Slythion's Profile
Slythion is Offline
Location: Commonly called a "dumbo octopus"
Age: 25 (02-19-99) Gender: Male
Registered: 06-11-14 05:44 PM (3878 days ago)
Posts: 217 Threads: 18
Post Words: 22,686 (105 word avg)
Level: 32 Experience: 199083
Next Level: +7359 Exp Per Post: 1376 Exp
Last Activity: 07-18-22 02:56 PM
Viewing Final Fantasy (NES)
Viewing Final Fantasy (NES)
Last Post: 11-25-16 10:24 PM
Have You Ever Started Liking Someone You Shouldn't
Have You Ever Started Liking Someone You Shouldn't
Hey everybody! Thanks for taking time out of...uh...vizzing? Yeah, lets make that a thing. So thanks for taking time out of your vizzing to look at my profile! Some non-game related things about me are: I play Baseball (pitcher and 3rd base), Football (offensive and defensive end), am in the marching/concert band. Soooo ya! Other things are I am a fan of the Pokemon and Final Fantasy series. I also enjoy the older cards of Yu-Gi-Oh. My very first console games where probably my favorite (Jack and Daxter and Kingdom Hearts 1+2) for ps2. If you want to chat about anything, game related or not, just send me a pm!