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juuldude is Offline

  Dutch vizzedeer and Professor Layton fan
Vizzed Elite
Real Name: Julius
Location: Holland, The Netherlands, which you prefer
Age: 25 (10-30-98)  Gender: Male
Registered: 02-26-11 05:54 AM (4970 days ago)
Posts: 3,976  Threads: 98
Post Words: 272,721 (69 word avg)
Viz: 513,888    Contribution Points: 13,296
Post Rating: 766   Trust Points: 22   Chat: 64
Level: 117    Experience: 17676216
Next Level: +171679 Exp    Per Post: 6668 Exp
Email: Email withheld from guests. Log in to see it.
Last Activity: 10-02-20 03:02 PM
  Viewing Robopon 2 - Ring Version (GBA)
Last Post: 08-24-18 07:33 AM
  2k days


Hey, I'm a cool guy from the Netherlands (or Holland, which one you prefer) and I like: Soccer/Football, taekwondo, games, Inazuma Eleven(check my user picture and layout) Dutch cheese, food (in common, I eat a lot but I'm pretty thin)... and I think that's about it! If you ever get a problem you can always PM me, I check the site almost every day.

These are goals I try to achieve:
1: Becoming a trusted member. ACHIEVED on 23-05-14
I have one trust point now (more are always welcome ) but I hope it's more in the future. What do I see in the future then? I see a bright future on Vizzed!
Update on 23-05-14: I get three TP's! The future is getting close! Also, thanks unknown givers!
The same day: I get another TP! And that means... I'm a trusted member! Goal achieved

2) Earn at least one of each of the obtainable Jerseys.
I've commited once in the TdV but didn't get far because the real pro's were too good, but I'm going to try harder at the next TdV.

3)Gain at least 1000 posts. ACHIEVED ON 30-05-14
I'm posting at a decent rate so this one will be achieved in a few days
Update on 30-05-14: Yes, I did it! Here is the thread about it

4)Get 50 or more friends. ACHIEVED ON 30-05-14
I'm at 48 friends now, almost there! I hope many more will come in the future and if you want to be my friend you can always add me I'm almost there! Thanks all my friends on Vizzed!
Update on 30-05-14: Hooray, a few more friends make my reach my goal! Thank you all my friends

5)Gain at least 2000 posts. ACHIEVED ON 13-7-14
I've reached the 1000 posts, so what would be my next goal? Yup, you're right, 2000 posts.
Update on 7-13-14: Alright, my 2000th post is made in a thread about parmesan cheese!

6)Get 100 or more friends. ACHIEVED ON 8-19-14
2 times 50 = 100! This is my newest goal now.
Update on 8-19-14: Yeah, supercool becomes my 100th friend! Yay for friends :3 A big thanks to all my friends, young and old, male and female, active or inactive, without them the place wouldn't have been the same

7)Make at least 3000 posts. ACHIEVED ON 29-9-14
After making 1000 and 2000 posts my next goal is 3000, how original.
Update on 29-9-14: Yeah, I did it! My 3000th post is in a forum for trusted and higher so the normal members can't see it :

8)Make at least 5000 posts.
It's a large number but an awesome one and I really hope I can make them.

9)Get a post rating of 500. ACHIEVED ON I DON'T KNOW WHEN.
Since I have a large post rating, I would really like it if I would hit the 500. Of course, I'll have to make good posts then, so that's what I'm going to do!
Update: Well, I did it! Hurray!

These are my goals for now, now it's time for my achievements.

24-04-14: Earned more than 100 thousand viz!
24-04-14: Added three friends making my friend list have 10 friends now.
9/10/11-05-14: Some of my game descriptions have been added for the games: Madagascar (GBA), Penguins of Madagascar (GBA) and Winnie the Pooh: Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood (GBC)
12-05-14: I get my 20th friend!
13-05-14: I add myself as a friend?! :O
16-05-14: My 30th friend is added, thank you guys!
21-05-14: I take a look at the users activity list and I see that I've been more active (post-wise) than zanderlex and Davideo7! I'm totally addicted now to Vizzed
23-05-14: I get four TP which makes me a trusted member! Thanks unknown givers!
24-05-14: Someone gives me two more TP, thank you members on Vizzed
30-05-14: I make my 1000th post!
30-05-14: I get 3 more friends, so my total is now 51 which means I've reached another goal!
02-06-14: My name is on FIRE! Huzzah!
05-06-14: I have a post rating of 100!
27-06-14: I get a trust point! Thanks unknown giver
28-06-14: I get another trust point! Thanks unknown giver
01-07-14: I get another TP but this time it's from someone I know.
02-07-14: Haha I'm on fire!!! I also break my own posting record by making 87 posts.
03-07-14: I get the blue jersey!
13-07-14: I make my 2000th post!
Somewhere in July 2014: I have a post rating of 200! OMG! (I will update this if I find out the exact date)
08-08-14: I make my first official advanced layout! It sure was hard to do but it came out nice for the first one
08-17-14: I have a post rating of 300! I didn't know my posts were that great, thank you so much everybody
08-19-14: Yay for friends, I have 100 friends who added me back
09-16-14: I notice I have a post rating of 333, I don't know at which day I achieved this but I'm pretty proud of this weird number
10-23-14: I have a post rating of 400!! Scream!
2-27-15: I have been around for exactly 4 years and I also have a post rating over 500.
5-26-15: I have a post rating of 600!

Page Comments

Whetsit Tuya - 11-03-21 07:19 PM
How did you get page music? /}`@c@'{
Whetsit Tuya - 11-03-21 07:18 PM
greenluigi - 10-30-21 02:26 PM
happy birthday Juul, I hope all is well with you man
no 8120 - 10-30-20 05:26 AM
Happy birthday
no 8120 - 10-30-19 03:41 AM
Happy Birthday
Whetsit Tuya - 02-09-17 04:26 PM
Weird when i went on my profile my song wasn't playing, it's up now click on my profile, also thanks, do you use Steam Skype or deviantart? we should netplay contra doom troopres or metal slug
Whetsit Tuya - 02-08-17 01:21 AM
Hi juulian
Boured - 01-29-17 08:14 AM
Thank you
legacyme3 - 01-22-17 04:45 PM
That's the hope. Everyone needs to make their voices heard.
patar4097 - 01-21-17 10:55 PM

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