game, your progress will be saved automatically. Practice games, on the other hand, won't be saved. In tournament mode, you can aim to win on 7 different boards. If you come in at least 2nd place, you can continue to the next board. Coming in first will allow you to choose the next board. However, if you lose part-way through, you'll be sent back to round one. It's tough, but I'm sure you can do it! And finally, there are a few buttons that you should remember while playing for your convenience. When you want to view the whole board, press the Y button, then move around with the D-pad. Also, if you press the X button, you can view the value and prices of all the shops. On boards 6 and 13, you can also use the R button to view other floors. Be sure to use these buttons to your advantage! Now then, please enjoy the game! The next time me we meet may be as opponents... See you later!" ==II. Getting Started== -Main Menu- いただきストリートへようこそ!| Welcome to Itadaki Street! きょうは どのタイプのゲームで遊ぶ?| What type of game will you play today? こうしきゲーム | Official game (Saves records) おためしゲーム | Practice game (Records aren't saved) トーナメントゲーム | Tournament game (7 consecutive games vs. computers) きろくをみる | View records きろくをけす | Erase records ===A. Records Menu=== Even though this is the second option from the bottom on the main menu, I'll just get it out of the way here. Skip down to "Starting a Game" if you don't care about this. If you decide to view records, you'll be brought to a screen with two options: こじんデータ | Individual Data ベストテン | Top Ten Under Individual Data, you can view records for any human players or computer players. The information displayed is as follows: そうごう | Overall しあいすう | Number of Games かちでん | Win Percentage -------- さいだい いただきがく | Biggest gain さいだい ふりこみがく | Biggest payment いただき かいすう | Number of gains ふりこみ かいすう | Number of payments はさん かいすう | Number of bankruptcies はさんさせ かいすう | Number of bankruptcies caused かぶの もうけ | Profit from stocks Under Top Ten, you can see Top Ten lists for various categories: 1. そうごうじゅんい | Overall ranking 2. ストリートごとの じゅんい | Ranking by board 3. はさん かいすう | Number of bankruptcies 4. はさんさせ かいすう | Number of bankruptcies caused 5. さいだい いただきがく | Biggest gains 6. さいだい ふりこみがく | Biggest payments 7. いただき かいすう | Most gains 8. ふりこみ かいすう | Most payments 9. さいだい おみせかかく | Highest shop values 10. かぶの もうけ | Most profit from stocks ===B. Starting a Game=== きょうは何人で遊びに来たの? | How many people will play today? ひとり | One player ふたり | Two players さんにん | Three players よにん | Four players けんがく | Demo (Practice Mode only) Upon between "おとこ"(Boy) and "おんな"(Girl). [Note: If you previously quit a game in progress, you will be asked if you want to resume that game after you choose the number of players. This will be displayed as "この前 遊んだ 続きからで いいですか?" and you can choose "はい" to continue or "いいえ" to start a new game. This will erase the previous game, so once again choose "はい" to confirm starting a new game or "いいえ" if you want to continue the previous game after all.] Once all players are If you -Computer Player Shinji - Kouhei - Natsuhiko - Hiroyuki - Seiji Takemaru - Heisuke - Ayaka - Mayu - Konomi Kaoruko - Kazumi - Shelly - Kyouko - Yuuko Note: In tournament mode, computer players are chosen at random. Once all four players are accounted for, you'll be asked to choose which board you'll play on. -Board #1 Sea Shell Island #2 Lake Mountain #3 Clover Land #4 Moon City #5 Slime #6 Skyscrapers #7 Eastern Hemisphere #8 Dream World #9 Freeway #10 The Solar System #11 Undersea City #12 Casino Town #13 Sophie's Cave #14 The Japanese Islands #15 Alefgard Upon choosing a board, players will be shuffled to determine turn order. The target net worth is also displayed on this screen. After that, you'll have two options: ゲームスタート(Start Game) and もくひょう せってい (Goal Settings). Under Goal Settings, you can change the target net worth (もくひょう きんがく) as well as the number of allowable bankruptcies (はさん にんずう). By default, if one person goes bankrupt the game ends and the person in the lead is the winner, but you can change the settings here so that the game continues even if one or more players go bankrupt. When you're ready, start the game! ==III. In Game== ===A. General Menus=== Now you're playing with power! When it's your turn, you'll have some menu options: サイコロ | Roll the die データ | Data うりかい | Buy/Sell/Trade そのた | Other ![]() Obviously, rolling the die will let you move. If you want to use any of the other options, you must do so before rolling. So... let's check out the other menus. -Data Menu- しさんひょう | Balance Sheet ぜんいん | All Players かぶ | Stocks マップ | Map The balance sheet lists your rank (how many times you've received your salary), how much ready cash you have, how much your stocks are valued at, how much your properties are worth, and finally your net worth total. All Players will also let you view this information for all players, as well as check the target net worth. Map just lets you scroll around the map. -(うりかい) Buy/Sell/Trade Menu- かぶを うる | Sell stocks きょうばい | Auction とりひき | Exchange かいちく | Reconstruct (Only on maps with vacant lots; lets your rebuild vacant lots into something different.) This menu is very useful and allows you to sell stocks, auction a property, or offer to buy, sell, or trade a property with another player. Selling stocks is pretty self explanatory and it's worth doing through this menu if you want to try to make someone else's stock value drop or if you want to bail on a stock before someone else does. Auctioning a property is good to do if you're in danger of running out of ready cash and stock money. This is because you'll have to sell a property to the bank for cheap if you can't pay someone with your ready cash and stock money. "Exchange" brings up yet another menu: -Exchange Menu- おみせを かいたい | Buy a shop おみせを うりたい | Sell a shop だれかと こうかん | Trade with someone These options will allow you to make an offer to another player to buy one of their shops or to sell one of your own or to trade a shop (or two) for a shop (or two). The other player will then have the option to make a counter offer if they wish. For trades, cash can be added or requested to sweeten the deal. I'll go into greater detail on these options later on. -Other Menu- リリーフ | Relief せってい | Settings おわり | Quit Relief lets you change a human player to a computer player. To change back to a human player, press Under settings, you can change the display speed, turn the sound on and off, and change the audio from stereo to mono. ===B. Exchanging Shops=== Exchanging shops is a BIG DEAL (well, I guess), so it gets its own section. Before rolling, きょうばい (Auction) - Next, is option number 3, とりひき, which lets you do more buying, selling, and trading of shops... おみせを かいたい (Buy a shop) - おみせを うりたい (Sell a shop) - だれかと こうかん (Trade with someone) - First, choose your own shop that you want to offer for trade. After that, you'll be asked if you wish to add a second of your own shops to the trade offer (you can trade 2 for 2, 2 for 1, 1 for 2, or 1 for 1). The top option (はい) is yes (trade two shops), and the bottom option (いいえ) is no (just one of your shops). Next choose another player's shop that you want to trade for. Once again, you'll be asked if you want to add another of that player's shops to the deal, so choose the top answer (はい) for yes or the bottom (いいえ) for no. Once all the properties in question are Your new options are: おかね もらう (request money), おかね はらう (pay money), これでおねがい (request as is), and データをみる (view data). By requesting or paying money, you can settle differences in property values if you wish. When you're ready, choose これでおねがい, and let the other player confirm whether they agree to the trade (top option, はい) or not (second option, いいえ). They'll also be able to view data if they wish using the bottom option (データをみる). ===C. Let's Roll / Space Explanations=== Ok, so you've rolled the dice/die. Let's get moving. Or not - if you press A after rolling, you can still open the Data Menu which is translated above. Ok, seriously now, just move your spaces and get where you want to go. When you run out of moves, you'll be asked "ここで とまりますか?" (Will you stop here?). Choose either はい (Yes) or いいえ (No). If you messed up and wish to go down another path, you can choose no, but often you'll really only have one option. After stopping on a space, there are a few possibilities: ====1. Unowned Shops==== ![]() Before stopping, you can view the price of the shop (to buy) (おみせかかく) and how much opponents will have to pay if they land on it (かいものりょう). Once you choose to stop on an unowned shop space, you will be given the option to buy it for the displayed price. As always the top option (はい) is "yes" and the lower one (いいえ) is "no". When purchasing, it's important to check whether you can afford it by looking on the right where your assets will be displayed... -Your name - Rank # (Times you've received a salary)- おかね | Ready cash かぶ | Value of stocks owned おみせ | Value of properties owned ごうけい | Net worth If you have enough money in ready cash and stocks, you can easily buy an unowned shop, but if you don't have enough, you'll have to sell a shop that you own. In this case, the cost will be displayed in red and the "buy it" option will default to "no" (いいえ). I don't recommend selling shops you own if you can avoid it, and if you do have to, it's better to sell them to another player before your turn starts so you can jack up the price. Here are the options for payment if you don't have the ready cash: かぶを うる | Sell stocks (You'll basically always want to pick this if you can) おみせを うる | Sell a shop Note that when selling stocks, the minimum you need to sell in order to pay what you owe will be If you already own another shop in the same area, buying another will increase the shop prices and max capital (investment potential) of all the shops you own in that area. ====2. Other Player's Shops==== Once again, before choosing to stop, you can view the shop's value (おみせかかく) and price (かいものりょう). After stopping, the money you owe will be transferred to the player who owns the property, and anyone who owns stocks in that area will be given a small payout from the bank. If you don't have enough ready cash to cover the expense, you'll have to sell some stocks, which isn't that big of a deal (I often have all my money in stocks and properties). If you don't have money in stocks or ready cash, you'll have to sell a property - and that's bad. If you can't afford the cost even after selling all your properties and stocks, you'll go bankrupt and be out of the game. The menu options look like this: かぶを うる | Sell stocks (You'll basically always want to pick this if you can) おみせを うる | Sell a shop When selling stocks, the minimum you need to sell in order to pay what you owe will be If you can afford it, after paying the fee for landing on another person's property, you'll be given the option to forcibly buy out the shop for five times its value. It's expensive, but sometimes big moves like this can turn the tides of the game, break up strong monopolies, and gain you powerful bargaining chips. By default, "no" (いいえ) will be -Your name - Rank # (Times you've received a salary)- おかね | Ready cash かぶ | Value of stocks owned おみせ | Value of properties owned ごうけい | Net worth ====3. Own Shop==== As usual, you'll be able to see the value and prices of your shop before you confirm stopping on it. Once you do choose to stop, there'll be a short explanation about how you can add capital to expand your shop. You will be asked "ぞうし しますか?" (Will you add capital?). Choose "はい" (Yes) or "いいえ" (No). To cancel adding capital, choose the bottom option (ぞうしを やめる). Depending on the circumstances, you may also have a middle option (データを みる) which will allow you to view data on the stock market screen. The top option (ぞうしを する) confirms adding capital to the Adding capital will increase the shop's value, the shop's prices, and the value of the stocks in that shop's area. If you choose to add capital, you can then Note: You can add a maximum of 999G at a time and can only expand one shop at a time. You can only add as much capital as you can afford, so check the table on the right side of the screen to see your assets. Chances are that you don't want to have to sell a shop. Also note that since adding capital is simply transferring the funds from ready cash and stocks to a property, your net worth will not decrease by expanding your shops. However, it's still important to take everything into consideration before expanding. -Your name - Rank # (Times you've received a salary)- おかね | Ready cash かぶ | Value of stocks owned おみせ | Value of properties owned ごうけい | Net worth You should also be aware of who owns stocks in the area of the shop you're planning to expand since adding capital increases the value of that area's stocks. This information is displayed in a table on the left side of the screen: Player Name | # of Stocks Owned Ok, so once you've chosen which shop to expand, you can choose how much capital you want to put into it. By default, the maximum capital that can be added is As usual, once you add capital and your turn ends, you'll see the changes in stock prices and will have to sell stocks or property if you didn't have enough ready cash to cover your expenses. かぶを うる | Sell stocks (You'll basically always want to pick this if you can) おみせを うる | Sell a shop Note that when selling stocks, the minimum you need to sell in order to pay what you owe will be ====4. Chance Space==== Landing on suit spaces and question mark spaces means that you get to flip over a Chance Card. They're randomly arranged, so pick one and hope you get lucky! Each time you flip over a card, it will change to your color. If you flip over four our more chance cards in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, you'll start getting small monetary bonuses starting at 40G all the way up to 200G for flipping an entire row or column. If, over the course of the game, every chance card on the grid is flipped, a new set will be generated. Please refer to the section on Chance Cards for translations of each event. ====5. Bank==== Landing on the Bank Space will allow you to choose any direction of movement on the next turn. Also, either passing or landing on the Bank Space will give you the option to buy stocks. I highly suggest doing so. The table on top displays the following information: -Area Name - Stock price - P1's stocks - P2's stocks - P3's stocks - P4's stocks- ![]() As you scroll through each area's stocks, you'll be able to view the shops in each area and see where it is located on the board (it'll flash on the minimap). You can see who owns the shops by their color on the minimap or the color on the top half of the shop stats area, both of which correspond with the colors of each player's arrow on the bottom right of the screen (P1-Red, P2-Orange, P3-Blue, P4-Green). There are some important numbers also displayed with the properties that can help you decide where you should invest. They are... ぞうしあまり - Max Capital (How much can be invested/expanded) おみせかかく - Shop value かいものりょう - Shop prices Upon choosing an area's stock, you'll be asked how many you want. By default, the most you can afford up to 99 will be It was discussed somewhat in the tutorial, but I'll explain again how stocks work. An area's stock prices will increase as that area's shops are expanded, as more people buy that area's stocks (must buy at least 10 for the price to go up), and as a result of chance card events. Stock prices will go down when players sell 10 or more stocks from an area or as a result of chance events or monopolies being broken up (I think?). Since the prices tend to go up more than down and since there's no fee for selling them, it's a good idea to buy lots of stocks and just sell them whenever you need to buy something. If possible, your best strategy is to acquire all the properties in an area, thus increasing their potential for expansion, then buy tons of stocks in that area, then expand the heck out of that area's shops to boost the stock prices and, thus, your net worth. If you don't have a monopoly of your own, you should buy stocks where you think other players will be expanding so you can piggyback on their success. You might even make them think twice about expanding there due to the fact that they'd be helping you at the same time. And, finally, owning stocks in an area also grants you a small payout from the bank whenever someone lands on an owned shop in that area, whether you own the shop or not. If an area has no more potential for expansion, it might be time to bail on the stock and sell, sell, sell! You can also hurt other players by selling out and causing the stock's value to drop this way. Changes to stock prices will take effect at the end of your turn and will be shown on screen (e.g. 14G-> 15G). Each player's gains and losses in net worth as a result of these changes in stock prices will also be shown on this screen. =====Getting a Salary===== If, when passing the bank, you have all four suit marks, you'll receive your salary and rank up. If you have a Suit Yourself Card and you are missing a suit, the card will be used up to get your salary. If you have all four suits AND a Suit Yourself Card, you'll get your salary and retain the Suit Yourself Card. The amount you earn is calculated as follows: Base salary + (100G*Your rank) + (Value of all your properties*10%) Therefore, every time you collect your salary, buy more shops, and expand your shops, the amount you receive will increase. ====6. 休 (Vacation) Space==== We all like vacations, but they're bad for business, so you want to avoid this space if possible. Going on vacation means that all your shops close for the next turn and you can't get any money from players who land on your spaces. Bummer! Closed shops will have a 休 icon on them. ====7. 証 (Stock Exchange)==== The Stock Exchange Space will let you buy stocks, so check out the section on the Bank for more details on that. Unlike the Bank Space, you'll have to actually land on this space to make use of it. ====8. Star Space (Lucky Chance!)==== If you land on this space, you receive a portion of any money that anyone has to pay from landing on a shop they don't own (as if you owned stocks in that area) until your next turn. ====9. Helicopter/Airplane/Shuttle/Balloon/Bird Space==== Landing on this space flies you to another Helicopter/Airplane/Shuttle/Balloon/Bird space on the board. ====10. Dice Space==== If you land on this space, you get to roll again. ====11. "SALE" Space (Vacant Lot)==== Vacant Lots appear on some boards and are spaces marked with a SALE sign. On these spaces, you have an option of different kinds of properties to build which will have different effects. In each case, the price of building the -Your name - Rank # (Times you've received a salary)- おかね | Ready cash かぶ | Value of stocks owned おみせ | Value of properties owned ごうけい | Net worth Here are all the options for building on vacant lots: せきしょ (Checkpoint) - ろてん (Street Stall) やどや (Inn) - かせってんぽ (Temporary Store) ヘリポート (Heliport) - しょうてん (Shopping Center) ぜいむしょ (Tax Office) - コンビニ (Convenience Store) どうぶつえん (Zoo) - なにもたてない (Don't build anything) And here are what they do: せきしょ(Checkpoint) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You can add capital to your shops. When anyone PASSES it, they pay you 30G times their rank (number of salaries received). ろてん(Street Stall) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You can add capital to one of your shops. When someone else lands on it: They pay you 25G. (Works like a normal small sized shop.) やどや(Inn) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You can add capital to one of your shops. When someone else PASSES it, they pay you 10G times the number of times the Inn has been passed. かせってんぽ(Temporary Store) - Cost: 400G. When you land on it: You can add capital to one of your shops. When someone else lands on it: They pay you 60G. (Works like a normal medium sized shop.) ヘリポート(Heliport) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You can warp to the space of your choice. When someone else lands on it: You receive 10% of that person's salary. しょうてん(Shopping Center) - Cost: 600G. When you land on it: You can add capital to one of your shops. When someone else lands on it: They pay you 110G. (Works like a normal large sized shop.) ぜいむしょ(Tax Office) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You receive 5% of your net worth. When someone else lands on it: You receive 10% of their net worth. コンビニ(Convenience Store) - Cost: 1000G. When you land on it: You can add capital to one of your shops. When someone else lands on it: They pay you 200G. (Works like a normal huge sized shop.) どうぶつえん(Zoo) - Cost: 200G. When you land on it: You can buy more animals and make it bigger. When someone else lands on it: They have to pay the entry fee. ====12. Casino==== You get to play a game (unless it requires a fee and you don't have the ready cash for it). Magical bingo : Just hope you get a bingo. If you get 2 rows at once, you get double the payout. 3 rows at once is 4 times the payout, and 4 rows at once is 8 times the payout. Whoever lands on the space gets the center square of their bingo board free. Slots : You have to pay 50G to play (if you have it in ready cash). Cherries give money, Dokodemo Cards (aka Suit Yourself Cards) count as a wild instead of a suit mark, Warp lets you warp anywhere but another casino, and I don't know what the other stuff does, but it's probably good. Roulette : Each player must pay 30G to play (if they have it in ready cash). If you choose an individual number and win, you get 8 times the payout. Winning on a crown gets you a Suit Yourself Card. Winning on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd areas on top gets you three times the payout, while the side (odd and even) and bottom (black and red) get you twice the payout if you win. Lucky Panel : It's a memory matching game. Try to turn over pairs to get the reward shown. There are also bad tiles that will end your turn if you flip them over and they can cost you money or cause you to go on vacation (休日). Panels with an amount of G shown, give you that much money (or take it), panels with a pointing arrow let you choose your direction on your next turn, % UP on a house makes your house values increase by that much, Dokodemo Cards (Suit Yourself Cards) count as a wild for one of the suits, 株x10 gives you 10 of the most valuable stock, 株x1% gives you cash valued at 1% of the total stocks you own. ==IV. End of a Game== If someone goes bankrupt (or more than one person if you changed the options), the game will end and whoever has the highest net worth will be the winner. Otherwise, whoever reaches the target net worth and is first to pass the bank will be the winner. After a brief congratulations message, you get to see the results screen: [Board name] - [Target Net Worth]:#####G [Player names] [Ready cash] [Stocks] [Property value] [Net worth] (Bankrupted players will be labeled as はさん (Bankrupt)) But wait, there's another results screen! [Player names] ---------- [(いただき かいすう) # of times they received payment] [(そうがく) Total received] [(へいきん) Average received] [(さいだい) Most received at once] ---------- [(ふりこみ かいすう) # of times they had to pay] [(そうがく) Total paid] [(へいきん) Average paid] [(さいだい) Most paid at once] ---------- [(かぶ もうけ) Profit from stocks] ![]() Now you get to stand on the podium and celebrate! Except for the last place player. They're a loser. The party ball banner says "Congratulations!" (おめでとう), but you probably could have guessed that. Pressing A will return you to the title screen. ==V. Chance Cards== There are a lot of chance cards and you'll want to know what they do when you pick one. Sometimes it's obvious, but sometimes you'll need this guide. Luckily, they're numbered, so you can easily look up what each event is. Note that if you're given an option, the top answer will confirm and the bottom option will decline. =-----= #00. You receive a Suit Yourself Card! (A wild which can count for any suit mark) #01. You can change directions on your next turn! #02. Roll again! #03. Go to any non-chance space of your choice! #04. You have to give 100G to another player! (Choose who to give it to.) #05. Go to the shop of your choice! (You'll have the option to buy it.) #06. Go to a chance space of your choice! #07. Super lucky! All of your shops increase in value by 7%! #08. Everyone's shop prices increase by 30% for the next turn. Roll again! #09. Everyone's shops close for a turn! Roll again! #10. Everyone's shops are half off for the next turn! Roll again! #11. You receive 11 times the number shown on the dice from other players! #12. You can add capital to any of your shops! (Top: Add capital, Bottom: Don't) #13. Super disastrous! The value of all of your shops decreases by 13%! #14. Give each player 30G! #15. You receive 50G times the number shown on the die. #16. Go back one space! #17. Bonus! You receive half of your salary! #18. You can sell a shop to the bank for twice its value! #19. Your shop prices increase by 30% for the next turn! #20. Take another chance card! #21. You receive 10 stocks from a random area! #22. You can sell a shop back to the bank for twice its value! (Top: Sell, Bottom: Don't sell) #23. The heck!? The chance card was blank! #24. You can sell a shop to the bank at its value + 200G! (Top: Sell, Bottom: Don't sell) #25. Your shop prices are half off for the next turn! #26. Lucky chance! You receive a portion of other players' sales! #27. You receive 27G for each shop that you own! #28. Maharaja appears! (A computer controlled player walks around for several turns and pays people when he lands on their shops.) #29. You can warp to another player's location! #30. Every shop's prices are 100G! Roll again! #31. The value of the shops in a random area increases by 10%! #32. The value of the shops in a random area increases by 20%! #33. You can sell a shop back to the bank for three times its value! (Top: Sell, Bottom: Don't sell) #34. Sudden vacation! Your shops close for the next turn! #35. You can sell stocks at 10% higher than their value! (Top: Sell, Bottom: Don't sell) #36. You can pay 100G for the opportunity to add capital to a shop! (Top: Pay & Expand, Bottom: Don't) #37. The value of shops in a random area increase by 30%! #38. You can buy stocks at 10% higher than their value! (Top: Buy, Bottom: Don't buy) #39. Give someone 50G! (Choose who to give to) #40. Return to the space you were at last! #41. Stocks from a random area drop in value by 10%! #42. Stocks from a random area drop in value by 20%! #43. Property tax! Pay 2G for each stock that you own. #44. Fire! (The value of shops adjacent to your space decrease by 20%!) #45. Business tax! Pay 20G for each shop that you own! #46. You dropped your wallet! The person who picked up returned it, but you pay them 10% of your ready cash as thanks. (Amount and reason varies.) #47. All of your medium sized shops rank down to small size! (Size and change may vary) #48. The value of shops in a random area decreases by 10%! #49. The value of shops in a random area decreases by 20%! #50. Continue on for the same number of spaces you just moved! #51. Go one more space! #52. Go two more spaces! #53. Go straight to the bank! #54. You can pay 100G to warp to the bank! #55. Roll again! Shop prices are free! #56. Roll again! Shop prices are cut in half! #57. Warp to the slime's right eye! #58. You can pay 100G to warp to any non-chance space! (Top option: Warp, Bottom option: Don't warp) #59. Warp to the slime's left eye! #60. Stock prices in a random area increase by 10%! #61. You receive a 10% divident on your stocks! #62. You receive a 20% dividend on your stocks! #63. Stocks in a random area increase in value by 20%! #64. Stocks in a random area increase in value by 30%! #65. You can buy stocks from a random area! #66. You receive 10 stocks in the area of your choice! #67. You can buy stocks of your choice! (Top: Buy stocks, Bottom: Don't buy) #68. You get to play Bingo and the prizes are twice what they usually are! #69. You can sell stocks for 20% more than their value. (Top: Sell, Bottom: Don't sell) #70. Instant salary! (Suits go away after receiving your salary.) #71. You get a bunch of money! #72. You receive 20G for each shop that you own! #73. You can buy any unowned shop! (Top: Buy, Bottom: Don't buy) #74. You must auction one of your shops, starting at twice its value! #75. You can buy any unowned shop for twice its value! #76. You receive 1G for every space you move for the rest of the game! (Even if the chance cards reset and you get this card again, you still only receive 1G per step.) #77. Lucky! You receive five of each area's stock! #78. You can buy any unowned shop for its value + 200G! #79. You can forcibly buy out any shop for 3 times its value, whether it's owned or not. #80. All smallest level shops increase to the next size! #81. Shops in areas adjacent to the chance space drop in value by 10%! #82. Shops in areas adjacent to the chance space rise in value by 10%! #83. Everyone but you warps to a random space! #84. A randomly #85. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 15) #86. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 15) #87. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 13) #88. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 13) #89. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 14) #90. Bubble burst! Four areas' shops decrease in value by 10%! #91. You can warp to any space in the area shown! (Specific to board 9) #92. Economic recovery! The value of shops in three random areas increases by 10%! #93. Traffic jam! On the next turn, everyone can only move one space. #94. You can warp to any space in the area shown! (Specific to board 10) #95. Everyone is warped to the same space. (Specific to board 8) #96. You can warp to any space in the area shown! (Specific to board 12) #97. You can warp to any space in the area shown! (Specific to board 12) #98. The shops adjacent to this chance space increase in value by 30%! #99. Massive flood! Property values in a random area fall by 20%! ==VI. Additional Notes== For the sake of keeping this guide uncluttered and user-friendly, I left some game text which had no influence on gameplay untranslated. This untranslated text is primarily the banter of the computer players and the names of each area and shop. (Yes, each shop on each board actually has a name.) In case you're interested, the text that the computer players say is typically different versions of "Oh, it's my turn?", "Darn it! That was bad!", "Alright! I got a monopoly!", and stuff like that. This guide and translation were written and compiled by myself (Ryan G., aka Linkums, aka and all rights to it go to and David Auchampach. It may only be posted here on Feel free to let me know if you have any additional questions, corrections, or suggestions for this guide. Even if it's just a typo, let me know and I'll fix it. Alrighty then, have fun playing Itadaki Street 2!! |
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(edited by Linkums on 10-01-14 11:05 AM) Post Rating: 5 Liked By: Davideo7, jnisol, juuldude, Singelli, supernerd117,
10-01-14 09:58 AM
IgorBird122 is Offline
| ID: 1084046 | 75 Words

| ID: 1084046 | 75 Words
Level: 142

POSTS: 3362/6414
POST EXP: 526201
LVL EXP: 34139191
CP: 40926.3
VIZ: 780148

POSTS: 3362/6414
POST EXP: 526201
LVL EXP: 34139191
CP: 40926.3
VIZ: 780148

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Linkums : I just wanted you to know, by the way your walkthrough looks, it maybe plagiarized from another place, I'm still trying to research this on where in fact this is from, but by looking at the "?", that brings me to expectations that it could be plagiarized. Are you the original owner of the walkthrough? Edited: I'm going to ignore your words (because it being Tour de Vizzed time), and investigate this more. Are you the original owner of the walkthrough? Edited: I'm going to ignore your words (because it being Tour de Vizzed time), and investigate this more. |
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The Shadow King |
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(edited by IgorBird122 on 10-01-14 10:03 AM)
10-01-14 10:03 AM
Linkums is Offline
| ID: 1084050 | 37 Words

| ID: 1084050 | 37 Words
Level: 44

POSTS: 4/440
POST EXP: 38335
LVL EXP: 568238
CP: 6751.7
VIZ: 308268

POSTS: 4/440
POST EXP: 38335
LVL EXP: 568238
CP: 6751.7
VIZ: 308268

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IgorBird122 :
Yeah, David commissioned me to write this guide. I only just realized that the forum apparently doesn't support Japanese text because it all changed to ? after posting it even though it appeared fine when previewing. Yeah, David commissioned me to write this guide. I only just realized that the forum apparently doesn't support Japanese text because it all changed to ? after posting it even though it appeared fine when previewing. |
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10-01-14 10:06 AM
IgorBird122 is Offline
| ID: 1084051 | 50 Words

| ID: 1084051 | 50 Words
Level: 142

POSTS: 3363/6414
POST EXP: 526201
LVL EXP: 34139191
CP: 40926.3
VIZ: 780148

POSTS: 3363/6414
POST EXP: 526201
LVL EXP: 34139191
CP: 40926.3
VIZ: 780148

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Linkums : Ok, if David did in fact tell you to type in the review and with Japanese text that can cause it to turn into "?" as well, let me chat with him about this. Based on multiple plagiarized checking sites, this is 100% legit, I have to say. Based on multiple plagiarized checking sites, this is 100% legit, I have to say. |
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The Shadow King |
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(edited by IgorBird122 on 10-01-14 10:08 AM)
10-01-14 10:15 AM
Linkums is Offline
| ID: 1084055 | 76 Words

| ID: 1084055 | 76 Words
Level: 44

POSTS: 5/440
POST EXP: 38335
LVL EXP: 568238
CP: 6751.7
VIZ: 308268

POSTS: 5/440
POST EXP: 38335
LVL EXP: 568238
CP: 6751.7
VIZ: 308268

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IgorBird122 :
Haha, I'm kind of flattered that you'd think it was plagiarized. I don't blame you, since it's pretty in depth and sprang up out of nowhere from a noob user. Also, I don't know the best way to add images or if I even can as a newbie, and David might even add these in later himself, but here are some screenshots I photoshopped with explanations to better illustrate some of the menus: Haha, I'm kind of flattered that you'd think it was plagiarized. I don't blame you, since it's pretty in depth and sprang up out of nowhere from a noob user. Also, I don't know the best way to add images or if I even can as a newbie, and David might even add these in later himself, but here are some screenshots I photoshopped with explanations to better illustrate some of the menus: |
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(edited by Linkums on 10-01-14 10:15 AM)
10-01-14 10:29 AM
Davideo7 is Online
| ID: 1084060 | 44 Words

| ID: 1084060 | 44 Words
Level: 353

POSTS: 33370/45429
POST EXP: 3489577
LVL EXP: 831310183
CP: 194640.6
VIZ: 125891283

POSTS: 33370/45429
POST EXP: 3489577
LVL EXP: 831310183
CP: 194640.6
VIZ: 125891283

Likes: 1 Dislikes: 0
IgorBird122 : This is a perfectly fine Guide, it's only problem is that the Japanese characters aren't displaying which aren't his fault.
Linkums : I'll work in finding a way to get the characters to show. This will be great once we get this fixed ![]() Linkums : I'll work in finding a way to get the characters to show. This will be great once we get this fixed ![]() |
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Post Rating: 1 Liked By: Singelli,
10-01-14 10:39 AM
IgorBird122 is Offline
| ID: 1084063 | 43 Words

| ID: 1084063 | 43 Words
Level: 142

POSTS: 3365/6414
POST EXP: 526201
LVL EXP: 34139191
CP: 40926.3
VIZ: 780148

POSTS: 3365/6414
POST EXP: 526201
LVL EXP: 34139191
CP: 40926.3
VIZ: 780148

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Davideo7 : Yeah at first, I seen it was a long walkthrogh from a newbie and posted during TdV time and most of the time, it's copied, so I had to check and see if it was copied and this walkthrough is 100% legit. |
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The Shadow King |
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10-01-14 10:45 AM
Davideo7 is Online
| ID: 1084066 | 45 Words

| ID: 1084066 | 45 Words
Level: 353

POSTS: 33373/45429
POST EXP: 3489577
LVL EXP: 831310183
CP: 194640.6
VIZ: 125891283

POSTS: 33373/45429
POST EXP: 3489577
LVL EXP: 831310183
CP: 194640.6
VIZ: 125891283

Likes: 1 Dislikes: 0
IgorBird122 : He contacted me recently regarding a thread I made on a different forum years ago about wanting this game translated. Once he had it ready, I told him to wait until October 1st because I wanted to see all of his effort get rewarded. |
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Post Rating: 1 Liked By: Singelli,
10-01-14 11:45 AM
Singelli is Offline
| ID: 1084101 | 68 Words

| ID: 1084101 | 68 Words
Level: 162

POSTS: 7602/8698
POST EXP: 1189395
LVL EXP: 54828289
CP: 67390.4
VIZ: 3153310

POSTS: 7602/8698
POST EXP: 1189395
LVL EXP: 54828289
CP: 67390.4
VIZ: 3153310

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This is absolutely amazing and -definitely- deserving of praise! Good call on that, David! Linkums, I don't know if anyone has put THAT much effort into a walk through before! I can't imagine the time and work it took. Thank you so much! I know your dedication to this task will be invaluable to many players. I wish there was another way we could thank you! Just amazing! Linkums, I don't know if anyone has put THAT much effort into a walk through before! I can't imagine the time and work it took. Thank you so much! I know your dedication to this task will be invaluable to many players. I wish there was another way we could thank you! Just amazing! |
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Singelli |
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10-01-14 05:29 PM
Boxia is Offline
| ID: 1084365 | 39 Words

| ID: 1084365 | 39 Words
Level: 97

POSTS: 1865/2714
POST EXP: 150548
LVL EXP: 9015843
CP: 7685.3
VIZ: 3996

POSTS: 1865/2714
POST EXP: 150548
LVL EXP: 9015843
CP: 7685.3
VIZ: 3996

Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0
Now this is what i call an awesome walk through. I have seldom seen such detail and magnificence from any post, and you did it. Hats off to you, good sir! I hope to see your future walk through! |
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Wait, so IS mayonnaise an instrument? |
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10-02-14 02:31 AM
juuldude is Offline
| ID: 1084731 | 46 Words

| ID: 1084731 | 46 Words
Level: 118

POSTS: 3059/3976
POST EXP: 272721
LVL EXP: 17901792
CP: 13308.8
VIZ: 514475

POSTS: 3059/3976
POST EXP: 272721
LVL EXP: 17901792
CP: 13308.8
VIZ: 514475

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Linkums : Great job man! You came out from nowhere, made this great walkthrough and David really likes it as well! It's a good thing he told you to wait, now you really get rewarded for this ![]() ![]() |
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Dutch vizzedeer and Professor Layton fan ![]() |
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10-02-14 09:33 AM
thelastrequim is Offline
| ID: 1084800 | 67 Words
| ID: 1084800 | 67 Words
Level: 56

POSTS: 657/738
POST EXP: 35589
LVL EXP: 1327680
CP: 1896.2
VIZ: 4311

POSTS: 657/738
POST EXP: 35589
LVL EXP: 1327680
CP: 1896.2
VIZ: 4311

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While reading this, whilst being completely enthralled, mind you, I had the same thought as Iggy: PLAGIARIZER! But, this was very well written, with just enough length to provide help, and ending at just the right as to not be so wordy. I just wish I had the patience to write a walkthrough. Oh, and never heard of this game until now, will definitely check out soon! Oh, and never heard of this game until now, will definitely check out soon! |
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Feet, you say? |
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10-02-14 04:55 PM
Davideo7 is Online
| ID: 1085015 | 64 Words

| ID: 1085015 | 64 Words
Level: 353

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POST EXP: 3489577
LVL EXP: 831310183
CP: 194640.6
VIZ: 125891283

POSTS: 33443/45429
POST EXP: 3489577
LVL EXP: 831310183
CP: 194640.6
VIZ: 125891283

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Yeah I think it's a compliment that some staff members thought this was plagiarized lol.
Hopefully this guide will encourage a few users to learn to play this game because I love this game and would love to play it with 3 others online in netplay. Linkums : Out of curiosity, did you have 2 keyboards hooked up to your computer when typing that up? Hopefully this guide will encourage a few users to learn to play this game because I love this game and would love to play it with 3 others online in netplay. Linkums : Out of curiosity, did you have 2 keyboards hooked up to your computer when typing that up? |
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10-02-14 05:10 PM
Linkums is Offline
| ID: 1085027 | 136 Words

| ID: 1085027 | 136 Words
Level: 44

POSTS: 11/440
POST EXP: 38335
LVL EXP: 568238
CP: 6751.7
VIZ: 308268

POSTS: 11/440
POST EXP: 38335
LVL EXP: 568238
CP: 6751.7
VIZ: 308268

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Davideo7 : No, you can add other languages' keyboards in Windows Language Options. I just switch it to Japanese and toggle between English and Japanese with "alt + ~". You type out the words phonetically and it converts it to hiragana/katakana (the two phonetic writing systems) and kanji as you type. So ka -> か, kanji -> かんじ (which then suggests possible kanji I might want to convert it to), then you press space and it auto-converts it to the most likely kanji that you mean, in this case, 漢字, the Chinese characters used in Japanese (as opposed to 感じ, which is pronounced the same but means "feeling/sense/impression". The guide didn't require much kanji, so if I wanted it to stay as hiragana/katakana, I'd hit enter instead of space at the end of a word.
![]() ![]() |
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(edited by Linkums on 10-02-14 05:13 PM) Post Rating: 1 Liked By: thelastrequim,
10-04-14 01:11 PM
Snodeca is Offline
| ID: 1086353 | 269 Words

| ID: 1086353 | 269 Words
Level: 67

POSTS: 765/1154
POST EXP: 108143
LVL EXP: 2495292
CP: 6360.1
VIZ: 11391

POSTS: 765/1154
POST EXP: 108143
LVL EXP: 2495292
CP: 6360.1
VIZ: 11391

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Linkums :
omg That one thing I need I want to learn Japanese so badly ;-; And I knew how it works... Well, I mean the keyboard, sort of I got chinese (Taiwan) keyboard on the pc which I really need to remove, as it annoys me, and each time I do control+space, it switches... It is VERY annoying for minecraft, and I have no idea how it works... It's so weird ![]() (types with qwerty) When I then press Control Space again, it switches back to the Chinese qwerty keyboard, not the azerty keyboard, which is the one I use. Heres a picture on how it looks when its on chinese. ![]() Well Qwerty is easier with [ ], usually I need to use alt Gr to use it lol Is there any way to turn it off? It'd be really helpful if you could tell me how. =) Also, omg where is this ':' simbol on the Qwerty keyboqrd?! I couldn't find it anywhere! I just switched to azerty for this lol... I've gotta work on my japanese... Arigatou Gozaimasu for this thread! ![]() I remember thank you, which is good I feel like this is very off topic Davideo7 : IgorBird122 : The Japanese symbols show up for me, is it because it got fixed or is it because my pc supports the character? ![]() Hey Limkuns, it's a really good review. Haven't ever read a review like this before. :3 Edit: I feel like this post deserves to have the word post count ignored, me not getting Viz. It was very off topic after all... omg That one thing I need I want to learn Japanese so badly ;-; And I knew how it works... Well, I mean the keyboard, sort of I got chinese (Taiwan) keyboard on the pc which I really need to remove, as it annoys me, and each time I do control+space, it switches... It is VERY annoying for minecraft, and I have no idea how it works... It's so weird ![]() (types with qwerty) When I then press Control Space again, it switches back to the Chinese qwerty keyboard, not the azerty keyboard, which is the one I use. Heres a picture on how it looks when its on chinese. ![]() Well Qwerty is easier with [ ], usually I need to use alt Gr to use it lol Is there any way to turn it off? It'd be really helpful if you could tell me how. =) Also, omg where is this ':' simbol on the Qwerty keyboqrd?! I couldn't find it anywhere! I just switched to azerty for this lol... I've gotta work on my japanese... Arigatou Gozaimasu for this thread! ![]() I remember thank you, which is good I feel like this is very off topic Davideo7 : IgorBird122 : The Japanese symbols show up for me, is it because it got fixed or is it because my pc supports the character? ![]() Hey Limkuns, it's a really good review. Haven't ever read a review like this before. :3 Edit: I feel like this post deserves to have the word post count ignored, me not getting Viz. It was very off topic after all... |
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(edited by TheJmsGamer on 10-04-14 01:12 PM)
10-04-14 01:16 PM
IgorBird122 is Offline
| ID: 1086355 | 24 Words

| ID: 1086355 | 24 Words
Level: 142

POSTS: 3404/6414
POST EXP: 526201
LVL EXP: 34139191
CP: 40926.3
VIZ: 780148

POSTS: 3404/6414
POST EXP: 526201
LVL EXP: 34139191
CP: 40926.3
VIZ: 780148

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TheJmsGamer : It has got fixed up, so you won't be seeing those diamond ? marks (unless you double spaced or pasted a word) now. |
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10-04-14 04:42 PM
Linkums is Offline
| ID: 1086471 | 42 Words

| ID: 1086471 | 42 Words
Level: 44

POSTS: 17/440
POST EXP: 38335
LVL EXP: 568238
CP: 6751.7
VIZ: 308268

POSTS: 17/440
POST EXP: 38335
LVL EXP: 568238
CP: 6751.7
VIZ: 308268

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TheJmsGamer : You should be able to remove keyboards in the Control Panel -> Language Options. I think Windows 8 switched it up a little though so I can't say exactly where in the options it is.
Thanks for the compliments everyone. ![]() Thanks for the compliments everyone. ![]() |
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