Missingno. Mast.. 03-24-15 - 11:06 PM I'm at Celadon City. Team so far is Dugtrio, Dodrio, Hitmonchan, Gyarados, and Charmander. Have yet to find any Pokémon in areas they wouldn't be in Red. What gives?
Missingno. Mast.. 03-24-15 - 09:06 PM OK, the Pokédex is telling me Area Unknown for Squirtle and Bellsprout, but isn't this game supposed to let you, y'know, catch 'em all?
Dude766 01-09-14 - 11:39 AM Mew as a starter and the starters are in the tall grass? Best Game Ever.
Konekodemon 08-05-13 - 09:29 PM Is this the one that lets you get all 151 Pokemon in the game?
kingvictory 01-18-13 - 04:22 PM can you catch mew in these without glitch
lunasm0525 09-25-12 - 07:56 PM Sorry about the double comments. Little siblings fault
lunasm0525 09-25-12 - 07:50 PM GOTTA CATCH EM' ALL!
dustindeline 09-18-12 - 10:48 AM what pokemon learns cut :/... I mean my wartortle, cleffable, drowzee, spearow, and diglett cant :/.
Firtox 06-30-12 - 02:16 AM you can't get the starters....
pieguy8 06-24-12 - 10:59 AM NOTHING DIFFERENT!
medafighter12 06-23-12 - 09:51 AM hi
pokemonruulz99 06-18-12 - 04:37 PM hello
Corbonik 06-08-12 - 05:44 PM hello?
fungi324 06-07-12 - 12:50 PM anyone online
hothick 05-28-12 - 11:42 PM can you trade
Cifer44 05-27-12 - 06:47 PM does Kadabra evolve regularly or trade in this one?
Kipling2.0 05-25-12 - 11:29 AM Question:? Is there 151 Pokemon on this game?
Kipling2.0 05-25-12 - 11:13 AM is there anything different in this game???
travis45 05-02-12 - 11:42 PM has anyone ever caught all 151 pokemon
minerBooB22 04-25-12 - 02:35 PM what SR are thare
tyson22222222 04-16-12 - 05:53 AM where do you get the other starters and whatever fighting pokemon you dont pick after beating the fighting dojo?
Lukeray88 04-06-12 - 06:53 PM anyone else on
xxblackwarriorxx 04-03-12 - 10:34 PM whos is the starters
pdiddyrocks101 01-15-12 - 10:54 AM hello
DREWMUNN 12-11-11 - 03:11 PM so has anyone actually caught all 151 pokemon in this game or even some of the other starters? so far i gavnt really found any out of the ordinary pokemon, and the pokedex doesnt say where to get the other starters, which leads me to believe theyrenot ther