For those who missed it, here are all of the user's that were renamed, and their new titles.
classgame | CrassFlame | Pyromancer of Unrefined Humor |
zanderlex | ZanderPlex | Master of Complex Riddles |
becerra95 | BecerraStride | Enigmatic Wanderer of '95 |
Barathemos | BaraRhymes | Poet of the Peculiar |
Furret | Fuzzle | Keeper of Confusing Creatures |
Davideo7 | Davineer7 | 7th Inventor of Divine Contraptions |
EX Palen | EX Galen | Mysterious Healer of Yore |
alexanyways | ApexBayways | Cartographer of Seafaring Routes |
Tafarijah | TafariBlah | Traveling Minstrel of Nonsense |
tornadocam | TorCameoJam | Juggling Jester of Windstorms |
supercool22 | SnooperDrool22 | 22nd Nosy Drooling Knight |
tgags123 | Tragz123 | Triple Troubadour of Teasing Tales |
cafeman55 | CacheCan55 | Collector of Hidden Treasures |
Allysa8th | Ambler8th | 8th Strolling Storyteller |
pokemon x | PromenonHex | Conjurer of Strolling Spirits |
deggle | Dreggle | Master of Muddy Merriment |
pennylessz | Pennylesser | Witty Beggar of Wordplay |
MrKokoPudgeFudge | MirthKokoSmudgeFudge | Jovial Chocolatier of Messy Delights |
Zlinqx | Zlinquix | Enigmatic Riddler of Zephyrs |
LuckyCharms | LuckChimes | Harbinger of Fortuitous Melodies |
zanderlex | ZanderPlex | Master of Complex Riddles |
Furret | Fuzzle | Keeper of Confusing Creatures |
SonicOlmstead | TonicAlmSteed | Soothing Horse Whisperer |
Davideo7 | Davineer7 | 7th Inventor of Divine Contraptions |
tgags123 | Tragz123 | Triple Troubadour of Teasing Tales |
EX Palen | EX Galen | Mysterious Healer of Yore |
Barathemos | BaraRhymes | Poet of the Peculiar |
classgame | CrassFlame | Pyromancer of Unrefined Humor |
pennylessz | Pennylesser | Witty Beggar of Wordplay |
LuckyCharms | LuckChimes | Harbinger of Fortuitous Melodies |
becerra95 | BecerraStride | Enigmatic Wanderer of '95 |
Minuano | Minstrelano | Breezy Balladeer |
gamerforlifeforever | RhymerLifeForever | Eternal Bard of Gaming Tales |
cid789 | KidHedge789 | Hedge-Trimmer of the 7-8-9 Kingdom |
thing1 | SlingOne | Catapult Operator Extraordinaire |
legacyme3 | RegalBee3 | 3rd Royal Keeper of Buzzing Bees |
Lexatom | LexaPlum | Scholar of Purple Fruits |
geeogree | GleeOGlee | Minstrel of Merry Melodies |
IgorBird122 | IgorTwirl122 | 122nd Acrobat of Feathered Friends |
Pacman+Mariofan | PackmareHarpoon | Jousting Fanatic of Classic Games |
Tafarijah | TafariBlah | Traveling Minstrel of Nonsense |
SacredShadow | SacredShallow | Guardian of Holy Puddles |
m0ssb3rg935 | MirthB3rg935 | 935th Joyous Mountain Wanderer |
cafeman55 | CacheCan55 | Collector of Hidden Treasures |
Boured | Joured | Joker of the Realm |
deggle | Dreggle | Master of Muddy Merriment |
sonicmcmuffin | TonicMcthumpin | Potion Crafter of Booming Beats |
tRIUNE | tRIGONE | Geometric Jester of the Triangles |
alexanyways | ApexBayways | Cartographer of Seafaring Routes |
Light Knight | BrightWight | Glowing Ghost of Chivalry |
Allysa8th | Ambler8th | 8th Strolling Storyteller |
Eniitan | EnigmaticPan | Mysterious Minstrel of the Pots |
TouchMaster97 | ClutchBlaster97 | 97th Expert of Explosive Grabs |
tornadocam | TorCameoJam | Juggling Jester of Windstorms |
Blacksmith84 | Quacksmith84 | 84th Artisan of Duck Armor |
supercool22 | SnooperDrool22 | 22nd Nosy Drooling Knight |
yoshirulez! | Goshimulez! | Mule Herder of Surprises |
pokemon x | PromenonHex | Conjurer of Strolling Spirits |
Slyshiyoshi | FlybyFoshy | Stealthy Aerial Acrobat |
Zlinqx | Zlinquix | Enigmatic Riddler of Zephyrs |
NovemberJoy | NovemberToy | Maker of Autumnal Gadgets |
supernerd117 | Supersquirt117 | 117th Expert of Geeky Water Tricks |
KillerLatias | SpillerRatias | Messy Rodent of Mischief |
vizzy900 | FizzyZoo900 | 900th Zookeeper of Bubbly Beasts |
Divine Aurora | DineAshoreA | Beachside Banqueter of the Heavens |
Kid Danger | LidBanger | Pot Helmet-wearing Warrior |
Fyredove | LyreRove | Wandering Minstrel of Flames |
Nincompoco | ThinComBoatCo | Slender Shipwright of Laughter |
Vanelan | FanofFlan | Dessert Devotee of the Kingdom |
nakina | Jokina | Jester of Joyful Jest |
lolid23 | SolidGlee23 | 23rd Pillar of Humorous Support |
no 8120 | FauxShow8120 | 8120th Imitator of Grand Entrances |
Rayman85 | SlayPan85 | 85th Frying Pan-wielding Duelist |
ZeroTails | NeroSails | Dark-hearted Sailor of the Seas |
drag00n365 | Brag00n365 | 365th Boastful Dragon Whisperer |
TheFadedWarrior | TheJadedExplorer | Weary Wanderer of Forgotten Lands |
skippercapt | FlipperGnat | Acrobatic Insect Admiral |
MrKokoPudgeFudge | MirthKokoSmudgeFudge | Jovial Chocolatier of Messy Delights |
luigi25 | WoozyGlee25 | 25th Dizzy Reveler of Festivities |
DavidMcC1989 | FableMcG1989 | 1989th Myth Weaving Minstrel |
Mohammedroxx3 | LlamaHeadlox3 | 3rd Woolly-haired Shepherd of Style |
greenluigi | SheenFruigi | Gleaming Fruit Merchant of Verdant Hue |
Noyb42 | Toyb42 | 42nd Plaything Tinkerer |
Eirinn | CheerWren | Joyful Songbird of the Realm |
Dauntez | HauntedMaze | Ghostly Architect of Confusion |
M4g1cW4rr10r | M4g1cH4irFlair | Enchanting Hairstylist of the Realm |
Yuna1000 | TunaMoon1000 | 1000th Fishy Lunar Scholar |
zanthehero | ZantheMeadow | Greenfield Guardian of Zest |
HeavyMetalGamer | BevyPetalRamer | Blossom Ramming Enthusiast |
brandon101101 | StrandGone101101 | 101,101st Beachcombing Adventurer |
bigger0gamer | Jigger0Tamer | Taming Specialist of Tiny Creatures |
DoctorDB | DoctorDabble | Master of Medieval Potion Experiments |
tyranit | Tyrantwit | Witty Ruler of Laughter |
Patrick Star | HatTrickMars | Celestial Juggler of Headwear |
PixelBrick | VexelStick | Wand-waving Wizard of Pixelation |
Foxyman1113 | BoxedVan1113 | 1113th Packed-up Vagabond |
guido222 | SlideShow222 | 222nd Master of Slippery Presentations |
delphinus | Dwellphinus | Dolphin Dwelling Deep Sea Diplomat |
Momo Aria | MomoHysteria | Minstrel of Manic Melodies |
janus | Banus | Comedic Jester of Baked Goods |
Kiyo | FleeYo | Artful Dodger of the Middle Ages |
LieselSolo | DieselFolio | Grease-stained Tome Collector |
funguy161 | SunWry161 | 161st Solar-powered Jokester |
trixz2007 | BricksG2007 | 2007th Gingerbread House Architect |
ruanito | Fluanito | Flute-playing Minstrel of Merriment |
SailorMoon251 | TailorSwoon251 | 251st Lovestruck Garment Maker |
dkmec20 | DeckMe20 | 20th Card-playing Court Jester |
RjGunner111 | RjStunner111 | 111th Stunning Archer of Revelry |
mastergame | PlasterFame | Renowned Sculptor of Silly Statues |
Harley3651 | BarleyDance3651 | 3651st Beer-infused Dance Enthusiast |
Norriegirl93 | QuarryTwirl93 | 93rd Stone Quarry Dancing Expert |
Blazer 31 | Grazer31 | 31st Grassland Grazing Champion |
Clovertheclever | DoverTheReveler | Cliffside Party Planner Extraordinaire |
Congo! | Longo! | Long-Legged Jester of Levity |
thetruemasterofgames | TheRuseMasterOfNames | Cunning Moniker Connoisseur |
DJ Styles | PJ Piles | Pajama-clad Hoarder of Comfort |
Uzar | BooFar | Ghostly Rambler of the Realm |
Sword Legion | GourdBeacon | Pumpkin-slinging Lighthouse Keeper |
Zeldisaster | Yeldeblaster | Master of Sunshine Explosions |
nuggula1 | Mugglerun1 | Beverage Sprinter of the Ages |
baileyface544 | SailyRace544 | 544th Wind-powered Regatta Racer |
Spacey Sul | LaceyMule | Ornate Donkey Dresser of the Kingdom |
Theo Vellum | FleeGrowElm | Tree-climbing Escape Artist |
Pringur0 | Swinglero | Acrobatic Swinger of Merriment |
Ema Skye | LimaPie | Bean-filled Pastry Chef of the Sky |
Snodeca | Bloatteca | Inflatable Jester of the Court |
plasticinsanity | ElasticFanFelicity | Stretchy Enthusiast of Joy |
Randy53215 | DandyLandslide215 | 215th Stylish Geology Enthusiast |
Digifiend | Jigglyfriend | Bouncy Companion of Laughter |
MordecooLol23 | BoredBooHull23 | 23rd Ghostly Yawn Inducer |
JonXMasterZZMan | FawnExJesterZZVan | Deer-riding Harlequin of Transportation |
FaithFighter | WaifLighter | Scrawny Torchbearer of Conviction |
dericobanjo | AerobicMango | Fruit-fueled Fitness Fanatic |
armadylsmage | CharmedHillsSage | Wise Hilltop Enchanter |
Pikachi | Chikapee | Adorable Chicken-loving Rascal |
Sweaty Baby | TreatyNavy | Naval Negotiator of Peace Treaties |
NintendoFanDrew | WindBlendoClue | Breezy Blender of Riddles |
Sk1tzFr3n1k | SticksTrendy | Fashion-forward Twig Collector |
endings | SendKings | Royal Messenger of the Realm |
Hidden Phantom | RiddenAnthem | Mysterious Horseback Balladeer |
Selden | GeldedZen | Tranquil Eunuch of Enlightenment |
Maguc | WagTuck | Canine Wardrobe Organizer |
wormelytyrese | StormyFlyRelease | Weather-controller of Winged Creatures |
sonikku | BonVickRue | Good-natured Street Vendor |
LadyWizard | WavyBlizzard | Creator of Undulating Snowstorms |
Abdullahboys | DabbleNutToys | Squirrel-loving Tinkerer of Trinkets |
YourMajestyKen | BoarTragedyZen | Serene Pig Drama Enthusiast |
septembern | Leptemperkin | Hopping Timekeeper of the Kingdom |
pacman1755 | JackFernSway | 1755th Plant Whisperer of the Court |
Jordanv78 | BoreSandGlee | 78th Merrymaker of Boring Beaches |
vizwiz123 | FizzGizzPleasantry | 123rd Soda-sipping Party Connoisseur |
noelia | Gnomelia | Garden Gnome Whisperer of the Realm |
Singelli | RingJelly | Bell-ringing Gelatin Enthusiast |
rcarter2 | KeyStarterWho | 2nd Mysterious Key-master of the Land |
Someone70 | PlumBonePillow | 70th Fruit-loving Bone Cushion Designer |
DarkHyren | LarkPyren | Melodious Firebird of the Shadows |
Juliet | JuggleWet | Moist Juggling Expert |
thenumberone | TheLumberGnome | Foremost Woodland Sprite Logger |
EideticMemory | TidbitMerrily | Expert in Joyful Trivia of Yore |
Eddy88 | ReadyPudding | 88th Quick Pudding Chef of the Kingdom |
BigBob85 | FigGobFolly | 85th Fruit-loving Goblet Jester |
Nksor | PlinkPore | Skin Care Expert of the Royal Court |
BNuge | BeeHuge | Enormous Beekeeper of the Realm |
merf | Perf | Royal Perfumer of Fragrant Delights |
patar4097 | GatorSportCheer | 4097th Athletic Alligator Enthusiast |
tj4bigred | BeeShoreHead | 4th Seashore Beekeeping Expert |
hackerman | QuackerYarn | Duck-loving Weaver of Tales |
MichaelVash7886 | MischiefFlashEgg86 | 7886th Troublemaking Lightning Hen |
billythekidmonster | SillyFriedLobster | Comical Seafood Chef of the Court |
megamanmaniac | BeggarFanMosaic | Enthusiastic Pauper Tile Artist |
earthwarrior | HearthCarrier | Fireplace Transporter of the Kingdom |
Bintsy | MintSea | Oceanic Mint Connoisseur |
IceWave04 | MiceGraveMore | 4th Mouse Funeral Planner |
Ziggy | BigWiggy | Expert in Oversized Hairpieces |
UserMike | ChewsFright | Spooky Snack Aficionado |
crazycatpup | DazeRatGup | Befuddled Rodent Wrangler |
iBOCK | iFlock | Medieval Sheep Herder of the Internet |
mike345 | SpikeFlee | 345th Master of Evasive Hedgehogs |
Snowchu | FlowMew | Expert in Stream-riding Felines |
MegaRevolution1 | BeggarResolutin' | 1st Advocate for the Determined Paupers |
WarpStarFerret | HarpSparBarret | Minstrel of Sparrows & Stylish Hats |
juuldude | FoolRude | Court Jester of Unapologetic Antics |
Rasenganfan2 | BrassiganPan2 | 2nd Brass Pan Enthusiast |
bigNATE | WigGait | Expert in Large Hairpieces & Walking |
SuperCrash64 | BlooperSashSquire | 64th Clumsy Royal Attendant |
Dragon master | FlagronJester | Master of Dragon-themed Comedy |
austipokedude | FaustiChokedRude | Surly Magician of Constricted Breathing |
darthyoda | BarterGouda | Expert Cheese Trader |
play4fun | ClayForNun | Sculptor for the Convent |
NotJon | PotPrawn | Master Chef of Crustaceans |
starwars293 | CharSparTzar293 | 293rd Emperor of Bird Battles |
big fat cat | GigBratMat | Enormous Expert in Childcare & Doormats |
Batcake | RatFlake | Rodent-loving Snowflake Creator |
Cyro Xero | GyroHero | Savory Sandwich Savior |
Surgiac | FurgeZac | Master of Fluffy Surgical Procedures |
AuraBlaze | FloraPhase | Plant-loving Shapeshifter |
Elara | GelMara | Master of Jiggly Medieval Confections |
Awesome-Kid | Flossum-Lid | Dental Hygiene Expert for the Youth |
Spicy | Pricey | Expensive Taste in Medieval Gourmet |
Zamiel | Gamiel | Medieval Board Game Enthusiast |
Stevie 764 | BevyClick | 764th Royal Party Planner |
hypermonkey | ViperDonkey | Venomous Burro Tamer |
silverthundr | ChillerBlunder | Master of Chilly Mistakes |
Markeith21 | BarFeastBoo | 21st Ghostly Tavern Chef |
Lazlo Falconi | DazzleGalaxy | Master of Shiny Celestial Events |
Annette | FanBet | Wagering Enthusiast for Sports Fans |
Boxia | Foxtea | Fox-loving Tea Brewer |
Seishiro Leonhart | FeastHeroSconeTart | Heroic Baker of Festive Pastries |
pi0x | TieBox | Master Knot Tier for Box-shaped Packages |
Didowe | FiddleBow | Medieval Violin Virtuoso |
cnw64 | JesterPew64 | 64th Church Jester |
Mynamescox44 | FineGameBox44 | 44th Curator of Exquisite Board Games |
Tails the Fox | RailsTheBox | Carton-loving Train Enthusiast |
mlb789 | GlibBard89 | 89th Smooth-talking Minstrel |
epic-san | LimerickFan | Connoisseur of Humorous Poems |
Totts | Pots | Master of Medieval Cookware |
jmc1097 | LimerickStew97 | 97th Humorous Soup Chef |
Destifen | JestMuffin | Comedic Baker of Muffins |
sop281 | HopTome81 | 81st Rabbit-loving Book Collector |
iN008 | iGloob | Medieval Internet Gossip Enthusiast |
mourinhosgum | TouringPlum | Traveling Fruit Merchant |
catfight09 | RatKiteZeroNine | 9th Rodent Airborne Battle Expert |
SunflowerGaming | FunPlowerNaming | Jovial Gardener's Naming Expert |
John | Fawn | Deer Enthusiast |
XxChaosxX | XxMeadowxX | Peaceful Fields Enthusiast |
Brigand | FrigBland | Master of Chilly, Tasteless Cooking |
Laian | Drayin | Medieval Drainage Expert |
B619ook | G619rook | 619th Chess-playing Rook |
warmaker | CharmTaker | Collector of Enchanting Trinkets |
MechaMento | BeccaBento | Medieval Japanese Lunchbox Artist |
goodboy | NoodRoy | Royal Pasta Chef |
joebab | FoeTab | Bill-splitting Adversary |
Marcmoney | LarkHoney | Sweet-talking Bird Enthusiast |
M!cH@3l 001 | QuillSpellWand001 | 1st Magical Writing Instrument Conjurer |
DittoDude | GrittyRude | Master of Coarse Manners |
neojazex | LeoMazeHex | Medieval Puzzle Magician |
DARKANINE | LarkaWine | Avian Wine Connoisseur |
Oldschool777 | BoldFoolTripleSeven | 777th Confident Medieval Jester |
icrazy | PiHazy | Mathematician with Foggy Vision |
GenesisJunkie | VeniceMonkey | Enthusiast of Venetian Primate Antics |
RDay13 | SleighPlay13 | 13th Medieval Sled Ride Coordinator |
Crazy Li | HazyPie | Cloudy Baker of Pies |
BTowns | BeClowns | Medieval Clown Entertainer |
tabbikatt13 | RabbleHat13 | 13th Medieval Hat Gossip Connoisseur |
MattyIce | FattyDice | Plump Dice Collector |
ghostfishy | RoastDishy | Expert of Haunted Culinary Delights |
Videogamegod | StrideNameBod | Medieval Name Race Champion |
ender44 | BlenderFleet44 | 44th Medieval Smoothie Fleet Captain |
Zircron Swift | MirthPawnDrift | Humorous Chess Piece Floating Expert |
Mr. Zed | Sir. Bread | Knightly Baker of the Realm |
Oldschool41 | GoldDrool42 | 41st Wealthy Saliva Collector |
Neyro | SleighRow | Medieval Sled Racing Expert |
Kyle! | Style! | Exclamation of Medieval Fashion |
mr.keys | JesterBees | Clown Who Trains Bees for Entertainment |
zelda2 | KettleCrew | Tea Party Enthusiast |
Vizzed Ghostblood | FizzedToastFlood | Master of Overflowing Sparkling Beverages |
Beastmode64 | FeastBode64 | 64th Royal Banquet Coordinator |
TheReaper7290 | TheKeeperSevenTwoNine | 7290th Medieval Zookeeper |
Hoochman | MoochClan | Leader of Scrounging Vagabonds |
Mistress | JesterBliss | Clown of Joyful Antics |
Frodlex | ProdPlex | Master of Goading the Masses |
orionfoxgibson | TorridBoxSquibSon | Inventor of Fiery Container Fireworks |
BreakDown | QuakeClown | Earthquake-Inducing Jester |
bombchu link | TombsCooSink | Expert in Cemetery Pigeon Plumbing |
DNG | SING | Medieval Melody Master |
Final Weapon | SpinalHeckon | Master of Backbones |
hnnn | Grinn | Medieval Chuckle Expert |
Popeye116 | SlopeFryOneOneSix | 116th Hillside Cook |
JusTReaL | GusTPeel | Royal Food Unwrapper |
Mother3fan5 | BrotherFreeClan5 | 5th Sibling Liberation Supporter |
TornadoMudkip | BorneoBudLip | Jungle Plant Enthusiast |
marcus047 | TarcusOvenFortySeven | 47th Medieval Oven Designer |
kirbmanboggle | StirbPanJoggle | Confusing Cooking Pan Collector |
Fishergirl7 | DisheryTwirlSeven | 7th Plate Spin Performer |
RequiemHaunt | BequestTaunt | Master of Witty Inheritance Comments |
Natas | GnatFlaps | Insect Wing Specialist |
soxfan849 | BoxClanEightFourNine | 849th Crate Enthusiast |
Zylo | Pilo | Expert Pillow Fluffer |
Cookieman | BookiePlan | Librarian with Gambling Strategies |
BennyMD4123 | FrenzyMeadFourOneTwo | 4123rd Mead Party Planner |
jlh | Ledge | Medieval Cliffside Expert |
Chewedmint | BrewedLint | Medieval Laundromat Connoisseur |
xfighter1138 | TaxLighterElevenThree | 1138th Accountant of Candle Lighting |
rustgarde | MustBard | Obligatory Medieval Minstrel |
gtwalq | PotSalmon | Master of Cooking Fish in Pots |
GameBoy1023 | FlameToyTenTwoThree | 1023rd Fire Plaything Creator |
Ktanaqui | MatBanter | Expert in Floor Mat Conversations |
metal572 | PetalFiveSevenTwo | 572nd Flower Aficionado |
Mobouis1 | RobeChoicesOne | 1st Medieval Fashion Consultant |
MoblinGardens | CobblinLardens | Expert in Stony Lard Landscaping |
Blubcreator | ClubDebater | Founder of Medieval Discussion Clubs |
Shane | Bane | Medieval Misfortune Maker |
steel_attacker | MealSlacker | Lazy Royal Chef |
pieman9 | TiePlanNine | 9th Expert in Knot Strategies |
Boddah | Odder | Master of Peculiar Medieval Affairs |
POKeMAD | PokeMaid | Knight's assistant |
SilverMaestro | SylverMystro | Musician at court |
spectergaj | SpectreSaraj | Royal advisor |
Varrio | Vesperio | Noble steed |
Crono | Chronico | Timekeeper |
eliminator96 | Eliminato56 | Jousting champion |
Snu | Snufkin | Court jester |
Ghostbear1111 | GhastlyBruin | Castle ghost |
EvilAlu | Evangeliu | Preacher |
thephantombrain | Theophanius | Philosopher |
Kevric | Keverick | Blacksmith |
Chindogu | Chivaldog | Noble hound |
fightorace | Fyterace | Tournament fighter |
sonicthehedgehog57 | SonickHedgwyk | Castle gardener |
Geldra | Galdor | Royal guard |
xxdougiexxfreshx | DougalFreischutz | Archer |
KG | KnightGalahad | Noble warrior |
gameface138 | Gamefaer138 | Enchanted gamer |
Matthew2321 | Matthaeus2317 | Scribe at the court |
kyuremu | Kylremu | Dragon slayer |
mdynasty926 | Midasdynast | Wealthy noble |
Eazy_187um_KiLLa | EadwyckUmkill | Mercenary warrior |
MarioLucarioFan64 | Mariolucarion | Royal falconer |
trouble982 | Trubledu982 | Castle bard |
SuperGameBoy1 | SuperGameBryt | Knight's squire |
bobq | Bobbiqu | Royal cook |
cooleo | Coolius | Chilled noble |
Sidewinder | SidoniusWyndyr | Castle spy |
seanne | Sebastyne | Lady-in-waiting |
flambeau | Flambert | Castle armorer |
KlawedFlaw | ClawedLore | Dragon-slaying bard |
death_nation | DoomNobilitas | Grim noble |
UFC | UlfricCombatant | Arena warrior |
jaws123 | Jawsyv123 | Shark hunter |
mariowin13 | MariusVictorius | Mushroom kingdom hero |
aux1printer | AuxilPrinterius | Scribe assistant |
ProGamer135 | Progammarius | Esports champion |
Solehite | SolInvictus | Sun god's follower |
GuardianZack | GuardiusZacharius | Castle sentinel |
Dean2k13 | Deinarius2013 | Court treasurer |
pacman1755 (old) | Pacomannus1755 | Ghostly chaser |
Redrunelord | RufusRunicus | Rune master |
devonm13 | DevinusMagus | Young magician |
retro_general | RetronusGenerosus | Time traveler |
bvd1022 | Bevodius1022 | Mead brewer |
Mega Mewtwo X | MegaMewtusX | Psychic champion |
sonicbros | SonikusFratres | Hedge knight brothers |
taterii | Tateraeus | Potato farmer |
Flibbith | Flibbertus | Court fool |
Pokemonfan1000 | PokemusFanaticus | Pokedex collector |
Khfan_D98 | KhristianusFanaticus | Crusader enthusiast |
haitamchouiekh | HestorChouiechius | Jester at court |
StevenLanders | StephanusLanderius | Knight errant |
supersudowoodo | SuperSudoWoodus | Ent warrior |
Stephen | Stephanius | Castle page |
TristanTehGamer1 | TristramGamerus | |
winfred | Wynnifred | Castle seamstress |
SarothCyngus | SarothCyngeus | Dragon hunter |
servbot128 | ServitusBotius | Castle servant |
SUX2BU | SuxusBee | Court beekeeper |
1sam234 | Onisamus234 | Noble squire |
thudricdholee | ThudricDholius | Court musician |
SaphThePikachu | SaphPikachus | Lightning sorcerer |
tonetone714 | Tonatus714 | Castle musician |
Robert7 | Robartus7 | Castle steward |
emoteen134 | Emotenus134 | Castle artist |
totaldramaman2 | Totaldramamus2 | Jester at the court |
Chronabis | Chronabus | Time traveler |
Magma_Cube | MagmusCubus | Castle blacksmith |
speedy gonzalez | SpeedikGoncalus | Swift messenger |
Jake-A-Roonie | JakeusArunius | Knight's companion |
Azul Fria | AzuliusFrigus | Ice sorcerer |
shredknives | ShredicusKnivus | Castle cutler |
TheOmegaDragon | TheomegusDragonus | Fire-breathing warrior |
G@mehe@d | GamelianusHeadius | Video game enthusiast |
Changedatrequest | ChangiusRequestus | Castle scribe |
pray75 | Praytonus75 | Castle friar |
hilacle | HilariusAclius | Court jester |
epicpokenerd! | EpiciusPokenerdus | Pokemon trainer |
Clayton 2 | Claetonus2 | Castle archer |
NintendoTails | NintendusTailsius | Castle pet groomer |
seeron | Seeruson | Court astronomer |
Koda | Kodarius | Royal huntsman |
hoguan | Hoguanus | Noble farmer |
SWTerra | SwetusTerraeus | Castle gardener |
thelastrequim | Thelastrequimius | Castle bard |
TheeDragoniteMaster | TheodoricDrakonius | Dragon tamer |
Cradily is love | CradiliusLovius | Court botanist |
linkmaster99 | LinkusMagistus | Knight's mentor |
RedMageCole | RubicundusMagusColeus | Red mage at court |
Speedic | Speedricus | Knight's loyal steed |
omegasword4 | OmegusSwordius | Legendary weapon master |
Vincent Swiftstrike | VincenciusVelocifero | Castle messenger |
GamingMonkey | GamianusSimmianus | Castle entertainer |
rbaranishyn | RubeanusBaranishynus | Noble at court |
acool193 | Acolius193 | Royal healer |
zerothesaint | ZerophilusSanctus | Castle cleric |
Bobbynibbles | BobbiusNibblus | Castle cook |
The Planned Accident | TheophilusAccidens | Jester at the court |
XxEzraxX | ExxiusEzrarius | Castle musician |
Roy | Roynus | Noble knight's assistant |
Klutch | Klutarius | Castle locksmith |
ant123ant | Antonius123antius | Castle entomologist |
dragon111 | Dragonius | Dragon slayer |
CarBitGTSaxen | CarbitusGTSaxenius | Court charioteer |
mario102 | Marius102 | Castle plumber |
Gameplay01 | Gamepius01 | Castle gamer |
ParagonNova | ParagonusNovus | Castle champion |
DenzGamer135 | DenziusGamerus | Castle streamer |
Margoth | Margothus | Castle librarian |
zeross121 | Zerossus121 | Castle archer |
Quhark | Quharkus | Castle astronomer |
Brenman213 | BrenniusManus213 | Castle writer |
saldek | Saldicus | Castle blacksmith |
ROfull | RufusOmnibusfullus | Castle historian |
FrankThePunisherCastle | FranciscusPunitorCastellum | Castle executioner |
DavidLS | DavidusLexScriba | Castle scribe |
DeltaPlayz | DeltusLudicus | Castle jester |
Elpizo | Elpizus | Castle troubadour |
marianne26 | MariusAnnius | Young noble |
Ultrajeff | UltragisJeffus | Castle guard captain |
wiredwabbits | WyrdeWabbittus | Court wizard's assistant |
Poka Mocha | PokusMochus | Royal chocolatier |
JazzCoon | JazzyvCoonicus | Court musician |
asdren | Asdrenus | Castle bard |
Choko453 | Chokonus453 | Castle chocolatier |
dazzsheil | DazzusSchildius | Knight's shield bearer |
OrdannonsX | OrdannusRexX | King's herald |
Xado_Shikazo | XadusShikazus | Castle archer |
MysteriousPanzer | MysteriusPanzerus | Castle armorer |
happy_timothy | HappiusTimothius | Court jester |
SamB | SamsoniusBardus | Court poet |
alsonic | Alsonicus | Royal minstrel |
port753 | Portus753 | Harbor master |
imhere | Imherus | Castle messenger |
Dragonlord Stephi | DragonlordusStephius | Dragon tamer |
mvhupsel | MarviniusHupselus | Castle physician |
lordbelial669 | LordusBelialus669 | Dark knight at court |
dramabethie | DramaticusBethius | Castle actor |
Ryroe | Ryreus | Castle horse trainer |
Kryptic | Kryptus | Castle cryptographer |
DBDonald | DariusBaronDonaldus | Castle baron |
james44028 | Jamesius44028 | Castle archivist |
TheTrueUlti | TheodoricusUltimus | Legendary knight |
FFFighterDill | FideliusFyhterDillus | Castle wrestler |
TreasurePlanet23 | TreasureusPlanetus23 | Castle astronomer |
King Sull | SullusRex | Eccentric king |
justin | Justinianus | Castle lawyer |
sakura | Sakurius | Court gardener |
Luigi442wii | Luigius442wii | Castle plumber |
Titan127 | Titanius127 | Castle blacksmith |
Tybo10000 | Tybontus10000 | Castle merchant |
udfett | Udofettus | Royal falconer |
realplayer109 | RealusPlayernus109 | Castle gamer |
Mia03 | Mianus03 | Castle artist |
Crawldragon | Crawldragonus | Dragon hunter |
ff_freak | FfreniusFreakus | Court wizard |
superscyth09 | SuperiusScythius09 | Knight's horse |
Prittykitti420 | Prittykittus420 | Castle cat lover |
Kerubi | Kerubus | Castle guardian |
Jygin | Jyginus | Castle bard |
thenoobtester | ThenoobusTesterius | Court jester's apprentice |
Lowell | Lowellus | Castle librarian |
JZ | Jazius | Court musician |
diabeticzach | DiabeticusZacharius | Castle physician |
pokemonfangirl | PokemoniusFangirlus | Pokemon trainer |
Remlee | RemusLeeus | Castle courier |
Zephyr | Zephyrus | Castle messenger |
ClearAsCrystal | ClearusAsCrystalus | Crystal maker at court |
Fancdew | FanciusDewus | Castle florist |
Namrea | Namreus | Castle historian |
Fireproof | FireusProofus | Castle blacksmith |
RMJEtheReploid | RmjeusReploidus | Castle robot engineer |
Sorinkun | SorinusKunus | Castle ninja |
Thebiguglyalien | ThebigusUglyalienus | Castle monster |
xxeliza321xx | Xxelizus321xx | Castle weaver |
Verkudara | Verkudarus | Castle guard |
lilwildwolf21 | LilwulfrusWildus21 | Castle werewolf |
Pokegeek | PokiusGeekus | Castle pokemon trainer |
Goku490 | Gokus490 | Castle martial artist |
ronaldo7 | Ronaldus7 | Castle athlete |
Legs_Ftw | LegusFtwus | Castle runner |
cop7000 | Copus7000 | Castle law enforcement |
DJ2536 | Djus2536 | Court musician |
drago | Dragus | Castle dragon |
Likki | Likkius | Castle healer |
Omniterran | Omniterranus | Castle explorer |
KiddoCabbuses | KiddusCabbusus | Castle baker |
kramer4077 | Kramerus4077 | Castle craftsman |
Fallman7 | FallusManus7 | Castle artist |
mister sandman | MistrusSandmanus | Castle dream weaver |
MegaKidicarus | MegusKidiCarusus | Castle hero |
ignavusd | Ignaviusd | Castle coward |
Cjjjj | Cjjjjus | Castle jester |
sloanstar1000 | SloanusStarus1000 | Castle astronomer |
Elijah_Madigan | ElijausMadiganus | Castle squire |
relinquish022 | Relinquus022 | Castle noble |
Sephitard9001 | Sephitardus9001 | Castle knight |
RetroGameNinja | RetrusGameninjaus | Castle ninja |
Lena | Lenus | Castle messenger |
kingvictory | KingusVictoryus | Castle king |
smotpoker86 | SmotusPokerus86 | Castle gambler |
Stoney | Stonus | Castle mason |
CC23 | Ccus23 | Castle archer |
Cap'n | CapitusNauticus | Castle sailor |
Yngwie | Yngwieus | Castle musician |
SoL@R | Solarius | Castle sun worshipper |
Gingercream1 | Gingercreamus1 | Castle pastry chef |
Sman | Smanus | Castle blacksmith |
lone-wolf_0991 | Lonewulfus0991 | Castle loner |
HakumeixShay | HakumeixusShayus | Castle lovers |
Lagslayer | LagusSlayerus | Castle dragon slayer |
Morsalbus | Morsalbusus | Castle executioner |
Yunimori | Yunimorus | Castle gardener |
Postman3 | Postusmanus3 | Castle mail carrier |
MarioBros. | MariusBrosus | Castle plumbers |
ruesen | Ruesenus | Castle gardener |
Linkums | Linkumus | Castle adventurer |
Giegas | Giegus | Castle giant |
scootheman | Scoothemanus | Castle messenger |
Ness7281992 | Nessus7281992 | Castle psychic |
On3On | On3onus | Castle gamer |
noahd101 | NoahusD101 | Castle scholar |
penzycubone | PenzusCubonus | Castle pokemon trainer |
0ddie | Oddius | Castle fool |
rebelyell | RebelusEllus | Castle rebel |
iceape8 | Iceapus8 | Castle explorer |
NeppyLeet | NeppiusLeetus | Castle gamer |
Level UP | LevelusUpus | Castle gamer |
DrakPokeMaster | DrakusPokemasterus | Castle pokemon trainer |
Rodzilla | Rodzillus | Castle monster |
happiness7 | Happinus7 | Castle jester |
ExiledPariah | ExiledusPariahus | Castle outcast |
Brain-Splattered | BrainusSplatteredus | Castle zombie slayer |
Austin96 | Austinus96 | Castle knight |
kage27 | Kageus27 | Castle ninja |
supremesonicbrazil | SupremusSonicusBrazilus | Castle sonic fan |
sillysoul | SillusSoulus | Castle jester |
sdslayer100 | SdusSlayerus100 | Castle dragon slayer |
Skilledtree | Skillustreeus | Castle lumberjack |
treecko890 | Treeckus890 | Castle pokemon trainer |
MasterDash | MasterusDashus | Castle runner |
Aether121 | Aetherus121 | Castle magician |
bill14 | Billus14 | Castle farmer |
sophielove23 | SophieusLoveus23 | Castle lover |
Seimika | Seimikus | Castle adventurer |
Belial | Belialus | Castle demon |
SacraRain | SacrausRainus | Castle healer |
sonic23 | Sonicus23 | Castle hero |
NVTaks | NvusTaksus | Castle gamer |
AndyGer | AndiusGerus | Castle craftsman |
bostonblokhed1 | BostonusBlokhedus1 | Castle sports fan |
Delvarian | Delvarius | Castle explorer |
malkin77 | Malkinus77 | Castle witch |
BlackFalconXF17 | BlackusFalconusXF17 | Castle falconer |
NintendoFan0513 | NintendoFanus0513 | Castle gamer |
Glaceonwhisper | GlaceonusWhisperus | Castle pokemon trainer |
soldierboi159 | SoldierusBoius159 | Castle soldier |
FalcoDude | FalcousDudeus | Castle adventurer |
F. Starr | F.usStarrus | Castle musician |
Dark sword Z | DarkusSwordusZ | Castle warrior |
huygeb | Huygebus | Castle merchant |
Aeonarial | Aeonarius | Castle dragon rider |
iLikeCupcakes | IlikusCupcakeus | Castle baker |
tr33l3x | TrillusLexus | Castle tree climber |
kabenon007 | Kabenonus007 | Castle spy |
Cyprian | Cyprianus | Castle monk |
metroidhunter72 | MetroidusHunterus72 | Castle space adventurer |
mh246 | Mhus246 | Castle adventurer |
RideZeLitenin | RideusZeLiteninus | Castle knight |
Diddy3492 | Diddyus3492 | Castle monkey trainer |
TheNameWithNoNumbers | TheusNamusWithusNoNumus | Castle mysterious traveler |
Xenthou | Xenthus | Castle mage |
hunter0409 | Hunterus0409 | Castle hunter |
Canarith | Canarithus | Castle bird watcher |
iceycold724 | IceusColdus724 | Castle ice mage |
8bitgamer | 8bitusGamerus | Castle video game enthusiast |
NintendoPower24 | NintendoPowerus24 | Castle video game expert |
Spidey243 | Spiderus243 | Castle spider enthusiast |
SetoKaiba1025 | SetousKaibaus1025 | Castle card game master |
girachu852 | Girachus852 | Castle electric pokemon trainer |
DarthDub | DarthusDubus | Castle dark lord |
XHero111 | Xherous111 | Castle hero |
Sairek Ceareste | SairekusCearesteus | Castle adventurer |
LCRain | Lcrainus | Castle rain mage |
DwarvenKnuckleBuster | DwarvenusKnucklebusterus | Castle dwarf fighter |
LolWutPear | LolwutusPearus | Castle fruit enthusiast |
aznJohn | AznusJohnus | Castle samurai |
98Gamingstar | 98usGamingstarus | Castle gamer |
majesticvulpix | MajesticusVulpixus | Castle fox pokemon trainer |
Armydude | ArmyusDudeus | Castle soldier |
catbert225 | CatusBertus225 | Castle cat lover |
Darthdaishi | Darthdaishus | Castle Sith lord |
rocksome | Rocksumus | Castle miner |
AuroVee | Auroveus | Castle adventurer |
sdutop | Sdutopus | Castle messenger |
Xiledx | Xiledus | Castle rogue |
crashhat69 | CrashatusHatus69 | Castle jester |
beautiful nightmare | BeautifulusNightmarus | Castle dreamer |
jnisol | Jnisolus | Castle scribe |
drivethemfromourlands | Drivethemfromourlandus | Castle freedom fighter |
mrexclusivej2p | Mrexclusivej2pus | Castle VIP |
DisneyGamer | DisneyusGamerus | Castle child at heart |
brandonrock | BrandonusRockus | Castle bard |
erty80s | Ertius80s | Castle time traveler |
ExanimusNex | ExanimusNexus | Castle necromancer |
farmboy8 | Farmboyus8 | Castle farmer |
computernorman12 | Computernormanus12 | Castle technologist |
evilcon09 | Evilconus09 | Castle villain |
dvkbuddy10623 | Dvkbuddyus10623 | Castle friend |
Lieutenant Vicktz | LieutenantusVicktzus | Castle army officer |
natethefox | NateusThefoxus | Castle fox lover |
Merrik | Merrikus | Castle knight |
sharkshadow | SharkusShadowus | Castle shark enthusiast |
chaoscontrolx | ChaoscontrolusX | Castle hedgehog hero |
Lights | Lightsus | Castle light mage |
hl54322 | Hlus54322 | Castle adventurer |
aili | Ailius | Castle archer |
bloodyb | Bloodybus | Castle vampire |
sedo45 | Sedous45 | Castle dancer |
NameEntry | NameusEntryus | Castle naming enthusiast |
pika123 | Pikus123 | Castle electric pokemon trainer |
blackvelvety | Lacklemity | Not so dark and not so deadly |
mrkoolnerd | SirFoolHerb | Coolness in name only |
SonicFan22 | BionicFanFry | Faster than fast |
Lycan212 | Hytharban | A wolf in knight's armor |
dango989 | TangoMyth | A dancing legend |
BlastOffMoony | CastOffZooney | Out of this world |
madison | Gladison | Always cheerful and happy |
DarkAssassinTZ | StarkCassassin | Secretive and dangerous |
Jsmooth15 | Glidesmooth | Smooth operator in motion |
Oraeus | Boreus | Not quite the god of war |
Kirbymon | FirbyCon | A fuzzy pink knight |
D_Man | Leman | A manly knight |
pokepower101 | SoakPowerBun | A wet and wild fighter |
a-sassy-black-lady | A-Glassy-Black-Lady | A bit of a diva |
Shogun Gamer | BogunRamer | Not quite a shogun |
toonmaster | CoonDisaster | A funny furry fighter |
unknown0s | BemoansHoes | Beware of the wailing knight |
Argus Swift | JargusGift | Swifter than a speeding arrow |
Mega Man model T 101 | TegaFrenModelT | A futuristic knight |
AngryBirdsFan55 | PansyWordsDan | A lover, not a fighter |
Arctic Wolf (SS82) | BarrenPolf | A cold and barren land |
DerAxeEfekt | BerAxeReflect | Axe-wielding warrior |
xReaper19x | MaxSweeper19 | Sweeping the battlefield |
housechef1.5 | GrouseChef | Cooking up a storm |
oldschoolboyz | BoldFoolBoy | Not so wise and not so old |
zyle0c | NileBarrec | Defending the Nile |
Traduweise | Traluise | Tradesman with a lisp |
ReZa | Reza | Royal adviser |
iSPY! | iSpy | Court jester |
magimangr | Magimang | Magic potions seller |
supersonic1998 | Supersonick | Knight with a fast horse |
Android89 | Andromed | Court astrologer |
RedHotToddy | RedHotBoddy | Blacksmith who makes weapons that look like human bodies |
Zurenriri | Zurensiri | Minstrel with a stutter |
gcvashgun | Gcvashdun | Archer with a lisp |
thelegendofzeldafan | Thelegendofzeldavan | Traveling bard who sings about Zelda |
WvoulfeXX | Wvoulfe | Wolf hunter |
I WIn Also | I WIn Thous | Bragging knight |
fearlessjazp567 | Fearlesjaz | Knight with no fear |
Zn0Wa93Rz | Zn0Wa93r | Wizard who only uses spells that start with 'Z' |
camjim12 | Camjim | Court painter |
TheBWoods15 | TheBWoody | Lumberjack with a lisp |
DeltaEdge | DeltaHedge | Royal bodyguard |
kazeknoklonoa_45 | Kazeknoklonoa | Jester with a long name |
lilythetigerkity | Lilythetigerkit | Royal cat breeder |
Jumpman12 | Jumpman | Court acrobat |
Leluoch | Lelouch | Knight who speaks only in code |
Droog | Droog | Village drunk |
MCJungleKitty | MCJunglePitty | Knight with a soft spot for kittens |
minecraftmaniac | Minecraftmaniac | Village architect |
DestinyHeroDC | DestinyHeroAC | Royal card player |
Lucariodude | Lucarioguy | Knight with a Lucario sidekick |
D'Zed | D'Zid | Knight with a thick accent |
thecrzyguy | Thecrzyguy | Court jester with a 'crazy' act |
BtotheH | Btotheh | Blacksmith who only uses the letter B |
RealBrickz | RealBrick | Village mason |
dragonslayer444 | Dagonsayr 444 | The fierce dragon hunter |
jack3604 | Jack le 360 | The knight who spins while he fights |
rendezvous564 | Rendezvous 564 | The adventurer with a secret mission |
The Hidden Menace | Thee Hidden Menace | A mysterious danger lurking |
NathanMacneil | Nathaniel Macneil | The scholarly scribe |
katie.rae | Kateraye | The lady-in-waiting |
Vinny_953 | Vincenzo 953 | The jester with a thousand jokes |
Kackarot | Kackarot | The brave warrior on a quest |
SMBLOZ123 | Sembeloz 123 | The hero from the Mushroom Kingdom |
Aaronrulz1 | Aarron Rules One | The wise ruler of the land |
DeadlyFart | Deadlie Fart | The flatulent fighter |
Diana4281 | Dianne 4281 | The fair maiden of the court |
Stockton90 | Stockton the 90 | The noble knight of the realm |
Noobolicious | Noobolicious | The inexperienced adventurer |
jokool | Jokoul | The prankster of the castle |
Super Mega Man 568 | Super Mega Man 568 | The robotic knight of the future |
scorpion347 | Scorpioun 347 | The fierce fighter with a stinger |
pinkeyedtree | Pinkeyedtree | The colorful arboreal entity |
iouman17 | Ioumann 17 | The gambler with a heart of gold |
lacktheshack13 | Lacktheshack 13 | The shelterless wanderer |
shawnfawn | Shawnfawn | The gentle deer-like creature |
hyperknuckles | Hyperknuckles | The speedy fighter with fists of steel |
scarlot | Scarlet | The fiery-haired warrior |
Bookworm | Bookeworm | The scholar with a love of books |
StaticTorch | Staticorch | The illuminating warrior |
zmasta | Zmasta | The masterful strategist |
jparks34 | Jparks 34 | The ranger of the forest |
Oats | Oats | The humble farmer of the kingdom |
sonicfan&mariofan1991 | Sonikfan&Maryfan | The devoted fans of their heroes |
chasrad | Chasrad | The skilled blacksmith |
toycaraddict | joycartaddict | A joyful cart addict who loves medieval toys. |
generalspleen | feneralsteed | A fierce and loyal steed that follows the general into battle. |
Reptile | heptile | A six-legged reptile with extraordinary abilities. |
VizzedGuy111 | wizzedguy111 | A wizardly guy with a talent for spellcasting. |
BestGamer24 | jestgamer24 | A playful gamer who always has a good time. |
xxblackwarriorxx | blaxwarriorxx | A fierce warrior with a dark and mysterious aura. |
magicman55 | tragicman55 | A sorcerer with a penchant for unfortunate outcomes. |
jinkman | pinkman | A knight with a love for all things pink. |
CelticUprising | fleticrising | A fleet-footed fighter with a knack for surprising attacks. |
DrRM | burrum | A burly healer who can take a hit and keep on healing. |
Pokemon_101 | lokemon_101 | A mischievous creature who loves to play tricks. |
Sparky15756 | larky15756 | A carefree bird who brings joy wherever it goes. |
Tido | gido | A jovial jester who always knows how to make people laugh. |
jzrozzn8706 | izrozzn8706 | A mysterious warrior who fights with stealth and cunning. |
Dragoon26 | goon26 | A tough and brawny fighter with a heart of gold. |
SilverHyruler | filverhyruler | A kind-hearted ruler with a love for all things filigree. |
epicamazing | bpicamazing | A brave adventurer who always puts on a brave face. |
Mrmenz | vermendz | A vermin exterminator with a talent for finding the source of the infestation. |
LordLucario21 | corducario21 | A bold and chivalrous knight who fights for justice. |
WandererExiled | pondererexiled | A thoughtful wanderer who has been exiled from their home. |
Yoshi123 | poshi123 | A posh and refined Yoshi who enjoys the finer things in life. |
Deleted Account 199085 | feletedaccount199085 | A mysterious figure who has disappeared into the shadows. |
GateKeeper_A | fatekeeper_A | A wise and powerful gatekeeper who controls the fate of those who pass through the gate. |
Sephirothxxxxxxxxxxx | nefirothxxxxxxxxxxx | An evil and conniving villain who is always up to no good. |
KiyokoNee | miyokonee | A sweet and charming maiden who captures the hearts of all who meet her. |
yoshpit222 | goshpit222 | A boisterous and energetic creature who loves to dance and have fun. |
Glyphomancer | liphomancer | A skilled mage who specializes in the manipulation of language. |
rowenisopirus | bowenisopirus | A skilled archer who can shoot arrows with pinpoint accuracy. |
The Shadow Dragon | headowdragon | A dragon with a dark and mysterious aura. |
qwerty1234567890 | zwerty1234567890 | A keyboard warrior who always types with zeal. |
hopstar | Hopgar | Jumps with armor on |
xmiguel4x | Xavril | Plays the lute |
Slythion | Sylthorn | Expert in potion brewing |
thepvtcaboose | Tavycab | Driver of the royal carriage |
DH110985 | Darronson | Squire to a knight |
Mangepic | Mangepie | Baker of the finest pies |
Mr. Nerd | Mr. Herd | Leads the geeks |
soccerman611 | Soccatron | The fastest runner in the kingdom |
owlflame | Owlbrave | Fights with honor |
Bubbes | Bubblen | Maker of bubble potions |
MaijjikalMotart | MalyckarMotart | Sorcerer with a sweet tooth |
Deadman9001 | Dreadman | Fearless warrior |
GAMEGEEK101 | Gamegecko | Has eyes like a lizard |
Alucard962 | Alurand | Chivalrous vampire |
xandermartin98 | Xandermar | Swashbuckling adventurer |
the g man | The Galant | Defender of the realm |
fire emblem10604 | Firend | Knows all fire spells |
Victor-E | Victar | Jousting champion |
Benji16 | Benjak | Traveling merchant |
LeoTheLion21 | Leotar | Has a lion's heart |
Supermatt6534 | Supermatthias | Blacksmith extraordinaire |
TargetDummy | Targen | Lures enemies into traps |
xXBad-InfluenceXx | Xanderflux | Mischievous troublemaker |
JUNGLExMAN | Junglad | Tames wild beasts |
Bunny_Warrior | Bunnyn | Fights with carrots |
music428luv | Musican | Plays music in the castle |
Deadend136 | Darenend | Defeats enemies with one blow |
nicknacknov3 | Nicknack | Inventor of wacky gadgets |
GoogleMe16 | Googlen | Knows everything |
Jerkerz | Jerekar | Strongest in the land |
lolwayup | TrollyCup | A cup for the most devious pranks |
CobraGuy | ColbraKnight | A knight with a snake-themed armor |
pokemon9/11 | PokeAlarm | A town crier for Pokémon emergencies |
Mdragon1 | MagikDragon | A dragon that can cast spells |
Jcs1 | JesterCrest | A jester with a unique emblem |
Blue_Rose88 | AzureBloom | A flower of blue hue |
MysteryMan007 | MythicMyster | A mysterious figure of legend |
FullmetalFan870 | FerrumFollower | A follower of the iron path |
Eternalflame7 | EverBlaze | A flame that never goes out |
riderx40 | RodeoRider | A skilled horseman who competes in rodeos |
rka0917 | RogueKnight | A knight who doesn't follow the rules |
jose2307 | JovialJester | A happy-go-lucky entertainer |
ceaserkane | CrownedCaesar | A ruler with a regal headwear |
super shawn 64 | ShiningShawn | A bright and glorious hero |
tankman1017 | TitanTank | A massive and unstoppable tank |
nintendomangaguy | NintendoNerd | A fan of both games and comics |
nzip | NobleZip | A zipper that exudes class |
retrokid12 | RenaissanceRetro | A hipster from the past |
lmnade44 | LemonLass | A sweet but sour lass |
animelover1 | AnimeAdmirer | A fan of Japanese animation |
blasife | BoldBlaze | A flame with an attitude |
dragonslayer2010 | DragonDungeon | A dragon that guards a dungeon |
bob92 | BoldBaron | A nobleman with a brave spirit |
Dai_Jua | DaringDai | A fearless adventurer |
RapidFox | RacingRapid | A speedy and agile fox |
Hawaiianbabidoll | HulaHoney | A dancer who enjoys the beach life |
Klown | KookyJester | A jester who's a bit eccentric |
Domdof | DaringDom | A brave soul who never backs down |
slimeface1212 | SlimyVisage | A face covered in slime |
VideogamemanX | ValiantVideogamer | A gamer who's a true hero |
Mike | MightyMikus | A small but mighty warrior |
pokemaster87 | Pokepate87 | A wise master of the Poke-fighters |
1gnika | NikaTheFirst | The first warrior of their clan |
boomer1709 | Boomarangus | A skilled boomerang thrower |
Tama10 | Tamador | A brave fighter with a mighty sword |
235689 | TwoThreeFive | A mysterious warrior with a secret past |
Dahaka | DarkHakon | A fearsome dark knight |
Mister X | MysteriusXander | A knight with many secrets |
Weegee | WiseWeegus | A wise and clever adviser |
kidd mac | Kidderick | A young but brave knight |
ender17 | Endrick | A knight who has conquered the end |
Munkkikahvi | MonkKarl | A monk who loves his coffee |
plantkingman | PlantusRegal | A ruler with a green thumb |
DarthRambo | DarkoRambo | A ruthless warrior with a big gun |
cweie14 | Cweinold | An old and wise fighter |
AceShock | AceThundor | A knight with lightning-fast reflexes |
crush_overider | CrushiusRider | A knight who crushes their foes |
Keronian_wolf | KeroTheLupus | A wolf-like fighter from the Keronian tribe |
MitsuriZX | MitsuriZenon | A calm and collected warrior |
VizzedUser123456 | VizzedusMaximus | A master of Vizzed gaming |
RetroGamer9000 | RetroMaximus | A master of retro gaming |
mscoral | LadyCoraline | A lady of the court with a love for the sea |
Davien | Davenor | A knight from the land of Daven |
NyanMario | NyanMarinus | A cat-like fighter with a mustache |
rickyroo01 | RickardusRoo | A knight who jumps like a kangaroo |
PokefanKala | KaladinPoke | A knight who loves his Pokemon |
SheLikesCloth | Clothilde | A lady of the court with a love for fine cloth |
fusionaceblus | FusionisBluest | A master of fusion fighting |
EmosewaRepus | EmosusRepos | A knight with a melancholic soul |
Metal_25 | Metalus25 | A knight who fights with metal weapons |
Lumian | Glumian | Always glum |
LegolasJJH | Begolas | Begs for everything |
ShadowLink12 | MellowLink | Calm and relaxed |
Scorpyx | Morpyx | Always tired |
retropokemon | Metropokemon | Big city pokemon |
apsham | Bapsham | Makes good bread |
DragonSlayer22 | GargonSlayer | Kills gargoyle |
Baritron | Saritron | Sassy and sarcastic |
Andae | Bandae | Wears lots of bands |
Bitmap | Biscuit | Loves to bake |
treos | Creos | Creative builder |
slimzimkin | Grimzimkin | Always gloomy |
Voldo | Boldo | Bold and daring |
GlazedKitten | BlazedKitten | Always stoned |
Jashadow | Rashadow | Always rash |
LunaRoseAngel | TunaRoseAngel | Loves canned tuna |
lugiaboy | Rugiaboy | Always rugged |
meme the rose4 | Screamethepose | Screams while posing |
jakob12341 | Bakob | Makes good bread |
Belinni | Felinni | Acts like a cat |
fireking1058 | Mireking | Loves swamps |
yoshi1098 | Koshi1098 | Loves koshari |
DarkDen | BarkDen | Barks like a dog |
jizlilz21 | Rizlilz | Loves raisins |
SES Serotonin | FES Serotonin | Always feeling great |
95jake1 | Wake1 | Always awake |
uberkoopa | Huberkoopa | Always hosting |
SkyStormKuja | FyStormKuja | Loves fyre |
Ammo007 | Cammo007 | Always camouflaged |
rlmartias01 | Tlmartias | Always tardy |
Jayyedx | Fayyedx | A jester who enjoys playing pranks on the king |
Banenzo | Canenzo | The court's favorite musician, known for playing the lute |
kasper699 | Kasperix | A sorcerer who specializes in turning enemies into frogs |
adrian1984 | Adriel | A knight who's constantly searching for dragons to slay |
Smoc3 | Smoculus | A dragon who befriends the knights instead of fighting them |
wolf742 | Wulfric | A fearsome warrior who wears a wolfskin cloak into battle |
oakenlok | Oakenlord | A powerful ruler who controls the forests and woodlands |
iiGrinchii | Iirinch | A mischievous imp who loves to steal and play pranks |
mitchelw | Mitchelin | A chef who specializes in preparing elaborate feasts for the king |
bchawk88 | Bchawker | A skilled archer who can hit a target from miles away |
Lynchcats | Lynxclaw | A hunter who trains fierce lynx cats to accompany him on hunts |
AdorableCookie | Adorabiscuit | A baker who's famous for making delicious biscuits and cookies |
anesthehero | Anesthero | A healer who specializes in using herbal remedies to cure illnesses |
Brotha Sumo | Brothamoo | A farmer who raises cows and sells milk and cheese to the town |
AwesomeTrinket | Awesometrin | A blacksmith who creates the finest trinkets and jewelry |
genesis1999 | Genesith | A wise sage who knows the secrets of the universe |
yomismo | Yomistico | A mysterious traveler who carries a deck of tarot cards |
Gam3rG!rl92 | Gamirgal | A brave knight who loves to play video games on her downtime |
williamb970 | Williambus | A scribe who records all the important events and decisions of the kingdom |
Dante0 | Dantius | A demon hunter who's rumored to have sold his soul to defeat the devil |
zeldafan101293 | Zeldafar | An adventurer who searches for treasure and ancient artifacts |
Link12345 | Linkus | A hero who wields a magical sword and fights for justice |
tenshi3842 | Tenshirius | An angel who watches over the kingdom and protects it from harm |
Bluey5 | Bluerius | A bard who sings songs of love and adventure |
atiy12 | Atius | A skilled craftsman who creates beautiful pottery and sculptures |
Odd flames | Oddus | A pyromancer who can control fire and create beautiful flame displays |
NalaTheLion | Nalarius | A lion tamer who trains lions to perform tricks for the king |
Kaidona | Kaidonus | A knight who's on a quest to find the holy grail |
Guiseppe11 | Guiseppus | An Italian merchant who sells fine silk and spices |
Collapz3 | Collapzius | A magician who's always causing chaos with his spells |
survyguy79 | Sirvyguy79 | A knight who is always prepared |
MinkNyu | LinkNyu | A cunning adventurer |
TechnoDragon77 | TechnoDragon77 | A dragon with modern tastes |
The Mother of Mother 3 | The Other of Other 3 | A wise healer and protector |
tom760 | Thom760 | A skilled blacksmith |
rioario | Tioario | A nobleman with a flair for adventure |
Gary the Gamer | Gare the Gamer | A knight who's also a gamer |
shanezer | Thanezer | A formidable warrior |
TheJJ405 | TheJJ405 | A lord with a passion for gaming |
Shaedo K | Shaedo K | A mysterious figure with a dark past |
hardcoregamer2 | Hardecoregamer2 | A knight who's always ready for a challenge |
lococrazy123 | BocoCrazy123 | A wild and unpredictable adventurer |
sharingan12 | Daringan12 | A warrior with keen eyesight |
unclepie924 | Unclepie924 | A jovial baker who's always ready to share |
coda57 | Sodha57 | A bard with a powerful voice |
DaFlame12 | LaFlame12 | A fire mage with a flair for the dramatic |
CrimsonTHRAK | CrimsonTHRAK | A fierce warrior with a deadly aim |
Twin974 | Swin974 | A twin who's always up for a challenge |
Heartless09 | Martless09 | A knight who's not afraid to show their emotions |
Apocalypse | Apocalypse | A powerful mage who's seen the end of the world |
crystal_clear | Mistal_Clear | A skilled alchemist with a gift for clarity |
brock270 | Crok270 | A skilled hunter with a quick wit |
scrappy6916 | Trappy6916 | A daring rogue who always finds a way out |
new trainer | Knew trainer | A novice adventurer with a thirst for knowledge |
jerryaberry | Karryaberry | A sweet and loyal companion |
Blue | Flue | A bard with a cool and soothing voice |
Bustus | Rustus | A blacksmith with a rusted sense of humor |
Dupres | Supres | A knight who always strives for excellence |
FiresOfAxel | MiresOfAxel | A mage with a fondness for marshes |
KingDDDimento | KingDDDimento | A ruler with a penchant for dapper fashion |
MeatAndPotatoes | SweetAndTaters | A knight who loves his comfort food |
David25866 | DaringDavid | A brave adventurer seeking glory |
UFO | UnidentifiedFlyingObject | A mysterious object flying through the skies |
LocksmithArmy | KeyMasterCavalry | A group of knights skilled in the art of lockpicking |
Kaiser19 | KingKaiser | A royal leader of a powerful nation |
LonelyRME | SolitarySquire | A knight who prefers to adventure alone |
TotalSymphony | CompleteConcerto | A bard who plays a full range of musical instruments |
zhoutai | ZenZephyr | A calm and collected warrior |
Kwojiba | KnightlyKwojiba | A knight who always follows the chivalric code |
Propagator4 | PublicistPioneer | A bard who spreads news of heroic deeds |
Invictis | IndomitableIronclad | A warrior who cannot be defeated |
mehsk1ll | MediocreMercenary | A soldier with average skills |
LordGaldan | LoyalLiege | A faithful and obedient lord |
fishygrl888 | FreshwaterFemme | A lady who enjoys fishing in the local rivers |
Mattishere5555 | MightyMatt | A strong and powerful knight |
Starman_Deluxe | StellarSquire | A knight with a love for astronomy |
renthec | RogueRen | A sneaky and cunning adventurer |
Raymanrulz | RegalRayman | A noble and honorable knight |
QueenMewthree | QuaintQueen | A lady of the court with a love for cats |
Stupidguy525 | SimpletonSquire | A knight with not much between the ears |
IggyJack | IngeniousInquisitor | A clever adventurer who solves puzzles |
da56dragon | DaringDragonrider | A knight who rides dragons into battle |
66shadowZ | SixtySixShadows | A shadowy figure with many aliases |
edison131 | EnergeticEngineer | A knight with a passion for invention |
dennyjr22 | DashingDenny | A charming and handsome knight |
OmegaVenomous | OverpoweredOphidian | A powerful serpent-like creature |
apeman | AgileApe | A nimble and athletic adventurer |
knockout575 | K.O. Knight | A knight who always wins in combat |
xxSickSkillsx | XtremeXpert | A skilled and talented adventurer |
9-Volt | Fineolt | A young squire who's always on time |
Supergamer | Hyperlamer | A knight who boasts of his gaming skills |
danielalexander | Dannielander | A bard who sings of adventures and romance |
Andrewl3779 | Andrelle | A noble who enjoys hunting and jousting |
Foodperson | Flavorson | A cook who creates the most delicious feasts |
mjabcd1234 | Marjacold | A traveler who is resistant to cold |
deathblade200 | Doomblade | A swordsman feared by many |
gamer537 | Gamir | A knight who loves playing board games |
osazemccurley | Osamccur | A jester who likes to play tricks on nobles |
MrHappy1344 | Mistercrappy | A peasant who always seems to have bad luck |
The Star of Music | The Lyrical Mystic | A wandering musician with magical powers |
darkknight_uk | Dunknight | A knight who likes to play basketball |
Gold2 | Goldenhue | A merchant who sells gold and other precious metals |
xxxbluewolf | Bluedolf | A wolf who's loyal to the king |
PyGuy | Pypot | A potter who makes exquisite pottery |
StewartofGondor | Stewarthador | A lord of a great house in Gondor |
gamingdude | Gaminator | A wizard who creates magical games |
SkarmoryFeather | Steelather | A blacksmith who makes armor and weapons |
Mozkovic | Morswic | A necromancer who controls the dead |
PoorSmeagol83 | Pennysmeag | A hobbit who's always short on money |
Ridley12 | Riddlord | A dragon feared by many knights |
InsaneGamer | Inthegame | A knight who's obsessed with gaming |
Mimi the Quilava | Mimsalava | A fire mage who can transform into a Quilava |
carto | Cartostro | A mapmaker who creates accurate maps |
chain_gang_princess | Chainprince | A prince who wears chains as a symbol of his strength |
Plaid | Plaider | A tailor who creates beautiful plaid fabrics |
Cyshade | Cyclade | A sailor who navigates the dangerous waters |
julis92 | Julissar | A spy who serves the kingdom |
Chewy Dragonrider | Chewydrak | A dragon rider who loves to chew on food while flying |
RudraStrife | Rudrashire | A warrior with an unbreakable spirit |
2dnoodleman | Duedudeman | A pasta-loving knight |
Meatsim009 | Meatgrimm | A butcher with a dark side |
Clean | Cleanseen | A purifying spellcaster |
DatCrazyBox | DatCrazyFox | A wily and unpredictable animal |
BeingThree | BeingTree | A sentient forest entity |
Queen1591 | Quilline | A queen who's a master of calligraphy |
DX23 | Drexel | A noble lord with a fancy coat of arms |
Scohui | Scohooey | A jester with a penchant for practical jokes |
Mr_Z | Mr_Zee | A mysterious and enigmatic figure |
fablefire | Fablefyre | A storyteller with a fiery passion |
The_Paperjam300 | The_Papyrus300 | A scribe with a love for Egyptian history |
Stikk | Stickkler | A meticulous weaponsmith |
ElectroGirl | ElectroGryph | A magical creature with electric powers |
flicky | Flickyswift | A nimble thief with quick fingers |
cooldragon1990 | Cooldracon | A chill dragon who just wants to hang out |
SmobblePants | Smobblechant | A bard with a love for dancing |
TrollStoneProduction | TrollStoneProd | A stonemason with a mischievous side |
wasqe2435 | Wasqueth | A mysterious figure with an unknown past |
yoyogamr | Yoyogammer | A knight who battles with yo-yos |
1deano1 | Deanotheone | A heroic knight who stands alone |
blohis | Blohisius | A wise wizard with a quirky personality |
$$$$ | Cachinko | A wealthy merchant with a love for games |
cosminerul | Cosminearl | A miner with a heart of gold |
Puzzled | Puzzlard | A puzzlemaster who challenges all who cross their path |
Narcissistic | Narcissinick | A knight who's a little too in love with themselves |
Toothie | Toothieu | A tooth fairy with a whimsical flair |
lordluigiX | Lordluigixus | A nobleman with an Italian flair |
zillamech548 | Zillamechus | A knight who rides a mechanical beast |
PoptartSlayerXD | PoptartSlayus | A hero who battles against breakfast pastries |
gamernate | Gamernatus | A gamer who's just a little too competitive |
cade9 | Spade | The card sharp |
freakyforrest9 | NeatForest | The compulsive tidier |
ShinyInfernape100 | WhinyGrapes | Loves complaining |
TriforceofDoom | SnoreOfGloom | The master of boring |
GetGot18 | BetRot | The unlucky gambler |
angelbear1297 | JingleFur | Festive and furry |
MisakiMei | KissyLee | Hopeless romantic |
celsiusdarkdragon | SmellyMark | Bad hygiene habits |
AgnarLotbrok | MagmarRock | Powerful but smelly |
Maki4Ever | LumpyScone | Not quite perfect |
bsnowotter | BossTrotter | The ultimate equestrian |
Epictanooki | GothicSookie | Dark and moody |
Flervus | NervousPurr | Anxious and feline |
ultimatelifeform213 | SupremeCorn | The most powerful vegetable |
finalfantasyviifreak | PloddingLeak | Slow and steady |
varg | Barg | A master of deals |
Baconator | BeaconMaker | Creator of the light |
fzrbrn | BlazingFern | Always on fire |
Pro_Master | So-So_Pastor | Not quite a master |
hidden_identity | ForbiddenHonesty | A terrible liar |
lord | Snored | Sleeps a lot |
Shira13 | Hira | A diamond in the rough |
Kyana | Piano | Musical and delicate |
pollution_skunk | PerfumePolecat | The stinkiest perfume maker |
Middlemoor | FiddleFlood | Always playing music |
aws4life | Claws4Life | A cat in disguise |
qazx | Kazoo | Loves to make noise |
supersam4ever08 | SuperLoser | Not very successful |
nuggetthecat | BudgetPuppet | Can only afford secondhand clothing |
Rivaldi12345 | Rivaldo123 | A medieval footballer with fancy footwork |
red ninja | Redinja | A ninja in red armor and a sword |
jasonZed | Jazoned | A knight who's always lost in his thoughts |
star4z | Starforce | A wizard with power to control the stars |
weeniedog12 | Weenidog | A loyal hound with a taste for sausages |
simplytyson | Simpleton | A court jester with a limited repertoire |
Resanub | Resanub | A mysterious sorcerer with an unknown agenda |
goku123 | Gokudon | A dragon tamer with a big appetite |