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  Views: 3,397,691,363     09-25-24 11:22 AM  

Main Profile XxEzraxX's Profile Game Profile

Real Name:
    David Ollis
Age / Birthday:
    33 / 09-03-91

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CP: 3804.4 Trust Points: 11.0 Post Rating: 10
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Registration: 03-22-12 12:25 PM (4569 days ago)
Last Activity: 11-15-13 04:46 PM

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Last Post: 08-21-13 11:26 PM
    in L.A. Noire Review (Game Reviews)
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Pokemon TRE - Team Rocket Edition lol what is up with the sprites? My first battle with Jesse and I looked like Prof. Oak and she looked like a female camper XP

XxEzraxX's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
L.A. Noire
08-21-13 11:26 PM
L.A. Noire Review
Hello review readers and friends a like, I know it's been a long time since I've written a review but that is going to be changing as of today. Before I jump into it, I would like to send a huge apology to everyone who has read and followed my reviews I should have been on more to do these and not have gotten so far behind but I love you guys and hope you'll continue to read what I review. Okay so L.A. Noire is quite a fascinating game about what detective work was like in 1950's. And I want to go on record and say that Rockstar games did a wonderful job with how detailed and how far they took the idea.

Overall I rate this game at 9.4, I loved the game it's long but not ridiculously long as to spending your whole natural life trying to reach the end. However, there were a few things within the game that have caused me to put it down for a little while but nothing to game breaking or over the top annoying. I would say it would mostly be missions involving high speed chases. The graphics are great, a solid 9 if I do say so myself. The characters move pretty realistically and talking scenes matched up very well with the lip movement of the character speaking.

Which brings me to the sounds, I rated the sounds at a 10. I personally believe without a doubt that the city noises really brought this game to life, it made the whole experience feel way more realistic and enjoyable. Even the police sirens sounded great, even though they got annoying fast. And the music, although simple is really quite nice to listen to I liked the music quite a bit and even got one of the tracks stuck in my head a few times.

Addictiveness, this is probably one of my favorite parts aside from story to review but I digress. I rated this game an 8 for addictiveness, when I first bought the game I couldn't put it down I was absolutely hooked. As I mentioned before the only times I really put the game down was when it got a little to challenging for me, and I don't know ab... Read the rest of this Review
Resident Evil: Director's Cut
03-15-13 08:31 PM
Resident Evil: Director's Cut Review
Resident Evil has always been one of those games series where I sit and wonder, how in the world did it get as popular as it is? Don't get me wrong the games are good, and definitely deserve some praise. However, I could never find my way around the horrible acting scenes, the clunky moving controls and awful dialogue to really take the game seriously. Again this doesn't mean that I did not enjoy the games, I did they where a lot of fun once I could get use to how the characters moved. A big misconception about this game is that it was the first survival horror games to be created, it isn't although I'm not entirely sure what game in the genre came first but I do know that Alone in the Dark was before Resident Evil.

Anyway, back to the topic Resident Evil I rated this game an 8.7 where this game lacks it makes up for it with it's fun and challenging puzzles and storyline which I found very interesting, not the greatest story I have heard in a video game mind you but a good one nonetheless. And I would like to point out that for me there was just a few things that made this game lack, and there are a few things that I felt could have made this game a whole lot better than what it was. For starters, smarter zombie A.I.'s the zombies are easily avoidable in this game for the most part, sure maybe a few here and there you will need to kill to progress onward but the rest you can easily just dodge around and continue on. I actually feel like I am wasting ammo when killing a zombie in this game because of this. Another thing would definitely have to be better acting, if you have seen the cut scenes in this game you know what I am talking about....-cough cough- Berry -cough cough-

As for the graphics, they were pretty standard for the PlayStation's time they were not bad but not the greatest I have ever seen on the system so I rated them a 5. I felt that the graphics could have been upped quite a bit and made to look a lot better. However, everything stil... Read the rest of this Review
Batman: Arkham City
03-05-13 05:40 PM
Batman Arkham City Review
Batman has always kind of been an icon to me, ever since I was a child and even now. Although I tend to go off to the darker side of the Batman instead of the kid friendly version. However, Arkham City was definitely the side that I prefer to see. Arkham City was an excellent game, and is made even better with the Catwoman DLC. I'm sure many, if not all of you are aware that this is the sequel to Batman Arkham Asylum which is a game I did not get to play. However, if it is anything like this game then I do not think I will be disappointed.

I rated this game a 9.7, the game played smoothly no confusing controls or very overwhelming missions. I think that the only real thing that did bother me with the game was the A.R. Training courses. They can be quite frustrating if you can't nail them within a few tries, but the upgrades are completely worth it. When it comes to how this game looks, the only word that I can come up with is amazing. The graphics are phenomenal, I rated them a solid 10. Usually I encounter a bunch of graphical problems with games, but I cannot say that I have with this one. Like I said earlier it plays pretty smoothly.

The sound I rated 9, there wasn't really that much music in the game mostly it was the sounds of the city which I think kind of adds to the realism of the game. What music there was in the game was to add the effect of whatever was going on around you, mostly in clip screens and boss fights. And there is something kind of satisfying about hearing your foes making sounds of pain when you beat the crap out of them. I think it is one of the reasons why I keep playing, which brings me to the addictiveness of this game. I rated the addictiveness a 9 as well, I played this a little once or twice a long time ago, but once I really got into the story of the game and found out what was going on I was hooked. The game's story is what did me in. So would I play this again? My answer, oh my god yes!

Now once again it i... Read the rest of this Review
The Darkness
03-03-13 12:05 AM
The Darkness Review
The Darkness is a wonderfully dark and twisted game involving the mob, revenge and a pair of demons that embed themselves in your body? I had borrowed this game from a really good friend of mine, and I was not disappointed. It was a great title, I find myself loving all of the characters within the game that I happen to come across, like Aunt Sarah.

I rated this game a solid 9, it is a great game. A first person shooter that I like almost as much as Bioshock, with a great story and awesome game play. Not once did I have any real problems with the controls, maybe a little with the camera but not enough to really take notice or quit the game out right. Then again a lot of games have the problem with the camera. As for the graphics, I thought they looked amazing I rated the graphics a 9. Everything was very clear the cars looked great and so did the darkness itself. The only thing graphically I noticed was if you were standing in front of a mirror and moved around you will notice how Jackie (the protagonist) hair flowing very oddly. Other than that the game looked great.

The sounds were interesting, the music wasn't exactly things that will get stuck in your head. However, the game has an awesome metal style song playing during combat, which I found kind of unique. Even the darkness talks every once and a while. I rated the sound an 8. As for the addictiveness, I rated this game a 9. Once I really started getting into the story of the game I couldn't put it down. I think a lot of people will find this game very entertaining and fun.

The story is always my favorite part of the game, well that and game play. But the story for this is absolutely breath taking. You play as Jackie Estacado, a hit man for hire for his Uncle Paulie who thinks that you and a group of people screwed him over on some money. That is when things start getting weird while running through a construction site trying to escape gunman, a voice in Jackie's head begins to spe... Read the rest of this Review
Pokemon Snap
01-31-13 01:58 PM
Pokemon Snap Review
I don't know about the rest of the world, but I love Pokémon Snap. It's a very simple camera game, and by very simple I mean not even a single drop of difficulty. Pokémon Snap is easily beatable within an hour or two. After a while it kind of becomes a game of beating your highest score. However, you have a splendid time doing so.

Overall I rated this game an 8.3, although I love the game I can't really call it much of a serious one. You just take pictures, never once do you battle anything, it is definitely much more different than your average Pokémon game. You don't even move your character ever. The game was based around a character Ash had met in the anime Snap, who is a Pokémon photographer. Graphics were really good in this game, I rated them an 8. They look nice and pretty solid and cleaned up, at times however one Pokémon will pop up looking a tad blocky but it is easily forgivable.

The sound of this game honestly wasn't very exciting, and there wasn't anything that was really getting stuck in any ones head but they were not terrible. In fact they were pretty enjoyable. I didn't mind them, however the camera sounds great. They have implemented the perfect shutter sound. I rated the sound a 6. As for addictiveness I rated this game a 9, it is highly addicting and it is so odd that it is. You pretty much don't do anything, yet you have a ton of fun. In the end it is some how super fun to try to amp up your score as high as you can, and it is interesting to see what kind of pictures you can take.

Story is seriously lacking in this game, I had to rate a 4. And I think 4 is giving it some justice, the game has little to no story at all. Professor Oak needs someone to take pictures of Pokémon for him, because he is making a sort of book of Pokémon research and needs pictures of Pokémon in their natural habitat. That is where you come in, you are Snap and that is it. The depth is also seriously l... Read the rest of this Review

XxEzraxX's Last Game screenshots (416 total)

Metroid Fusion

Pokemon Ash Gray (beta 3.61)
Location: Mt. Moon

Pokemon Ash Gray (beta 3.61)
Location: Pewter City

Pokemon Ash Gray (beta 3.61)
Location: Cerulan City Gym

Pokemon Ash Gray (beta 3.61)
Location: Cerulan City

Pokemon Ash Gray (beta 3.61)
Menus: Pokemon Team

Pokemon Ash Gray (beta 3.61)
Location: Pokemon Center

Pokemon Ash Gray (beta 3.61)
Location: Prof. Oaks Lab

Mario & Luigi - Superstar Saga
Mini-Game: Border Jump

Pokemon TRE - Team Rocket Edition
Character Profile: Pokedex Entry

Pokemon TRE - Team Rocket Edition
Character Profile: Pokedex Entry

Pokemon TRE - Team Rocket Edition
Character Profile: Pokedex Entry

Pokemon TRE - Team Rocket Edition
Character Profile: Pokedex Entry

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal
Character Profile:

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal
Character Profile:

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal
Character Profile:

Pokemon Crystal
Character Profile:

Pokemon Crystal
Character Profile:

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal
Character Profile:

Pokemon Crystal
Character Profile:

Pokemon 151 (red hack)
Character Profile:

Pokemon 151 (red hack)
Location: Game Corner

Pokemon 151 (red hack)
Menus: Pokemon Team

XxEzraxX's Game History
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Game Boy Advance Games XxEzraxX owns (37)

Super Nintendo Games XxEzraxX owns (4)

Nintendo 64 Games XxEzraxX owns (5)

Nintendo NES Games XxEzraxX owns (10)

Game Boy Color Games XxEzraxX owns (18)

Sega Genesis Games XxEzraxX owns (2)

Game Boy Games XxEzraxX owns (9)

Atari 2600 Games XxEzraxX owns (2)

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