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Registration: 10-13-12 12:09 AM (4362 days ago)
Last Activity: 09-04-19 09:09 PM

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Last Post: 11-01-12 07:25 PM
    in Here we go! (Game Reviews)
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Lethal_Hex_00's Last Game Reviews
Super Mario World
11-01-12 07:25 PM
Here we go!

Ladies and gentlemen! If you are searching for a classic SNES game to put a smile on your face then Super Mario World is definitely one to go for! It encompasses many of the attractive SNES qualities from the 1990s and provides a fabulous gaming experience for young and old gamers alike.

Let's get right to it. The ratings!

Graphics 9/10 :
Classic pixel-art sprites inside a diverse world full of different lands, characters, objects, you name it! All things from Mario himself to Koopa minions are well-done. Each stage is different than any other! Whether you're jumping to spinning platforms or riding a dolphin, the graphics are sure to be a pleasant sight to see. The animation sequencing is done very well for its simplicity. Throwing shells and shooting fire balls all look nice and really flow smoothly throughout the gameplay.

Sound 10/10:
Who could mistake the theme song for Mario Bros?! The classic melody plays itself on every stage with just a slight variation which accentuates the type of board you are playing. Fun Fact time! All the music for Super Mario World SNES was composed and played by one man on a keyboard! Pretty talented to say the least! The sound effects are magnificent as well. From hitting a Koopa with a shell or throwing on a cape, the effects are very fitting for each of their events.

Addictiveness 10/10:
Super Mario World offers hours of fun-filled entertainment. Did you just die? Probably won't be the last time! The addicting quality to the game can sometimes almost mount frustration! After dying a few times, the impatience which ensues only leads to more failure and before you know it.... BAM! addicted. Restarting a whole region doesn't even destroy the fun. In fact, it only seems to drive the player to try harder and think about a different way of approaching a situation in a level! Prepare yourself to not be able to step away.

Story 10/10:
Although the story is quite limited, ... Read the rest of this Review
Wing Commander
11-01-12 03:01 PM
An Old Classic

Wing Commander is one of the most interesting games of the SNES gaming era of the 1990s. It encompasses the representative pixelated graphics known in most of the games along with the "beep-boop" soundtrack of super Nintendo music. Although rough around the edges compared to modern day multi-million dollar projects, it is a wonderful game and I highly suggest it!

To keep this review organized, let me just run through the different categories for the ranking system and elaborate on each aspect individually.

Graphics 8/10 :
The graphics for Wing Commander are not the best graphics for SNES players, but they are easily comparable in style and animation sequencing. I am a fan of games like this, so I find the graphics to engender a nostalgic atmosphere whenever I dive into another mission. The colors work well together, although some objects may seem slightly odd. Whenever talking to another pilot, the zoom-screen contains much detail in the facial features of each person and is highly recognizable of most SNES games. For this reason, I feel Wing Commander does a great job with the graphical displays, but compared to some other SNES games, it may not hold the top spot.

Sound 10/10 :
If there is one aspect of Wing Commander I could rant about for days it would be the sound effects and music. The cut sequences (although maybe not quite a Final Fantasy level of cut sequence) are truly wonderful. My favorite part has to be the pre-mission sprint. The music accentuates the haste and eager anticipation of the upcoming mission and really adds to the game's experience. While in the midst of a mission, the spacey song definitely fits the scenery (usually emptiness, a couple stars and planets, and maybe a nebula). The sound effects for the ship guns are, in my opinion, not hard on the ears. Sometimes a repetitive gunning effect can be really irritating, but once your ship's sirens kick on from being hit one-too-many times th... Read the rest of this Review

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